Bible Passage for the Month
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” John 12:24-25

Calendar for Week of June 25, 2017

Next Sunday: Worship Service 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

Bible Classes/ Sunday School 9:15 a.m.

In Our Prayers

Tom Pilliard, son-in-law of Rev. Elder & Joyce Bruss who has been diagnosed with cancer. France Collier, neighbor of Lenore Wetteroff, health issues from a stroke.

St. Lucas News

IN CASE OF NEED: Pastor Larson will be on vacation and unavailable June 12 through June 29. If you are in need of urgent pastoral care during this time, call the church office at 314-351-2628. If the office is closed, contact Pastor David Lewis of St. Trinity Lutheran Church, who will provide care in Pastor’s absence, at 901-826-9646.

FAREWELL FOR KATIE EYSTER: We thank God for the faithful service of Katie Eyster as a Word of Life teacher and faithful member here at St. Lucas. As most know by now, she has accepted a call to teach at St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Des Peres. We wish her God’s abundant blessings in her new call. To celebrate her ministry among us, we will recognize Katie (and Tim and Peyton) with a reception following both the 8:00 and 10:30 services on July 16th. Please join us to honor her faithful work among us. (Sunday School will meet as usual; Bible Class will start late.)

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Our benches for service volunteers need strengthening: ushers, readers, greets, late service nursery staff and a brand-new bench for projection “clickers”

A brief training/refresh sessions will be arranged soon. For more information and to sign up contact Joe Pyatek @ 636-227-2239

HELPING HANDS: Russel Stover and Witman’sChocolate: boxes of chocolate are available for half price $4.00! Proceeds will help raise funds for the program.

GREETING CARDS: Thank you to everyone purchasing the cards. If the table is not outside the office you can still access the cards in the office. The fund raised will be going to the Building and Maintenance Fund. For personalized cards, call Kathy at 314-351-2628

SUMMER CAMP: We are excited to announce that summer camp is off and running with approximately 40 campers enrolled. With the hot weather upon us the children have enjoyed all the water activities, including the blow-up water slide which has been a huge success! The last couple of weeks the children have been busy with planting grass head faces, making Father’s Day gifts, and pretending to be super heroes flying through the air in the bouncy house. Lots of fun themes ahead, you can check us out on facebook at (St Lucas Early Childhood Center), and as always keep us in your prayers for a safe and fun summer.

JULY NEWSLETTER: There will be no newsletter for July. The calendar will be available on the website or in the narthex. Those serving for the month will be sent the schedule by email or will also be available in the narthex.

Serve the Lord with Gladness
Those Serving June 25th 2017
Preacher: Rev. Brian Earl
Organist: Mark Dunajcik
Lay Readers: 8:00 – Gertrude Kedro
10:30 – Justin Leitner
Lay Ministers: 8:00 – Phil Miksad
10:30 – Justin Leitner
Greeters: 8:00 – Stacey Wellman
Ushers: 8:00 – Dennis Lee, John Christopher
Sharon Majoros, Carolyn Crump
10:30 – Ted Medler, Tom Roach
Art Matia
Nursey:10:30 – Sharon Majoros / Those Serving July 2, 2017
Preacher: Rev. Dr. Mark Larson
Organist: Mark Dunajcik
Lay Readers: 8:00 –TBA
10:30 – Katie Eyster
Lay Ministers: 8:00 –TBA
10:30 – Ted Medler
Greeters: 8:00 –Jim & Barb Morrison
Ushers: 8:00 – Joe Pyatek, Steve Kulifay
10:30 –Robert McNeil, Don Baggett
Ted Medler
Nursey:10:30 – TBA
Our Response to God’s Blessings
Church Attendance: 8:00 – 30 10:30– 40 Total -70 Bible Class –12 Sunday School - 3
Offerings:Plate: $30.00Envelope$3122.00 Building Repair/Maint:$50.00 Memorial/Gifts $645.00 Bible Class $8.00
Misc: $ 29.97 Total: $5677.00 Needed weekly: $4900.00
In memory of Father John Belko, Allan Belko, Memory of Clarence Beeson and George Hettenhausen Sr., Mary Hettenhausen

Celebrating A Birthday this week

25 – Madelyn Arbet

Stephanie McKinney

26 – Sara Schuster

27 – Teresa Schuster

28 – Marcia Comstock

Joan Shebik

29 – Summer Grodeon

30 – DelenoBelko