DirectCertificationof Students Eligible for Free or Reduced Meals Project
Executive Sponsor – Secretary Designate Hanna Skandera
Business Owner – Michael Archibeque, CIO
Project Manager – Lisa Hamilton
Original Plan Date: November 6, 2012
Revision Date: NA
Revision: NA
Project Management Plan for [Project Name]
Revision History
Preparing the Project Management plan
About This Document
Project Oversight Process Memorandum – DoIT, July 2007
1.0 Project Overview
1.1 Executive Summary- rationale for the Project
1.2 funding and sources
1.3 constraints
1.4 dependencies
1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified
2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure
2.1 Stakeholders
2.2 Project Governance Structure
2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart
2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee
2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities
2.3 Executive Reporting
3.0 Scope
3.1 Project Objectives
3.1.1 Business Objectives
3.1.2 Technical Objectives
3.2 Project exclusions
3.3 Critical Success Factors
4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology
4.1 Project Management Life Cycle
4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables
4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure
4.2.1 Technical Strategy
4.2.2 Product and Product Development Deliverables
4.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
4.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure
5.0 Project Work
5.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
5.2 Schedule allocation -Project Timeline
5.3 Project Budget
5.4 Project Team
5.4.1 Project Team Organizational Structure
5.4.2 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities
5.5.1 Project Staff
5.5.2 Non-Personnel resources
5.6.1 Project Team Training
6.0 Project Management and Controls
6.1 Risk and issue Management
6.1.1 Risk Management Strategy
6.1.2 Project Risk Identification
6.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation Approach
6.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation Strategy
6.1.5 Project Risk Tracking Approach
6.2 INDEPENDENT Verification And Validation - Iv&V
6.3 Scope Management Plan
6.3.1 Change Control
6.4 Project Budget Management
6.4.1 Budget Tracking
6.5 Communication Plan
6.5.1 Communication Matrix
6.5.2 Status Meetings
6.5.3 Project Status Reports
6.6.1 Baselines
6.6.2 Metrics Library
6.7.1 quality Standards
6.7.2 Project and Product Review AND ASSESSMENTS
6.7.3 Agency/Customer Satisfaction
6.8.1 Version Control
6.8.2 Project Repository (Project Library)
7. 0 Project Close
7.1 Administrative Close
7.2 Contract Close
Revision History
Revision Number / Date / Comment1.0 / July 27th, 2007 / DoIT Project Management Office Revision
2.0 / 10-12-12 / NMPED IT Division
Revision: 1.0DoIT-PMO-TEM-0201 of vi
Project Management Plan for [Project Name]
1.0 Project Overview
1.1 Executive Summary - rationale for the project
The Student Nutrition Bureau (SNB) of the New Mexico Public Education Department(NMPED) seeks to: 1) develop an centralized electronic environment that will support the certification of students that are directly eligible for free or reduced meals based on status that is determined by data collected from the New Mexico Human Resources Department and the Children Youth and Families Division (CYFD); 2) share this data daily with the state andLocal EducationAgencies(LEA),private schoolsand Bureauof IndianEducation(BIE)schools so that we can; 3) ensure that more of New Mexico’s neediest students are served meals at no cost; 4) integrate the Direct Certification Process with existing systems to achieve a single Student Nutrition Portal.
1.2 funding and sources
Source / Amount / Associated restrictionsUs Department of Agriculture Direct Certification Grant / $864,000
Us Department of Agriculture Flowthrough funds to the Student Nutrition Bureau / TBD
1.3 constraints
Constraints are factors that restrict the project by scope, resource, or schedule.
Number / DescriptionDirect Cert- C01 / Timeframe to meet USDA target is narrow.
Direct Cert–C02 / Decisions not made in timely manner.
Direct Cert- C03 / District and school participation and fidelity of use.
1.4 dependencies
Number / Description / Type M,D,EDirect Cert–D1 / MOU for data exchange between HSD and PED / M
Direct Cert–D2 / MOU for data exchange between CYFD and PED / M
Direct Cert–D3 / Hire Staff / m
Direct Cert–D4 / PCC reviews. / M
Direct Cert–D5 / Funding Requests. / M
Direct Cert–D6 / IV&V reviews. / M
Direct Cert–D7 / DC Implementationteamestablishedand functioning. Project timelines are being met and roles/responsibilities are well defined. / M
Direct Cert–D8 / Direct Certificationsystem will be developed and in place for testing. / m
Direct Cert–D9 / Documentation of issues, actions taken to correct any issues and enhancements made. / M
Direct Cert–D10 / List of identified LEAs, private and BIE Schools to participate in field testing. / e
Number / DescriptionDirect Cert–A1 / Stakeholder participation and buy-in.
Direct Cert–A2 / Project leadership will have adequate time for project planning activities.
Direct Cert–A3 / Stakeholders will make decisions in a timely manner to support the project schedule.
