Preliminary Programme: Infrastructure and Growth – Theory, Empirical Evidence and Policy Lessons
Speaker / Topic / TimeDay 1: 29 May 2006
Registration & Coffee: 8:00 – 9:45
Welcome and Opening Remarks: 8:45 – 9:00
The Aggregate Background: Infrastructure Development in South Africa, and its Productivity Impact
John Luiz
Wits Business School
University of the Witwatersrand / Economic Infrastructure Stocks and Investment in South Africa, 1870 – 2000 / 9:00 – 12:00
(Includes tea break)
Peter Perkins
School of Economic and Business Sciences
University of the Witwatersrand / Infrastructural Investment in Long-run Economic Growth: South Africa, 1875-2001
Lawrence Edwards
School of Economics
University of Cape Town / South Africa’s Export Performance: Determinants of Export Supply
David Canning
School of Public Health
Harvard University / The Effect of Infrastructure on Long-Run Economic Growth / 12:00-13:00
Lunch: 13:00 -14:00
The International Comparative Perspective
Zeljko Bogetic
World Bank / International Benchmarking Of South Africa's Infrastructure Performance / 14:00-17:00
(Includes tea break)
Vivien Foster
World Bank / Infrastructure, public enterprise performance and poverty reduction:
experiences and lessons from Latin America
Katharine Gratwick
Management Programme in Infrastructure Reform & Regulation
University of Cape Town / Investment conundrums and solutions: a survey of independent power projects in Africa
Day 2: 30 May 2006
Estimation Opportunities and Pitfalls
Johannes Fedderke
Economic Research Southern Africa
University of Cape Town / Isolating the Productivity Impact of Infrastructure Investment: South African Panel Evidence / 9:00 – 12:00
(Includes tea break)
Ibrahim Bu Kamara
School of Economics
University of Cape Town / Isolating the Productivity Impact of Infrastructure Investment: African Panel Evidence
Chandana Kularatne
South African National Treasury / Social and Economic Infrastructure Impacts on Economic Growth in South Africa: placing the ASGISA framework into context
Ioannis Kessides
World Bank / New cross-country analysis of the links between infrastructure and growth: accounting for the quality of infrastructure and the business climate / 12:00-13:00
Lunch: 13:00 -14:00
Ioannis Kessides
World Bank / The Electricity Sector in South Africa: Issues & Reform Options / 14:00-17:00
(Includes tea break)
Harald Winkler
Energy Research Centre
University of Cape Town / National Integrated Energy Planning
Grove Steyn / Investment and uncertainty: historical experience with power sector investments in South Africa and its implication for current challenges
Bruno Merven
Energy Research Centre
University of Cape Town / Electricity Expansion Planning
Day 3: 31 May 2006
Forecasting Infrastructure Needs and Policy Challenges
Zeljko Bogetic & Johannes Fedderke
World Bank &
Economic Research Southern Africa
University of Cape Town / Forecasting Investment Needs in South Africa’s Electricity And Telecom Sectors / 9:00 – 12:00
(Includes tea break)
Emmanuelle Giovannetti
School of Economics
University of Cape Town / Infrastructure regulation: European Perspectives
John Kruger
South African National Treasury / The 2010 Football World Cup: planning challenges and approaches
Reviewing the Policy Implications
Andrew Donaldson
Ioannis Kessides
Christopher Loewald / Discussion of the policy implications to emerge from the discussion. / 12:00-13:00
Lunch: 13:00 -14:00