SofTest™ Exam Instructions (SP07)
After you enter the exam room, follow these instructions. You must be at the SofTest Notice window with the red stopsigns TEN MINUTES before the start of the exam.
1) Computer Setup
- Ensure that all cables (i.e. power cord, external mouse and/or keyboard) are securely connected to your computer and make sure your power indicator light shows that your computer is receiving power.
- Remove any floppy disks and CD's from your computer and turn on your computer.
- Verify the correct date & time set on your computer by double-clicking the clock in the lower-right corner of your Windows Desktop.
- Before launching Softest, turn off antivirus, antispyware, & firewall protection and change your restart setting to manual; turn off all wireless and wired connections and deactivate any energy saving power settings, sounds and screensavers.
2) Launching SofTest
- Double-click the icon on your Windows Desktop.
- Click the button.
- Select your exam from the drop-down list. Text should appear in the “Exam Name” field. If it does not, notify the proctor.
- If not already there, enter your Exam Number(three digits from your exam envelope) in the ID field.
- Click. The computer will reboot into SofTest secure mode. NOTE: You may not re-launch this exam for any reason.
- Stop when the Notice window with RED SIGNS appears. Do not go past the red stop signs until you are instructed to do so.If you enter the exam file,contact the exam assistant immediately.
- When instructed by the exam assistant, type ‘begin’ and click the button.
3) Mid-Exam Computer Freeze
- If at any time, SofTest, your keyboard and/or mouse stop responding, power down and power up your computer. (Press & hold the power button for up to 10 seconds. If that fails, pull the power cord & battery. Wait 5 seconds and reinsert the cord & battery.)
- When the ‘SofTest Exam Restart’ window appears, select the button. DO NOT EXIT OUT OF EXAMSOFT. You will be returned to within 59 seconds of where you left off.
- If after clicking the restart button, you get the following message “You will need to call a proctor to proceed…,”do not attempt to enter a continuation or response code. Proceed immediately to Room 303, and tell them that you are in the middle of an exam and need assistance with your laptop.
4) Exiting SofTest
If you finish the exam before the exam assistant calls time, you must exit SofTest before leaving the exam room. Follow the instructions below to exit out of SofTest:
- Select ‘File’ then ‘Save and Exit’ or click the button.
- Click the button.
- On the yellow window, click the button.
- Allow your computer to reboot back into Windows.
5) Returning Your Answer Files
This is the only step that requires an internet connection. If a generic exam file was placed on your desktop (i.e.Spring 2007.xmz), proceed to OPTION THREE.
- OPTION ONE: Wireless in the room
After your computer reboots into Windows, you will be prompted by SofTest Launcher that“SofTest has found answer files for upload…do you want to upload now?”
Click NO and exit the SofTest Launcher.
Go to the web to authenticate (log on) and then, click on SofTest icon.
SofTest will automatically upload the exam files and let you know when they have been successfully uploaded.
- OPTION TWO : Manual Upload
Establish an internet connection and go to
Click exam takers tab and use 6 digit ID number & Password (same 6 digits on photo ID card).
Click Exam History and click manual upload.
Click browse, highlight exam, and then click Upload Answer File button.
- OPTION THREE:Emailing Your Exam File
This option is for individuals with non-English operating systems, those who receive the failure to upload notice, and generic exam file users. You will locate the exam file by going to C: Drive, then Program files, ExamSoft, then SofTest.
You are looking for the .xmd file in theArchive file folder.
To locate your exam file, select View, then Details, and choose the file that was created on the day of the exam.
Email your exam file as an attachment to Beverly Owens at .
- OPTION FOUR:Unable to connect in the room (e.g. no wireless card)
Proceed to the upload/extraction center (2nd floor of library near computer lab).
Additional Information
- When leaving your seat (e.g. restroom break), block your screen by selecting ‘View’ then ‘Hide Exam’ in the SofTest menu.
- If you leave your computer idle for long periods of time, either type a few characters every so often or move your cursor with your mouse or track pad to avoid lock ups.
- To view the word count, click on Tools and select Word Count.
- You can view the character count in the lower right hand corner of the computer screen.
- SofTest automatically backs up and saves to your hard drive every minute.
- Spell Check is enabled.
- ExamSoft and WUSOL assume no responsibility for interruptions whether isolated or widespread. You assume all risks of using a computer to take your exam.
- All examinations and computer testing materials are the property of WUSOL.
- The Office of the Registrar staff will be available in Room 303 during all exams for any exam related problem.
- Any examinee who continues typing after final time is called will be reported.
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