Direct Cert–A4 / Individuals with different requirements and perspectives will work together to ensure project targets and outcomes are achieved.
Direct Cert–A5 / Project Team members will be assigned and allowed to spend the proper amount of their time to complete their assigned tasks within a reasonable timeframe.
Direct Cert–A6 / The communication plan and timeline will be followed.
1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified
Risk 1
Description – MOUs required do not receive approval within timeframe required. / Probability: low / Impact: HighMitigation Strategy: Minimize impact by utilizing existing data for the project build
Contingency Plan: Look to amend existing MOUs for data sharing
Risk 2
Description – Staff not hired when needed / Probability: low / Impact: HighMitigation Strategy: Professional Services Contract through the Price Agreement List
Contingency Plan: Continue to rely on existing resources.
Risk 3
Description – Staff Turnover / Probability: low / Impact: HighMitigation Strategy: Professional Services Contract through the Price Agreement List
Contingency Plan: Continue to rely on existing resources.
2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure
2.1 Stakeholders
Name / Stake in Project / Organization / TitleHanna Skandera / Executive Sponsor / NMPED / Secretary-Designate
MichaelArchibeque / Project Director / NMPEDIT / Chief Information Officer NMPED
ReginaMadrid / Program Manager / NMPED / Student Nutrition Program Manager
Lisa Hamilton / IT Project Manager / NMPEDIT / Data Quality and Analysis Manager
TBD / DC Coordinator / NMPED SNB / DC Coordinator
Kevin Adkins / DBA 2 for current Student Nutrition web-based modules. / NMPED SNB / DBA 2
TBD / DBA / Contractor
(TBD) / Programming/Database
Support (Contractual
Jenny Ramos / Content Area Expert / Appleseed
Rachel Moskowitz / Content Area Expert / NMHSD
TBD / Content Area Expert / NMCYFD / TBD (Retta Prophet
TBD / Conducts pilot testing and
provide input into errors / LEAs, Private
And BIE Schools / Pilot site Local Student Nutrition
2.2 Project Governance Structure
2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart
2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee
Role / ResponsibilityProject Sponsor / Provide strategic direction and policy approvals where required. The Project Sponsor will champion the project within the organization and ensure the overall success of the project.
Project Director / Provide high level project oversight, vision, and direction. Determine and commit appropriate resources. Resolve issues and problems. Provides strategic direction to Program Manager. Providesoversightforthe Project Manager,the ITcontract,and other IT support provided to theDirect Certification Project.
Program Manager / ProvidesoversightfortheDirect Certification;ensures all programtimelinesare adheredto. Works with the IT project manager, Student Nutrition Staff and external support (Content Area Experts, Stakeholders Committee, and the Project Pilot Group) concerning the SOW and project deliverables.
IT Project Manager / Providesoversightofall reporting;providesproject managementcertification, planning,scheduling, assessment,andreporting documentationin collaboration with theNMPEDChief InformationOfficer (CIO), the IT support team, the Student Nutrition Program Manager, and external support (Content Area Experts, Stakeholders Committee, Project Pilot Group and the IV & V contractor)
Project Staff / The project staff will design, build, test and deploy product.
Stakeholders Committee / Will meet regularly with IT Project Manager, Program Manager and Project staff to support, guide and inform the work of the project. Their involvement is essential to ensuring that user requirements will be satisfied by the end product.
IV & V / The IV & V contractor will evaluate the work or products of a particular phase to determine if the requirements of the phase have been fulfilled. This includes an evaluation of:
- Project Management
- Quality Management
- Training
- Quality Management
- Requirements Management
- Operating Environment
- Development Environment
- Software Development
- System and Acceptance Testing
- Data Management
- Operations Oversight
Content Area Specialists / They will serve on the steering committee and provide Ad Hoc support as needed to every phase of the project.
Project Pilot Group / Highly motivated and competent stakeholders that will test and pilot the new Direct Certification System and related Student Nutrition web-based processes.
2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities
Interface and shared work/responsibilities of the internal core project team.
Interface for the IT PM, PM and PD.
Interface for External and Internal Project Support.
2.3 Executive Reporting
All documentation for the Direct Certification Project will reside in a project document library created on the SharePoint System.
Deliverable/ Communication / Recipient / Delivery Method / Frequency / Responsible PartyProject Status / NMPED / Written / Monthly / SNB Project Manager
DoIT Monthly Project Report / DoIT / Email / Monthly / PED IT Project Manager
IV&V Reports / DoIT, Executive Sponsor, Steering Committee / Email / Monthly / IV&V Vendor
Weekly Project Status / Project Team Members/Project Director / Email/Face-to-Face/conference call / Weekly / Project Team Members
Advisory Forum Meeting / Advisory Forum Members, Executive Sponsor / Face-to-Face / Bi-Monthly / Project Team Members/IT Project Manager/ Program Manager
Special Communication / As needed / As needed / As needed / As needed
3.0 Scope
3.1 Project Objectives
3.1.1 Business Objectives
Number / DescriptionBusiness Objective 1 / Increasethematch accuracyfor the Direct Certification of free and reduced meal eligible students.
