20th July 2017
Equipment and Kits for September
Many of you over the break will be looking at restocking for September (it’s amazing how quickly our children grow!). A few parents have asked for reminders of what children will need and if there are any changes between KS1 to KS2.
PE kits are still white t-shirts and blue shorts with plimsolls for indoor PE. KS1 and KS2 children wear their outdoor shoes for outdoor PE. KS2 children like to have rucksacks when moving out of KS1. Book bags or rucksacks are fine for KS2 butthese need to fit on pegs with PE kit bags and coats.
Any equipment that is needed for lessons such as pens and pencils will be provided by school. However, we know that children also love to have their own pencil cases! If you wish your child to have a pencil case, please ensure that they are small enough to fit into trays. Any colour pencils, pens etc. should be labelled with names.
Parent Council
Thank you to Bridget, Emma and Julie for supporting me during my first year here at Markyate! For September, we would love to get some new parents to come on board and help. In my experience, a parent council is a valuable asset in helping the school to communicate efficiently with its community. Ideally, having a representative for each class means that messages can be passed on quickly and help teachers and parents keep on top of a very busy curriculum! If you would like to know more, please email admin.
What an amazing Summer fair! It was a great turn out and a lovely atmosphere. We managed to raise £1650 - I know the teachers are already creating their wish lists for next year! We would like to say a huge thank you to all our stall holders for supporting the school and to FOMs for organising our fund raising events.
Healthy schools
Well done to Miss Margesson and Mrs Vaites who have been working hard behind the scenes to achieve our Enhanced Health Schools Status and succeeded! The team have worked tirelessly to raise the profile of keeping healthy across the school. Next year, we will be working on further promoting the benefits of regular exercise and reviewing our ideas on what we should do for birthday treats!
School Community
I loved visiting the May fair and getting to know many of the members of Markyate village this year. There are so many events that make this village a great place to be. Having spoken to Rev Tom and leaders from Brownies, Beavers and Scouts, we felt it would be a great idea to get together to look at a village diary to help support our children and parents. In September, I will be looking to host a meeting for any leaders of clubs/events to get together and look at events for 2017/18. If you would like to be involved, please email with contact details.
Year 6
Well done Year 6 for a great enterprise sale – there were some clever ideas and great marketing! This year, they raised £160 which they have put towards special Year 6 treats! It has been a pleasure this year and we wish you all good luck in your new schools.
School Council
School council were tasked with creating class names for classes to help us with classrooms! They came up with some interesting ideas and asked classes to vote for their favourite. As a result the children have voted for Gems! Here are the names for next year:
Year 6 – Amethyst
Year 5 – Sapphire
Year 4 (Mrs Pole/Mrs Rhodes) – Diamond
Year 4 (Miss Waterhouse) – Emerald
Year 3 – Jade
Year 1 /2 (Mrs Poole) – Pearl
Year 1 /2 (Miss George) – Amber
Year 1 /2 (Miss Margesson) – Garnet
Reception (Mrs Vaites) – Opal
Reception (Mrs The) – Topaz
Nursery – Ruby
Office Reminders
School dinners from September will remain priced at £2.40. Please be reminded that school dinners must be paid for in advance via Schoolcomms (From September we will not be accepting cash in payment for school dinners).Signing up to Schoolcommsis a simple process - please visit and follow the instructions. If you encounter any problems please contact the office.
Children moving in to Year 3 in September will have to pay for meals unless confirmation of free school meal entitlement has been received.
Please visit for further information.
Water bottles and book bags are also available to purchase from the office.
As we end this term we say goodbye to Mrs Prior in the office and Mrs Holdsworth, one of our Reception teachers. We thank them for all their hard work and wish them well in the future.
End of term
Phew! What a year! It has been lovely to see so much cross-curricular work to inspire our children! I particularly loved Year 5’s Peter Pan work this term! I have been so proud of the effort our children have put into school. Children and staff have worked exceptionally hard this term. I hope you all have a well-deserved summer break! To our parents, thank you for all your help and support and I look forward to next year.
Mr Armoogum
Dates for the Calendar
Autumn Term 2017- 30th- 31stAugust 2017 - Occasional Day – School closed
- 1st September 2017 - Inset Day – School closed
- 4th September 2017 - Start of Term
- Week beginning Monday 11th September – meet the teacher week
Year 1/2 - 3.30pm – 4pm
Tuesday 12th Sept Year 3 - 3.30pm – 4pm
Wednesday 13th Sept Year 4 – 3.30pm – 4pm
Thursday 14th Sept Reception – 3.30pm – 4pm
Friday 15th Sept Year 5/6 – 3.30pm – 4pm
- Week beginning Monday 18th September – Year 6 school journey
- Friday 22nd September – Jeans for genes day
- Friday 29th September – Macmillan coffee morning
- Friday 6th October – Harry’s Quiz evening
- Week beginning 9th October – Year 6 Cycling proficiency
- Friday 13th October – FOMs School Disco
- 23rd – 27th October 2017 - HALF TERM
- Friday 3rd November – FOMs Fireworks evening
- Tuesday 7th / Thursday 9th November – Parent consultation evenings
- Friday 17th November – Children in Need
- Friday 24th November 2017 - Inset Day- School closed
- Thursday 30th November – Lantern festival
- Saturday 2nd December – FOMs xmas fair
- Tuesday 5th/Wednesday 6th December – Early Years Christmas play
- Wednesday 13th December – Christmas Lunch
- 19th December 2017 - Term ends at 1.15pm
Spring Term 2018
3rd January 2018 - Inset Day- School closed
4th January 2018 - Start of Term
12th – 16th Feb 2018 - HALF TERM
29th March 2018 - Term ends at 1.15pm
Summer Term 2018
16th April 2018 - Inset Day – School closed
17th April 2018 - Start of Term
7th May 2018 - May Day
28th May – 1st June 2018 - HALF TERM
20th July 2018 - Term ends at 1.15pm
23rd July 2018 - Inset Day – School closed
24th – 27th July 2018 - Occasional Days – School closed