PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams,J Richmond, A White, P Baildon andclerk G Simpson.

Also, three members of the public were present.

Public Session

Briers and overhanging branches near the bus shelter at Hodgetoft Lane may pose a problem but there is doubt over who is responsible for them, the Chairman will discuss with the householder before any action is taken.

16/056] Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed those present.

16/057] Apologies

Apologies were received from District Cllr Harrison.

16/058]Declaration of Interests and applications for dispensation in relation to DPIs


16/059] Notes of themeeting held on20 September2016 to be approved as minutes

Cllr Whiteproposed to accept the presented notes as the minutes of the previous meeting,seconded by Cllr Richmond. Resolved and signed by the Chairman Cllr Whitehouse.

16/060] Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

The clerk had received a warning about a batch of faulty defibrillators but Cllr Baildon had checked ours was all in order. LALC had circulated an email alerting parish councils about proposals to cap parish precepts, something NALC strongly opposed. An Auditor needs to be appointed by 31st December 2016 but LALC had no news yet from the Sector Led Body responsible for the appointment. The police “smiley sign” had been in the village for 9 days and then they replaced this with a new version which is lighter and easier to operate. Both seem to be having a positive effect on motorists. Cllr Baildon was thanked for his continuing work in clearing overgrown pavements but Highways have yet to start work in restoring the pathway opposite the Willows towards Mablethorpe despite continued pressure over the last few months, they still class it as a low priority.

16/061] Reports from Outside Bodies

There were no reports

16/062] Financial Matters

The finance report and bank reconciliation were accepted. Cheques resolved for signing; J Alldridge £40.00, R Aldrich £158.00, Willson’s Electrical £150.00. The RFO was instructed to prepare a proposed budget for 2017/18 which will be discussed at the next meeting with regard to setting the precept for the next financial year.

16/063] Grass Cutting Contract

This is the final year of the current contract. The wording in the contract was reviewed and amended to include the new areas where grass cutting has been approved so that the clerk could put it out for tender. Any tenders received will be discussed at the next meeting.

16/064] Broadband

After canvassing various bodies, including a TV interview, Cllr Baildon had received news from BT that the village would be getting fibre optic broadband and the cost would be covered by the County Council scheme, although at present Stephen Brookes (LCC) was unable to confirm this and there was no knowledge of any timescale for installation.

16/065] Footway lights

ELDC are to upgrade the footway lights to LED at their expense which will help reduce running costs in the future and it would appear parishes may not be charged for this service as originally feared. The clerk will seek clarification from the District Councillor.

16/066] Defibrillatortraining

There has been little response from the community regarding a training session in the use of a defibrillator so it was agreed to try and arrange a date with a trainer, probably in the new year, and then advertise it locally.

16/067]Village SOS / Community Lincs project regarding Village Sign

With no news from Mr Norwood-Witts regarding a completion date there has been little progress although it is hoped to arrange an unveiling ceremony in the Village Hall before the new year.

16/068] Telephone kiosk

A notice, dated 27 September, on the kiosk informed of a 42-day consultation period after which the structure is likely to be removed.

16/069] Highways

The closing date for comments on the proposals for new speed limits at either end of the village has passed but there has been no contact from LCC Highways regarding what happens next. The clerk will make contact for an update at the next meeting.

16/070] Planning

No matters arising.

16/071] Correspondence

The following list of correspondence was noted;

HAGS play equipment

Glasdon Products

ELDC planning N/112/01534/16 full planning permission

The date of next meeting was confirmed as the 13 December 2016

It was then proposed and resolved to go into closed session for the final item on the agenda as it was of a confidential nature.

16/072] Employee review

Under closed session the council reviewed the clerk’s performance and were very happy with his work and approved a new salary for the coming financial year.

Meeting closed at 8.26pm

Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811 Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131

Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD