Held / Held Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:00 p.m.
Ammend. agenda
Treas. report
Financial Report
Tax levies and rates
Perm Appro. Modification
Memorandum of agree. MEA / The Board of Education of the Madison Local School District met in regular session Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at the Board of Education Building with the following members present: Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert and Teresa Ward. Jay Fabian was absent. Rex Reigert presided.
Michelle Hayes moved and Jacqueline Azbill seconded that the Board amend the agenda by removing policy BDDF-E, voting method, from item D under Recommendations of the Superintendent. Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.
Jacqueline Azbill moved and Teresa Ward seconded that the Board adopt the amended agenda as presented and with such modifications made by the Superintendent. Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.
Jacqueline Azbill moved and Michelle Hayes seconded that the Board approve the minutes of the regular meeting, February 16, 2010. Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.
Michelle Hayes moved and Teresa Ward seconded that the Board approve the minutes of the special meeting, March 9, 2010. Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.
Jacqueline Azbill moved and Teresa Ward seconded that the Board engage in the following actions as listed below; provided, however, that should any item included within this motion be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or illegal, all remaining items within this motion shall remain in full force and effect, notwithstanding the status of the voided item.
► to approve the Financial Report as of February 28, 2010, as found on file in the Treasurer’s office, and the payment of bills for February, 2010.
► to accept, with gratitude, the following donations:
  train tracks and cars from Dan and Jennifer Conaway, valued at $75, to be used in
Ms. Freeman’s Preschool classroom; and
$500 from Fred Close to be used for prizes for the Research Challenge.
Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.
Jacqueline Azbill moved and Rex Reigert seconded that the Board accept the amounts and rates of each tax necessary to be levied by the Madison Local Board of Education, as certified by the Lake County Budget Commission; to authorize the necessary tax levies for TY10 CY2011. as found on file in the Treasurer’s office, and to certify them to the County Auditor, pursuant to ORC §5705.34. Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.
Jacqueline Azbill moved and Teresa Ward seconded that the Board approve the modifications to the FY10 permanent appropriations as found on file in the Treasurer’s office, pursuant to ORC §5705.40. Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.
Jacqueline Azbill moved and Teresa Ward seconded that the Board approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Madison Local Board of Education and the Madison Education Association to modify the terms and conditions of participation eligibility surrounding the Incentive Plan for Retirement, as found on file in the Board Office, pursuant to Article XII, §L of the MEA Negotiated Agreement, and to agree to accept the seven (7) teachers instead of ten (10) teachers as stated in the aforementioned Article of the Negotiated Agreement.
Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.



Held Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:00 p.m
Michelle Hayes moved and Teresa Ward seconded that the Board engage in the following personnel actions as listed below; provided, however, that should any item included within this motion be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or illegal, all remaining items within this motion shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the statue of the voided item.
(1)The Board of Education is accepting resignation and retirement notifications as follows:
  to accept, with regret, the following resignations:
► Lisa Imel, MMS Assistant Principal, effective at the conclusion of the 2009-2010 contract year;
► Roxanne Brown, Pre-K Cafeteria Assistant, effective May 27, 2010; and
► Rachelle Orris, MHS Girls’ Head Track Coach, effective February 28, 2010.
to accept, with regret, the retirement resignation of Dr. Matthew Chojnacki, Assistant Superintendent, effective at the end of the 2009-2010 contract year after four years of service to the District, and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Agreement adopted under Board motion #58-08 and executed under Board motion #66-08.
  to accept, with regret, the retirement resignation of Susan Thomas, Director of Special Education, effective at the end of the 2009-2010 contract year after 10 years of service to the District, and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Agreement adopted under Board motion #58-08 and executed under Board motion #66-08.
  to accept, with regret, the retirement resignation of Sally Rogus, NME Principal, effective at the end of the 2009-2010 contract year after 43 years of service to the District, and pursuant to and contingent upon the Lake County Board of Education rehiring at the reduced rate established by this Board.
to accept, with regret, the retirement resignation of the following certified staff, effective at the end of the 2009-2010 contract year, pursuant to Article XII, §G, and §L where applicable, of the MEA Negotiate Agreement, and the Memorandum of Understanding with regard to modifying the aforementioned Article §L of the Negotiated Agreement for the 2009-2010 contract year.
