Pre-School Lesson Plan

Circle Book Craft

Name: Lesson Date:

Book to be read: Author:

Introduction to lesson: Attendance:

Materials needed: Stickers

Song to be sung or Poem to be learned:

(Readiness Skill)

Introduction to the book:

(Readiness Skill)

Questions to be asked throughout book or interesting points to be made:

(Readiness Skill)

Lead into craft:

(Readiness Skill)

Craft project:

(Readiness Skill)

Materials needed:

Room lay out (what will you already have at each table or at the small tables assembled for the student-teachers to retrieve).

Step by step instructions:

Readiness Skills Addressed:

The 11-Readiness Skills for Kindergarten

1.  Develop small muscle coordination.

2.  Develop the ability to remember what they have seen.

3.  Learn numbers and their meanings.

4.  Improve their understanding of language.

5.  Develop the ability to remember what they have heard.

6.  Develop large muscle coordination

7.  Learn colors.

8.  See likenesses and differences.

9.  See objects and shapes in different positions.

10. Classify.

11. Learn about size relationship