2014-15 Expenditure Cash Drill Instructions: General
A.Before you begin posting data to your spreadsheet
Review the following and make the appropriate changes directly in ABCRS and then re-download your spreadsheet:
- Check your personal program permissions – your assigned PL2 in ABCRS – as the lists you download from ABCRS will be filtered by your PL2 assignments when the records are checked out. If your permissions need correcting, please contact your department’s Department Executive.
- Add missing projects: If you spent money on projects that are not currently in ABCRS (or projects that are in ABCRS but not for this bond act), you should correct that before proceeding. To add a Project and flag it for STO review, see ______instructions.
- Use your department’s reconciledTax Cert forms. Your Tax Cert forms will be an important tool for you to complete this exercise. The Statewide Bond Unit provided updated, reconciled Tax Cert forms for Props 12, 40, 50 and 84 for all sales to each department in July 2014. Each department has been responsible for maintaining their ownforms since then and should have a reconciled version for your use. Please be sure to use the one that has been reconcilied to the SCO cash balances as of 6/30/15.
- Use the attached
- Check and update the Total Project Amount for each project; this cannot be updated on the drill spreadsheet. Note: You are encouraged to make any needed corrections to your Total GO Contribution (from this Bond) at the same time you are updating the Total Project Amount, but ABCRS does allow you to fix Total GO Contribution on the drill spreadsheet (as long as it is within the Total Project Amount).
- Complete/update any other existing data (light blue cells) in the drill spreadsheet that you want to change. These include Project Title, Project Reference Number, Project Status, determinations from the STO, previously reported expenditures, etc.
- The term “Project” used in these instructions generally apply to projects and/or programs.
- If you wish to delete a record: Go in to ABCRS, find the project and on the Project Details page click the “trash can” icon. You cannot delete a project that has had expenditures; you may change the status to “Withdrawn” and adjust other pertinent data.
- For projects that are complete and do not need funds and had no expenditures in the FY 2014-15: Change the Project Status to “Completed and fully paid”. For these projects, all cash projection amounts should be zero.Please be sure the Total GO Contribution from this Bond Act matches actual expenditures and the Actual Completion Date (on the Details tile) is updated. These records can then be filtered out on your cash projection column. Likewise, if you have any records that were previously marked as Completed and Fully Paid, you will not be able to see them on the cash projection spreadsheet if you apply the filter.
C.While completing the drill spreadsheet:
- Pay attention to your Total GO Contribution (from this Bond) field as it is critical in this system. Fortunately, this field is now editable in the spreadsheet. Blank values in this column are probably errors. Likewise, any project with a negative amount in the “Check Sum” field before you start probably has an error in its Total Project Amount or Total GO Contribution fields.
- Estimate your July 2014 to June 2015 cash usage and post in the appropriate columns. This amount should include what you have already spent this year and what you still expect to liquidate before 6/30/15. The Expenditure Sum is your cumulative expenditures reported to us through 6/30/14 and does not include any 2014-15 expenditure amounts. While you may know the actual expenditure amounts for a portion of 2014-15 which you could provide us, verifying that data and inputting it now – as a sort of mini-expenditure drill – would overwhelm us. Simply update the FY 2014-15 column with the combination of your known expenditures and your projections for this period. We will solicit expenditure information for the entire 2014-15 year from you in the future. If you processed a correction this year, you may have a negative amount in this column.
- Update all the cash projections for each time period.As mentioned above, the survey needs to address your remaining lifetime cash projection for these bonds.You must complete all cash projection fields in 6-month intervals. It is acceptable to report a zero cash projection in a period (or periods) for projects that may not have costs materializing until a later time, but be sure to include them in the Estimated Future Cash Needs column if they are not otherwise accounted for. It is important that we report our cash projections as realistically as possible in order to demonstrate that we are not stockpiling cash in advance of when it’s actually needed. DOF is monitoring this on a routine basis.The Already Spent as of 6/30/14 column comes from your responses to STO expenditure drills, including the one just completed.
- Check Sum column needs to equal zero. You cannot have balances (either positive or negative) in the Check Sum column. If you do, you will be prevented from loading that record back into ABCRS. Please note: many departments are already showing negative Check Sum amounts for some projects (meaning the project amount is smaller than the already spent amount). If these errors involve the Total Project Amount, they will need to be corrected by going into ABCRS and making the correction there; see bullet in the “Before you begin posting data to your spreadsheet” section, above.
- Add data for items that are missing (white cells) -- such as Estimated Completion Date –where they are blank.If you have blanks in required fields, you will be prevented from uploading that record back into ABCRS.
- You may add “New” or “Future” projects/programs (as necessary). You may also add an “Existing” project record if you are requesting STO review right now. (“Existing” signifies that the project has already been reviewed by STO, but any projects requesting STO review now should be completed before a sale.) You may add a “New” project if you already have an appropriation for it. Any projects you are adding for which you don’t have an appropriation (and won’t by the fall) should be flagged as “Future.” Refer to the attached Cash Drill instructions, which will explain how to add a new project using this template/spreadsheet.
- You may see previously reported Cash Drill amounts by going into ABCRS, viewing your project, click on the Cash Proj. tile and clicking on the series you want to see. This may help you with completing the “current cash projection” columns.
- All templates should be loaded into ABCRS by the deadline. Late or incomplete information, may result in some departments being excluded from our overall need assessment. This would be a severe penalty as we will reallocate cash to departments based on their needs included in this drill.