Section 2.4.18(1) of the Legal Profession Act 2004 (Vic)
Statutory Declaration by Applicant
I, [name of practitioner] of [address], legal practitioner, do solemnly and sincerely declare that:
1. I am an Australian legal practitioner under the Legal Profession Act 2004 (Vic).
2. I am presently employed at [name of law practice]
3. I was admitted to practice as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of Victoria on [date]
4. I completed articles of clerkship or practical legal training at [place] commencing on [date] and ending on [date].
5. My first practising certificate in Victoria was granted on [date].
6. My supervised legal practice at [name of law practice] commenced on [date] (it should be the day after the practising certificate was granted).
7. I have completed a continuous full time period of 18 months [or 2 years if applicable] of supervised legal practice calculated in accordance with the Legal Profession Act 2004 (Vic), and the Legal Profession Regulations 2005 (Vic).
[Or if applicable]
I have completed two or more periods of supervised legal practice which total 18 months [or 2 years if applicable] of supervised legal practice calculated in accordance with the Legal Profession Act 2004 (Vic), and the Legal Profession Regulations 2005 (Vic). My supervised legal practice was firstly at [name of law practice] for the period [dates] and secondly at [name of law practice] for the period [dates].
8. The law practice was open for business on every day except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays during the relevant period/s. My ordinary hours of work during the relevant period were .... am to .... pm. My only absences from work during the relevant period/s were public holidays and normal periods of leave.
9. I have engaged in legal practice as an employee [or other see 1.2.1 of Legal Profession Act 2004] in the [area of practice/name of department] of [name of law practice] under the supervision of [name of supervisor] who holds a practising certificate as a principal. Annexed to this Statutory Declaration and marked “A” is an original letter signed by [name of supervisor] verifying the contents of this Statutory Declaration.
I acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct and I make it in the belief that a person making a false declaration is liable to the penalties of perjury.
DECLARED at…...... )
This ...... day of ...... 200 )
Before me:
Letter from Supervisor
I am a partner in the law practice of [name of law practice].
I am an Australian legal practitioner under the Legal Profession Act 2004 (Vic).
The practitioner [name] is presently/or was employed here in the [name of department or area of practice].
The practitioner [name] has completed a continuous period of 18 months [or 2 years if applicable] of supervised legal practice from [date] as a full time employee practitioner under my supervision. [If not, provide details].
At all times during the supervised period I held a practising certificate authorising me to engage in legal practice as a principal of a law practice.
I confirm the contents of the Statutory Declaration of [name].
SIGNED: ......
[Name of Supervisor]