November 12, 2003
Dear :
I am looking forward to welcoming you to the campus of the University of Kentucky. Enclosed please find your form DS2019. This form will enable you to apply at the American Consulate nearest you for a J-1 visa. With this visa, you will be allowed to enter the United Submit as an Exchange Visitor. Page two of the DS2019 contains the provisions that will govern your stay in the United States; please read them carefully before you sign at the bottom of page one.
Please note the program dates listed in box three of the DS2019.If your arrival in the U.S. will be delayed more than 30 days after the program starting date, you must contact our office so we can issue an updated form. You will not be allowed to enter the U.S. if you arrive more than 30 days after your program is to begin. Also, you will not be able to enter the country more than 30 days before your begin date.
It is expected that you will remain in J-1 status for the duration of your program at the University of Kentucky. However, should your department desire to seek a change of status on your behalf, University guidelines require that you remain in J-1 status for at least two years before the University may file for a change to another employment status.
Please note the enclosed sheet describing medical insurance rates and procedures. Participation in the Exchange Visitor Program requires J-1 visa holders and their dependents to be covered by health, repatriation and medical evacuation insurance while in the United States. As a Postdoctoral Scholar at this University, you will receive the standard employee health insurance benefit. When you arrive, your department office will assist you with your enrollment in the program. I will assist you in purchasing the required repatriation and evacuation coverage.
During your stay in the U.S., you may at some point wish to apply for a Kentucky driver’s license. This will be facilitated if you have an international driver’s license to submit with the application. (An international driver’s license may be used for the first year in the U.S., but with the purchase of a car, insurance companies require a Kentucky driver’s license.)
At your earliest convenience after arriving in Lexington, please come to my office, 211 Bradley Hall, so I can record your arrival and make a reservation for your J-1 Scholar Orientation. Failure to report can result in cancellation of your visa status. More information about this mandatory orientation is on the J Scholar page of UK’s International Affairs Office website:
Be sure to bring your passport and your DS2019 to the orientation. I look forward to your arrival, and take this opportunity to wish you a safe and pleasant journey to Lexington.
Teresa Keller, Alternate Responsible Officer