
Welcome to Eros’ Arrows

(a.k.a. Dating a Greek God!)


1.  Read through the page on your god or goddess. Highlight or underline any important information about him/her.

2.  As a group, answer the following questions as if you were the Greek God or Goddess. Use what you know to make up creative answer to the follow questions. Try to give answers that will help your classmates learn more about the God.

3.  Select one representative from your group to take on the identity of your God or Goddess and participate in “Eros’ Arrows”, our very own Greek Gods dating show!

Dating Game Questions:

1.  It’s the first date and you promised to plan it. What would be your ideal first date?

2.  What are you looking for in a man/woman?

3.  What do people first notice about you? What would you say are your best qualities and why?

4.  You’ve just been told that you have a few months to live. What do you do?


Welcome to Eros’ Arrows

(a.k.a. Dating a Greek God!)


1.  Read through the page on your god or goddess. Highlight or underline any important information about him/her.

2.  As a group, answer the following questions as if you were the Greek God or Goddess. Use what you know to make up creative answer to the follow questions. Try to give answers that will help your classmates learn more about the God.

3.  Select one representative from your group to take on the identity of your God or Goddess and participate in “Eros’ Arrows”, our very own Greek Gods dating show!

Dating Game Questions:

1.  It’s the first date and you promised to plan it. What would be your ideal first date?

2.  What are you looking for in a man/woman?

3.  What do people first notice about you? What would you say are your best qualities and why?

4.  You’ve just been told that you have a few months to live. What do you do?