Please complete this form in its entirety. Do not leave any questions blank.
If the answer is zero (0), please mark zero (0).
Please attach additional pages as necessary.

Return the report to:

Nicole Shalla

Grants Manager

Iowa Economic Development Authority

200 East Grand Avenue

Des Moines, Iowa 50309

Name of person completing this report: ______________________________________

Today’s Date: __________________________________________________________

Award Recipient:


Project Name:


Grant Agreement Number: ________________________________________________

Grant Agreement Effective Date: ___________________________________________

Grant Agreement Expiration Date: __________________________________________

Total Project Cost (As shown in Exhibit C of your Grant Agreement) $______________

Award Amount: $________________________________________________________

Amount spent on this project: $_____________________________________________

Amount of award drawn down: $____________________________________________

Opening (completion) date: _______________________________________________

Jobs created as a result of this project

Total number of (non-construction) full-time jobs created: _________

Total number of (non-construction) part-time jobs created: _________

Is health insurance provided to full-time employees? Yes___ No___

Please explain job title, job descriptions, estimated wage rates, and other employee benefits for the non-construction jobs indicated above:

What other development has occurred in your community/area because of this project? Be specific in describing any new businesses, new hotels, streetscape improvements, building/area renovations, etc.

What other recreational, cultural, educational, and/or entertainment opportunities were stimulated or developed because of this project?

Increase in visitors as a result of this project

Annual visitors to your facility: __________

Before this project, the annual visitors to your facility: __________

Please describe any other increases in visitors to your area as a result of this project.

Taxes generated as a result of this project

Estimated annual property tax dollars generated: $____________

Estimated annual sales tax dollars generated: $____________

Estimated annual withholding tax dollars generated: $____________

Please describe any other benefits/improvements to your community/area as a result of this project.

Principles of “smart growth”

Please describe how your project has incorporated the following planning principles:

• Compliance with local comprehensive plans, zoning and land use.

• A description of the efficient and effective use of land resources and existing infrastructure or capacity to avoid costly duplication of services and costly use of land.

• A description showing provisions for a variety of transportation choices, including pedestrian traffic.

• A description of maintenance or enhancement of a unique sense of place by respecting local cultural historical and natural environmental features.

• For historic preservation projects, a statement as to whether the Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings established by the U.S. Department of the Interior are being followed.

• A description of the conservation of open space and farmland and preservation of critical environmental areas.

• A description of the promotion of the safety, livability, and revitalization of existing urban and rural communities.

• A description of how the project serves citizens of all income levels.

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Community Attraction and Tourism

River Enhancement Community Attraction and Tourism

Final Report