The Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body
Joanna Cole
· S2CS1a-The student raises questions about the world around them and be willing to seek answers to some of the questions by making careful observations and trying to figure things out.
Brilliant Star Objectives
· Physical: Students will be able to identify parts of the body, the use of the parts, and the importance of these parts.
· A KWL chart will be used as an activator before viewing the video (whole class activity).
· After completing the chart, the teacher will show the video (Online video source)--United Streaming Video-- “All Fit with Slim Goodbody: Body Design” (K-2).
· After viewing the video, the teacher and students will discuss information from the video. The KWL chart will be completed for the video.
· The teacher will begin the lesson, following the lesson, by doing a picture walk through the book Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body.
· After completing the picture walk the teacher will begin reading aloud to the students.
(The teacher may want to pay more attention to the words in paragraph form at the beginning of the read-aloud and return later for the “talk-bubbles” after completing the book.)
· After reading ask the following questions:
- Name some different types of cells.
- Why do cells need energy?
- Name the different types of taste buds.
- How do cells gain the energy they need?
- What makes a person sneeze?
· Have students explain how parts of the body relate to the five senses.
· Have students explain how parts of the body are used.
· Have students make connections to the text (text-to-self, text-to-text, or text-to-world).
· Observation: Have students draw and label the tongue (refer to taste bud area illustration in book). Students write two-three sentences relating the tongue to one of the five senses.
· Inference: Students write a few sentences discussing how certain body parts relate to the five senses. Students will identify the sense and the body part in the discussion.
· Students will explore websites on the human body.
(Kid Info)
(The Human Body)
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