Synchronised Swimming Rules –SALevel 2 and Level 3 Championships2018
SALevel 2 and Level 3 Synchronised Swimming Championships2018
The 2018SSA Synchronized Swimming Level 2 and Level 3Championships will be held as follows:
WPA, ECA: 17 & 18 March 2018
SSA Level 3 19 to 22 April 2017, Newton Park Pool, Port Elizabeth
- All Affiliates with SSA registered members,are invited to compete at these events
- Both events are inter club competitions
- The competition requires at least 3 affiliated clubs to enter.
- Selection is at the discretion of the Affiliate member
- Ages
- Age is determined as at the 31st December of the year of competition.
- Age Groups are: 10&u (Level 2 only), 12&u, 13-15, Open.
- Qualification
- Medal winners (from 2017 level 2) may still compete in Level 2 up to a maximum of 2 years.
- Competitors may only compete at Level 2 for a maximum of 3 years.
- Competitors may not have competed at SA Intermediate Championships or SA Nationals or represented SSA in an international competition.
- Competitors may not have won an individual medal (solo or figures) at SA National Age groups
- Age Groups are 10&u, 12&u, 13-15, 15 & older
- For those athletes not eligible for Level 2 and who are not eligible (minimum figure score 5 or better & 15 years or older) for SA Nationals
- This competition will be held at one venue for all affiliates set by TSSC.
- Age Groups are 12&u, 13-15, Open. (NB – no 10&u)
- In Open category figures scores will be used to calculate solo and duet winners. No technical routines.
- Competitors who qualify at SSA Level 3 may attend SA Nationals(n/a in 2018).
- At affiliate discretion SA Level 3 swimmers aged 15 years or older can swim in team events (including free combination) at SA Nationals for 2018 only
- Entries must be made on spread-sheet or relevant forms. Please include names of officials.
- Email entries to:
Daphne Bird(), Moira Norden (), and the Tournament Director of each tournament.
2.9The closing date for entries with payment into SSA account is 2 March 2018
Acc. number:1003790807
Branch:160 Jan SmutsCode:508005
2.10Payment and proof of payment must be sent to SSA through the affiliate.
2.11A copy of proof of payment must be brought to the event by the relevant Team Manager.
2.12Entry fees for 2018 are R50 (Level 2) or R60 (level 3) per figures or solos, and R90 for teams (level 3 only), trios and duets.
- Only technical officials registered with SSA will be eligible to officiate.
- Each team must supply a minimum of two judges for the duration of the event.
- Technical Officials must be correctly attired, navy blue skirts/trousers, white shoes and white shirt.
- These competitions run according to the following rules laid out in the SA Technical Guidelines. FINA rules apply unless otherwise stated.
- Swimmers, coaches, managers and officials must be capitated to SSA through their affiliate.
- The Technical Committee sets figures for SA Level 2 for a 4-year period, which runs with FINA. SA Level 3 use the FINA Figure groups
- Duet partners are allowed from different age groups but they must then do 2 sets of figures. Points and medals are only allocated for figures in own age groups.
- Athletes from different clubs may compete together in duets and trios. Points will be allocated on a pro rata basis.
- If a trio comprise competitors from both Level 2 and 3(permitted as no figures scores are included), the trio will fall into the Level 3 competition. The Level 3 competition includes a 12&u and 13 & over team event per NAG rules. Again Level 2 swimmers may swim in the Level 3 team event. This is N/A in 2018 as levels 2 and 3 are at different venues.
This rule is replaced in 2018 to read: Level 3 competitors may swim in a Level 3 team event, - or in the SA Nationals team and combo events if aged 15 or older. This change is for 2018 only.
4.7All FINA penalties apply.
4.8Time limits
SA Level 2: Routine time limits are recommended as follows:
Solo- 2min, Duet- 2min 15secs
SA LEVEL 3: Routine time limits are per FINA with FINA penalties applicable
Trio time limits are 2min 30sec for both competitions.
4.9A minimum of 3 entries are required for any event to qualify for medals. Otherwise standard of performance will determine medal awards.
4.10Competition - Program details will be finalized after entries close.
5Points and Scoring
No figure score will be added to trios or teams
Clubs will score points as per swimming (14,11,9,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) with double points for teams.
Victrix Ludorum Most Outstanding Synchro Swimmer - Host Province to supply a miniature for winner at Level 2 and Level 3
The Braaf Floating Trophy Best Clubat SA Level 3
FINA Figure groups apply for all age groups. A draw will take place prior to the competition according to FINA rules
Jnr & OPEN
1 301iBarracuda spin up 3602.5
2 355Porpoise1.9
3 320Kipswirl Split closing 1802.3
1 423Ariana2.2
2 301Barracuda1.9
2 240Albatross2.2
4 315Seagull2.1
1106Straight Ballet leg1.6
2 301Barracuda1.9
3363Water drop1.5
4 311Kip1.6
1101Ballet leg1.6
2 323Front pike somersault1.4
4 303Back pike somersault1.5
Every Child a Swimmer1