Carol Ford, HNK Music Teacher, after 20 years of service;
Tom Hunter, MMS Special Education Teacher, after 30 years of service;
Maureen O’Toole, RBE Kindergarten Teacher, after 35 years of service;
Ricki Petersen, NME Grade 2 Teacher, after 36 years of service;
Jim Pinelli, MHS Social Studies Teacher, after 26 years of service;
Pheba Smith, NME Music Teacher, after 24 years of service;
Joni Soriano, NME Grade 1 Teacher, after 35 years of service; and
Katie Stewart, RBE Special Education Teacher, after 29 years of service.
  to accept, with regret, the retirement resignation of Dorothy Kay, Preschool Assistant, effective February 17, 2010, after seven and one-half years of service to the District.
(2) The Board of Education is legally obligated to non-renew supplemental contracts annually and is providing notification of contract non-renewals as follow:
  to direct the Treasurer to provide notice to the certificated persons listed below of termination of their 2009-2010 school year long-term substitute teaching assignment, at the conclusion of the assignment, pursuant to ORC §3319.10. / #58-10
Retire Dr. Chojnacki
Retire Sue Thomas
Retire Sally Rogus
Dorothy Kay
Non renewals



Held / Held Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:00 p.m.
Non-renew continued
Sub tchrs.
Non renew personal service
Non-renew Prek contracts
Non-renew Latch Key / Shannon Weber August 24, 2009 through October 12, 2009 [T. Solar]
Lola Judy August 24, 2009 through October 28, 2009 [S. Baffer]
Samantha Fulgenzi August 24, 2009 through December 18, 2009 [K. Kish]
January 4, 2010 through February 12, 2010 [B. Conway]
Jen Best September 21, 2009 through December 18, 2009 [D. Schwartz]
Myrlene Joseph-James November 2, 2009 through June 7, 2010 [M. Fickenscher]
Leeann Bibby November 16, 2009 through December 18, 2009 [S. Williamson]
Cherie Gregory January 29, 2010 through February 26, 2010 [J.Myers]
Ann Dubiel March 18, 2010 through June 7, 2010 [M. Wyant]
  to non-renew the personal service contracts issued to the persons listed below for the 2009-2010 school year, and to direct the Treasurer to send notice of the Board’s action to those persons, pursuant to ORC §§3319.083 and 3319.11(I).
William Blackie MMS Football Coach
Steve King MMS Football Coach
Jason O’Bryan MMS Football Coach
Chris Mullan MHS Head Boys’ Soccer Coach
Gary Granger MHS Head Girls’ Soccer Coach
Susan Blabolil MHS Assistant Boys’ Soccer Coach
Jeremy Verdi MHS Head Boys’ Cross Country Coach
MHS Head Boys’ Track Coach
Rachelle Orris MHS Head Girls’ Cross Country Coach
Noreen Fults MHS Head Cheerleader Advisor Fall
Tom Reilly MHS Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach
Randy Rose MHS Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach
Ashley Durham MMS 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach
Thomas Sill MHS Head Swimming Coach
Ryan Wirtzberger MHS Head Wrestling Coach
Matt Cianciolo MMS 8th Grade Wrestling Coach
Heidi Verdi MHS Head Cheerleader Advisor Winter
MHS Co-Competition Squad Advisor
Sarah Holbrook MHS Assistant Cheerleader Advisor Winter
MHS Co-Competition Squad Advisor
Rod Collins MMS Boys’ Track Coach
Dan Wolfe MHS Assistant Baseball Coach
Kenneth Petrochello MHS Assistant Softball Coach
Brint Learned MHS Drama Co-Director
Heather Hoffman MHS Co-Show Choir Choreographer
Ken Gasch MHS Co-Show Choir Choreographer
Raymond Beach MHS Drama Assistant/Technical Director
Shawna Martorana MHS Majorette Advisor
Carol Caldwell HNK Mathematics Club Advisor
Ralf Caswell S.A.D.D. Advisor
Teresa Ackerman MHS Teen Institute Advisor
  to eliminate the Preschool Program positions for, and to non-renew the employment contracts of, the persons listed below, and to direct the Treasurer to send notice of the Board’s action to those persons, pursuant to ORC §3319.083.
