January 12, 2017 at 9:00 AM

Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality

707 N. Robinson

1st Floor, Multi-Purpose Room

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

1.Call to Order – Jeffrey Shepherd, Chairman

2.Roll Call – Quiana Fields

3.Approval of the Minutes for the September 15, 2016 Solid Waste Management AdvisoryCouncilMeeting. Roll Call Vote by the Council.

4.Director’s Report – Patrick Riley

5.Presentation regarding New Federal Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills and proposed rules before the Air Quality Advisory Council January 18, 2017.

Presentation regarding proposed revisions to Chapter 100, Subchapter 47, Control of Emissions from Existing Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.

  1. Introduction – DEQ
  2. Questions and discussion by Council

6.Public Rulemaking Hearings.

A.Discussion of proposed changes to Chapter 517 Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities.

The Department is proposing to amend OAC 252:517 in response to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) amendments to 40 CFR Part 257, Subpart D (Federal CCR Rule). Notably, DEQ incorporated the requirements of the Federal CCR Rule in its entirety to ensure the state and federal regulations pertaining to coal combustion residuals (CCR) disposal were uniform. The gist of the rule is to amend OAC 252:517 to remove the early closure provisions for CCR surface impoundments, and references thereto, and extend certain timeframes, all for purposes of ensuring the state CCR rules are consistent with the Federal CCR Rule.


II.Questions and discussion by Council

III.Questions, comments and discussion by the public

IV.Discussion and possible action by the Council

V.Roll call vote

B.Discussion of proposed changes to Chapter 515 Management of Solid Waste.

The Department is proposing to amend OAC 252:515 and to create a new Subchapter, OAC 252:515-43, to allow for a tiered permitting and regulatory structure for different classes of solid waste composting facilities. The classes of facilities are based on the type and quantity of material to be received and composted at a particular facility. All proposed amendments to OAC 252:515 are associated with the creation of the new Subchapter and are necessary to ensure consistency with the new Subchapter. The gist of the rule is to replace the current regulations pertaining to solid waste composting facilities to allow for a tiered permitting and regulatory structure based on the type and quantity of material to be composted.


II.Questions and discussion by Council

III.Questions, comments and discussion by the public

IV.Discussion and possible action by the Council

V.Roll call vote

C. Discussion of proposed changes to Chapter 4 Rules of Practice and Procedure.

The Department is proposing amendments to OAC 252:4-7-58 and OAC 252:4-7-59 to modify and clarify the permitting process requirements and associated tiers that apply to solid waste composting facilities.The gist of this proposed rule is to amend the permitting process regulations pertaining to solid waste composting facilities to be consistent with the proposed new Subchapter referenced above, which will allow for a tiered permitting and regulatory structure based on the type and quantity of material to be received and composted at a particular facility.


II.Questions and discussion by Council

III.Questions, comments and discussion by the public

IV.Discussion and possible action by the Council

V.Roll call vote

7.Discussion of Resolution to Legislature.

During the previous Solid Waste Management Advisory Council meeting on September 15, 2016, the Council decided to continue discussion of providing a resolution to the Legislature regarding the usage of funds for their intended purpose.


II.Discussion and possible action by the Council

III.Roll call vote

8.Public Forum – Open Discussion

9.New Business

Limited to any matter not known or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting the Agenda (24 hours prior to the meeting).


If you have a disability and need an accommodation, please notify the DEQ three days in advance at (405) 702-5213.For hearing impaired, the TDD Relay Number is 1-800-722-0353. Current and proposed rules are available at the Land Protection Division office located at 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, and also available through the DEQ website at: