Scranton School District

Course Syllabus

Course: French IV

Grades: 11-12

Teacher Name: Sébastien Moulin

Teacher email:

District Prerequisites: French III

Textbook: N/A

Course Description

This course is designed to further the students’ proficiency in the four aspects of the language: reading, writing, speaking and listening. In French IV, students will work on advanced grammar and on increasing their vocabulary. Composition writing and interpretation of literature is also emphasized.

Grading Policy

Students in the class will receive grades in three different categories:

·  Quizzes, Tests and Projects (70% of your grade)

There will be several quizzes and tests during each quarter. Assessments will include sections of listening, reading, writing and culture, as well as vocabulary and grammar. Students will be notified in advance of the dates of the assessments. A study guide will be provided for major tests.

Once per quarter, students will be required to complete a project. Students will receive a rubric for each assignment through which they will be graded.

·  Homework (15% of your grade)

Students will receive a grade (10 points) for each homework assignment. Students who do not have their homework in class on the due date will receive a grade of zero for that assignment.

·  Participation (15% of your grade)

All students begin the quarter with a score of 100 for their participation grade. Active and positive participation in class is expected. On the other hand, misbehavior, disruption and lack of preparation (forgetting notebook, textbook, folder) will reduce this grade of 2 points per class.

Class Rules

Be Respectful

- Always raise your hand to speak.

- Be quiet and listen when someone speaks.

- Stay in your seat unless instructed otherwise.

Be Responsible

- Come to class prepared. Bring a pen or a pencil. Bring also your French notebook, textbook and folder.

- Have your homework ready to be checked at the beginning of class.

- It is your responsibility to see me concerning missed assignments when absent.