Beth Rice Preschool Secretary effective June 4, 2010
Christina Skilton Preschool Instructor effective June 1, 2010
Susan Huber Preschool Instructor effective June 1, 2010
Susan Webster Preschool Instructor effective June 1, 2010
Candice Moore Preschool Assistant effective June 1, 2010
Charlotte Raico Preschool Assistant effective June 1, 2010
  to eliminate the Latchkey Program positions for, and to non-renew the employment contracts of, the persons listed below, effective June 4, 2010, and to direct the Treasurer to send notice of the Board’s action to those persons, pursuant to ORC §3319.083.
Christine Miller Theresa Collins Judith McDaniel
Cheryl Farren Sue Virag Diane White



Held Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:00 p.m
■ to eliminate the ABLE Program positions for, and to non-renew the employment contracts of, the persons listed below, effective June 30, 2010, and to direct the Treasurer to send notice of the Board’s action to those persons, pursuant to ORC §§3313.52 and 3319.083 and OAC Chapters 3301-42 and 3301-43.
Mary Ann Kerwood Darlene Billy Cheryl General
Charles Kerwood Diane Marjenin Mark Miller
(3) The Board is entering into employment contracts as follows:
  to employ the persons for the positions and at the rate of compensation and other terms and conditions of employment as listed below.
► Matthew Smith under a three-year supervisory administrator’s contract as Information Technology Director, effective August 1, 2010 through July 31, 2013 at a rate of compensation of $72,413 for 260 annual days of service, and under other terms and conditions of employment provided by the Board, pursuant to ORC §3319.02 and Board policy GCB-2.
► Thomas Brady under a three-year administrator’s contract as MMS Principal, effective August 1, 2010 through July 31, 2013 at a rate of compensation of $85,696 for 220 annual days of service, and under other terms and conditions of employment provided by the Board, pursuant to ORC §3319.02 and Board policy GCB-2.
► Colleen Triana under a three-year administrator’s contract as MHS Assistant Principal, effective August 1, 2010 through July 31, 2013 at a rate of compensation of $70,304 for 203 annual days of service, and under other terms and conditions of employment provided by the Board, pursuant to ORC §3319.02 and Board policy GCB-2.
► Maureen Fedor under a two-year supervisory administrator’s contract as Director of Early Childhood Education, effective August 1, 2010 through July 31, 2012 at a rate of compensation of $45,750 for 203 annual days of service, and under other terms and conditions of employment provided by the Board, pursuant to ORC §3319.02 and Board policy GCB-2.
► Amy Raines under a one-year supervisory administrator’s contract as Literacy Specialist, effective August 1, 2010 through July 31, 2011, at a rate of compensation of $67,600 to be paid by Title funding, for 198 annual days of service, and under other terms and conditions of employment provided by the Board, pursuant to ORC §3319.02 and Board policy GCB-2
► Patrick Smith under a three-year supervisory administrator’s contract as Physical Plant Director, effective August 1, 2010 through July 31, 2013 at a rate of compensation of $54,746 for 260 annual days of service, and under other terms and conditions of employment provided by the Board, pursuant to ORC §3319.02 and Board policy GCB-2.
