2015 Visitor Economic Impact Report

2015 economic impacts confirm that tourism continues to be the single largest industry in Central Oregon, employing more than 8,900 residents and generating total economic impacts now exceeding $1 billion annually. The tourism industry is an equally powerful driver for Central Oregon’s business recruitment and diversification and continued economic vitality and quality of life for Central Oregonians.

The Central Oregon Visitors Association is the designated Regional Destination Marketing Organization, partnering with Travel Oregon, the state tourism division, on a number of vital tourism programs. COVA extrapolates regional data from statewide research reports prepared for the Oregon Tourism Commission by Dean Runyan Associates (Oregon Travel Impacts) and the Longwood’s Visitor Profile. The primary objective of the state research is to provide reliable, detailed figures to allow year over year comparisons for both state and county levels.

Both reports are available in entirety at the Travel Oregon website, http://industry.traveloregon.com/research/

Summary of Central Oregon Impacts

·  Central Oregon (comprised of Deschutes, Crook, Jefferson and south Wasco counties) welcomes more than 3.8 million overnight visitors annually.

·  Central Oregon Transient Lodging Tax revenues accounted for $14.3 million in 2015. Of that total, Deschutes County leads the Central region in generating $12.5 million of the Transient Lodging Tax receipts.

·  In 2015, employment directly generated by travel spending in Central Oregon was 8,900 jobs, up 6.9%

·  In 2015, total direct travel expenditures in Central Oregon was $791 million

·  Deschutes County ranked 5th in the state in terms of travel expenditures (including air and ground), at $660.2 million

·  Average daily per person spend from an overnight visitor is $143.

Total Travel Impact ($ in Millions)
/ Crook /


/ Wasco (South) / Total Impact
Travel Expenditures / $ 41.8 / $660.2 / $ 48.5 / $ 40.5 / $ 791.4
Industry Earnings / $ 11.8 / $171.9 / $ 15.6 / $ 14.7 / $ 214.0
Local / State Taxes / $ 1.4 / $ 28.1 / $ 2.1 / $ .9 / $ 32.5
Total Impacts: / $ 55.1 / $860.2 / $ 66.4 / $ 56.2 / $1,037.9
Industry Employment/Jobs / 540 / 6,680 / 970 / 710 / 8,900
Travel Expenditures by Type of Business ($ in Millions)
Business / Crook / Deschutes / Jefferson / Wasco (South) / Total Impact
Accommodations / $10.4 / $ 165.8 / $ 8.6 / $ 33.0 / $ 217.8
Food / Beverage / $10.4 / $ 164.5 / $ 12.8 / $ 27.5 / $ 215.2
Food Stores / $ 5.4 / $ 48.3 / $ 7.0 / $10.5 / $ 71.2
Air / Ground Transportation / $ 2.8 / $ 49.1 / $ 4.6 / $ 6.6 / $ 63.1
Recreation / Entertainment / $ 5.8 / $ 65.3 / $ 7.0 / $ 15.2 / $ 93.3
Retail Sales / $ 4.4 / $ 70.9 / $ 6.0 / $ 12.6 / $ 93.9
Other Travel / $ 2.7 / $ 96.7 / $ 2.7 / $ 3.2 / $ 105.3
Total Expenditures: / $ 41.9 / $ 660.2 / $ 48.7 / $ 108.6 / $ 859.4

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Summary of Oregon’s Statewide Tourism Impacts

The Oregon travel industry continued its post-recessionary expansion in 2015. By most measures, 2015 was the strongest year of travel industry growth prior to the 2008-2009 recession. (source: Travel Oregon – Dean Runyan research)

·  Statewide Travel spending, $10.8 billion, increased by 7.3 % and is the sixth consecutive year of spending growth.

·  Travel Activity. An estimated 27.7 million overnight visitors traveled to Oregon destination, an increase of 3.4 %. Room demand, as measured by STR Inc., increased by 4.8%.

·  Employment. Total travel generated employment was 105,500 in 2015, representing a 4.1% increase and the fifth year of growth, following the steep decline from 2008-2010.

·  GDP. The Gross Domestic Product of the travel industry was $4.3 billion in 2015. The travel industry is one of the three largest export-oriented industries in rural Oregon counties (the other two being agriculture/food processing and logging/wood products).

Visitor Spending by Type of Traveler Accommodation ($ in Millions)

Central Oregon Oregon

Hotel, Motel, B&B $ 411 $ 4823

Campgrounds, Private/Public $ 48 $ 445

Private Home $ 108 $ 1904

Vacation Home $ 46 $ 178

Day Travel / Other $ 119 $ 2084

Total Spending $ 732 $ 9434

Visitor Spending by Commodities Purchased ($ in Millions)

Central Oregon Oregon

Accommodations $ 203 $ 2037

Food & Beverage Services $ 196 $ 2330

Food Stores $ 65 $ 708

Air/Ground Transportation $ 160 $ 2234

Recreation $ 83 $ 1020

Shopping $ 84 $ 1105

Total Spending $ 791 $ 9434

Direct Travel Impact ($ in Millions)

Central Oregon Oregon

Total Direct Travel Spending $ 791.4 $10,797

Industry Earnings (wages) $ 214.0 $ 2,825

Local/State/Federal Taxes $ 32.5 $ 1,047

Total Impact $1,037.90 $14,669

Information extrapolated from the Oregon Travel Impacts report produced by Dean Runyan Associates and Longwood’s International for the Oregon Tourism Commission. Every effort was made to ensure accuracy; the publisher assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of contents.Figures may vary, due to rounding. This report documents the economic significance of the travel industry in Oregon for 2015.

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