Spring Semester, 2016
Instructor: Prof. Wonbong Choi
Email: , Phone: 940-369-7673
(TA:Urmilaben Rathod, )
Class Time: Mon, Wed 1:00-2:20 pm
Attendance is mandatory (Class room B192)
Class hours:2.5-3 hrs classes per week
Specific Course Information
- Briefdescriptionofthecontentofthecourse(catalogdescription)
Bonding and the electronic structure and properties of metallic, ceramic, semiconducting and polymeric materials
- Prerequisites orco-requisites: ENGR 3450 (or equivalent)
Textbook:Electronic Properties of Materials, R.E. Hummel, 4th Edition, Springer.
Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices , by S.O.Kasap, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 2002Reference: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction by William D. Callister, Jr., John Wiley & Sons, 8th Ed., 2009
Grading plan:
1 Final: 45%
Quizzes/Homework 20%
Attendance 5% of grade
- Both pop-up and scheduled quizzes are closed-book. Pop-up quizzes will not be announced.
- Midterm exam will cover Part1-Part2. Final exam will cover the entire chapters, Part1-Part4.
- Attendance of the class is required.
- Unethical conduct on quizzes or exams will automatically lead to failure of the course.
Make-up Policy:Make-up tests will not be allowed for any circumstance.
Specificgoalsfor thecourse
- Specificoutcomes ofinstruction
- Explicitlyindicatewhichofthestudentoutcomes listedinCriterion3or anyother outcomes areaddressedbythecourse.
Student/ABET Outcome / a / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i / j / k
Specific Course Learning Outcome / x / x / x / x
Students will learn about the fundamental of electron theory (solution to Schrödinger’s equation for electrons in the periodic potential of a crystal, band structure types, effective mass, density of states, population density, Fermi distribution function, Fermi level). / x / x
Students will learn the electrical properties of materials:Electrical Conduction in Metals and Alloys, Semiconductors, Semiconductor Devices / x / x
Students will learn the relationships between electronic structure and magnetic properties.
Students will learn the relationships between electronic structure and optical properties. / x / x
Brieflistoftopics tobecovered(few topics will be modified based on students’ performance and the changes will be announced during the class)
- Fundamentals of Electron Theory
Energy Bands in Crystals, Electrons in a Crystal, Fermi Energy and Fermi Surface, Fermi Distribution Function, Density of States , Population Density, Complete Density of States Function Within a Band, Consequences of the Band Model, Effective Mass
- Electrical Properties of Materials
Electrical Conduction in Metals and Alloys:Conductivity-Classical Electron Theory, Conductivity-Quantum Mechanical Considerations, Experimental Results and Their Interpretation, Pure Metals, Alloys, Ordering, Superconductivity, Thermoelectric Phenomena
Semiconductors:Band Structure, Intrinsic Semiconductors, Extrinsic Semiconductors
Donors and Acceptors, Temperature Dependence of the Number of Carriers
Conductivity, Fermi Energy, Effective Mass, Hall Effect, Rectifying Contacts (Schottky Barrier
Contacts), Ohmic Contacts (Metallization), p-n Rectifier (Diode) Cell (Photodiode),
Transistors: MOSFETs
Electrical Properties of Polymers, Ceramics, Dielectrics
- Magnetic Properties of Materials
Basic Concepts in Magnetism, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism Antiferromagnetism, Ferrimagnetism, Langevin Theory of Diamagnetism
Quantum Mechanical Considerations
- Optical Properties of Materials
The optical constants, Atomistic Theory of the Optical Properties, Optoelectronic Applications, Lasers, Wavelength of Emitted Light, Threshold Current Density Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs), Integrated Optoelectronics