► the following non-certificated and/or certificated persons under a one-year limited personal service contract for the 2009-10 school year for the position and at the rate of compensation listed below, pursuant to ORC §3319.08 and Appendix B of the MEA Negotiated Agreement, and Board policy GCB-1. The Board certifies that it has complied with the provisions of ORC §3313.53 prior to and in this employment offer. The Board directs the Treasurer to send notice of non-renewal of this personal service contract at the end of the 2009-10 contract year, pursuant to ORC §§3319.083 and 3319.11.
Eric Toulouse MHS Girls Head Track Coach .10 0 yrs. $3,602
Matt Page MHS Assistant Track Coach .07 0 yrs. $2,522 / Non-renew ABLE contracts
Matthew Smith Tech Dir.
Thomas Brady MMS Principal
Colleen Triana MHS Asst Princ.
Maureen Fedor Dir. Of Early Childhood
Amy Raines
Literacy Specialist
Patrick Smith Physical Plant Dir.
Personal Service Contracts



Held / Held Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:00 p.m.
Casual day to day sub
Substitute Teachers
Transfer Melissa Sines
Unpaid Volunteer Coaches
2010-11 calendar
Revised Board Policy
Resolution Bus Bids / ► Paul Gain as a casual, day-to-day support staff substitute at the Board-approved rate of compensation, effective the 2009-2010 school year, pursuant to ORC §4117.01 (C) (13) and Board policy GDE.
► each of the following substitute teachers as approved by the Lake County Educational Service Center under a one-year limited substitute teacher contract for the 2009-10 school year, pursuant to ORC §§109.57, 3319.10 and 3319.39.
Dan O’Brien Tom Witt Don Zuckerman
Tim Pira Alison Bratt Rikki Yeager
Elia Garza Valerie Trombley Dwayne Simons
Mary Elizabeth Busch Tyson Swackhamer Michelle Beaumier
Marcy Bennett Michael Beatty Delores Fiore
Gail Grow Kristopher Hook Paula Jackson
John Makee Cari Naso Quincy Wheeler
(4) The Board is approving a transfer between job categories as follows:
■ to transfer Melissa Sines from a two and one-half hour per day Educational Assistant position to a
four and one-quarter hour per day Special Education Assistant position, effective March 1, 2010.
(5) The Board is approving volunteer coaches to assist our sports programs as follows:
■ to approve the following unpaid volunteer coaches at Madison High School for the 2009-10
school year, pursuant to Board policy IICC.
James Johnson Boys’ Basketball
David Jacobson Girls’ Track
Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.
Jacqueline Azbill moved and Michelle Hayes seconded that the Board adopt the 2010-2011 school year calendar as found on file in the Treasurer’s office, pursuant to Board policy ICA. Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.
Jacqueline Azbill moved and Michelle Hayes seconded that the Board adopt the following revised Board policies as found on file in the Board office. The Board authorizes the Superintendent to make necessary revisions as to form and style.
IKFB “Graduation Exercises”
Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.
Jacqueline Azbill moved and Teresa Ward seconded that the Board adopt the following resolution.
WHEREAS the Madison Local Board of Education wishes to advertise and receive bids for the purchase of one 65-passenger and one 54-passenger transit-style puller school bus chassis and bodies.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Madison Local Board of Education does hereby authorize and direct the Superintendent and Treasurer to execute any and all documents necessary for the Board’s participation in the Ohio Schools’ Council program to advertise and receive bids on the Board’s behalf as per the specifications for one 65-passenger and one 54-passenger transit style puller bus chassis and bodies, as submitted by the Board for their cooperative purchase under the Ohio Schools’ Council program.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board agrees to pay the $325 Cooperative School Bus Purchasing Program fee for 2010-2011 to Ohio Schools’ Council for school district membership as a service fee for this purpose.
Jacqueline Azbill, Michelle Hayes, Rex Reigert, and Teresa Ward voted "Yes". Vote: 4-0.