Places will be given based upon applications received by the end of May 2018. It is therefore in your interest to return your completed application to us as soon as possible as we cannot guarantee teaching placements. Late applications will be considered for any remaining places.
If you are invited to interview:
  • Your original educational qualification certificates (GCSEs or equivalent and degree) or transcripts must be provided.
  • You will be expected to deliver a Micro-Teach on your chosen teaching speciality. Further details will be given in the invite.

Please state subject you wish to teach:
Preferred Placement
Truro College ☐ Penwith College ☐ No preference ☐
Personal Details
Title: (Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms etc.):
Date of Birth:
National Insurance No:
Home Address:
Home Telephone:
Mobile: / Surname:
Preferred Name:
Previous Surname:
Work Telephone:
Qualifications Completed– Please complete on separate page if necessary
Full title of Award / Level / Grade/ Classification / Awarding Institution / Date
English GCSE (or equivalent) / Grade: / Maths GCSE (or equivalent) / Grade:
Qualifications not yet completed
Full title of Award / Predicted Grade / Awarding Institution / Date when your award will be fully completed
Employment History(please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Post / Employer/Work Address / Full-time or Part-time / Dates:
From and To
Work Experience Please give details of work experience, training and employment relevant to your application
Post / Employer/Work Address / Full-time or Part-time / Dates:
From and To
Please describe on a separate sheet any unusual features or omissions from your pattern of employment and education shown above.
Please supply contact details of two referees (ideally an academic/professional and/or employer reference). They must not be a family member/friend.
Or the referee can email the reference to me at this address: .
Supporting Statement
Please use this section to indicate why you want to teach your chosen subject area within the Further Education and Skills Sector, your expectations of a teaching career and the personal skills and abilities you can bring to teaching. You should aim to write approximately 500 words. Please attach additional sheets if required.
Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly Criminal Records Bureau disclosure)
Applicants to this course are required to have completed a full enhanced DBS disclosure
Do you have any outstanding criminal Yes ☐ No ☐
convictions, cautions, reprimands?
You are required to state whether or not you have any past or pending criminal convictions, cautions and reprimands, including any that may be considered spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. If you tick the ‘yes’ box, the tutor may ask if you wish to disclose anything at interview.
Ethnic Origin
White British ☐ White Irish☐ White – any other white background☐ Black Other–Black or Black British ☐
African – Black or Black British☐ Caribbean – Black or Black British ☐ Mixed White & Black African ☐
Mixed White & Black Caribbean ☐ Indian – Asian or Asian British ☐ Pakistani Asian or Asian British☐
Bangladeshi – Asian or Asian British ☐ Other Asian, Asian or Asian British☐ Mixed White & Asian ☐
Chinese ☐ Mixed – Any other mixed background ☐ Any Other☐ Information refused ☐
Please state nature of disability:
No known disability☐Personal care support☐
Dyslexia☐Mental health difficulties☐
Blind, partially sighted☐Unseen e.g. diabetes, epilepsy☐
Deaf/Hearing Impairment☐Multiple disabilities☐
Use wheelchair/have mobility difficulties☐Disability not listed above☐
Do you receive Student Disability Allowance (SDA)?
No Known Disability☐ I have a disability but do not receive SDA ☐
I have a disability and I am in receipt of SDA ☐I have a disability but have not applied for SDA☐
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information given in this form is correct and complete. I understand that these courses require an interview and that any offer of a place will be conditional on the grounds outlined in the enclosed guidance notes.
Signed Date
Please return the completed application form via email or post to:
Jina Prior
Education Curriculum Secretary
Truro & Penwith College
College Road

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