Rationale / Since 2009 until 2011 the average accuracy rate has been 63%. The USDA requires at a minimum, an 80% rate to ensure our state’s eligibility for basic and supplemental USDA funding.
Acceptance Criteria / The USDA required Benchmarks for this project are:
- 80% for 2011-2012
- 90% for 2012-2013
- 95% for 2013-2014
Business Objective 2 / IncreaseparticipationofLEAs,privateandBIEschoolsinthe use of Direct Certification Data.
Rationale / The current decentralized system does not readily enable a measurement of certification at the local level.
Acceptance Criteria / The user logs of the Direct Certification System will record participation.
Business Objective 3 / Present Student Nutrition Information in a comprehensive and centralized way to stakeholders.
Rationale / The data for the direct certification students as well as other data sets exists in a variety of formats depending on the decisions of the local program.
Acceptance Criteria / The Direct Certification System is a central database that will receive and exchange data from HSD, CYFD, NMPED STARS database and local student nutrition programs. We can query data and generate verification, exception and other types of reports to validate the data.
Business Objective 4 / Provide a portal that will assist in student nutrition program planning, implementation, and evaluation at the state and local level.
Rationale / The Student Nutrition Program offers two separate modules. The Direct Certification would be the third. We seek to maximize all modules by having a single portal.
Acceptance Criteria / All modules will meet interoperability requirements.
3.1.2 Technical Objectives
Number / DescriptionTechnical Objective 1 / To provide an interface to a two-tier matching system. This interface will afford the user a means to retrieve both automated (first tier) and probabilistic matching students.
Business Objective 1 / Increasethematch accuracyfor the Direct Certification of free and reduced meal eligible students.
Technical Objective 2 / The matching application will be made available to all LEAs, as well as training and focus groups, which will contribute to the success and acceptance of the application.
Business Objective 2 / IncreaseparticipationofLEAs,privateandBIEschoolsinthe use of Direct Certification Data.
Technical Objective 3 / Identify all stakeholders and organize change management, steering, and user-training committees as required.
Business Objective 3 / Present Student Nutrition Information in a comprehensive and centralized way to stakeholders.
Technical Objective 4 / To integrate the three main Student Nutrition Bureau applications – Decision Support Toolkit, Student Nutrition Claims, and the new Direct Certification software – via the STARS data warehouse. The District and Location Codes created in STARS will be mapped to the location information of the three applications. The goal is to create a seamless experience for the end users and provide a standard means of integration.
Business Objective 4 / Provide a portal that will assist in student nutrition program planning, implementation, and evaluation at the state and local level.
3.2 Project exclusions
The Direct Certification Grant awarded to the New Mexico Public Education Department(NMPED) by the Us Department of Agriculture is intended 1) develop an centralized electronic environment that will support the certification of students that are directly eligible for free or reduced meals based on status that is determined by data collected from the New Mexico Human Resources Department and the Children Youth and Families Division (CYFD); 2) share this data daily with the state andLocal EducationAgencies(LEA),private schoolsand Bureauof IndianEducation(BIE)schools so that we can; 3) ensure that more of New Mexico’s neediest students are served meals at no cost; 4) integrate the Direct Certification Process with existing systems to achieve a single Student Nutrition Portal. All data, processes and systems that do not meet the criteria outlined in items 1-4 above, fall outside the scope of this project.
3.3 Critical Success Factors
Number / DescriptionQuality Metric 1 / Performance to Schedule
Quality Metric 2 / Performance to Budget
Quality Metric 3 / Quality of Deliverables
4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology
4.1 Project Management Life Cycle
Phase / Summary of Phase / Key DeliverablesInitiating / Project Charter approved.
Authorization to proceed with planning. / Project Charter
Project Scope
Business Requirements Business Case
Planning / Approved Project Plan / Project Plan
Critical success factors
Work Break down Structures
Project Schedule
Controlling / Design Completed, Tested and Modified iteratively until system requirements are met.
Pilot of system will provide additional system performance metrics that could lead to deployment or product changes. / Performance/Status Reports
Corrective Action
Measurement Metrics
Plan Change Requests
Product Change Request
Risk Management
Issues Management
Execution / Project Deliverables Completed / Actual efforts
Project Deliverables completion
Closing / Deliverable or Product Acceptance / Deliverable or Product Acceptance
Lessons Learned
4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables
Project Deliverables are work products or artifacts that are driven by the project management methodology requirements and standard project management practices regardless of the product requirements of the project. [Project Specifications]
Description - Work with various entities/stakeholders to develop specifications for use across systems involved in the Direct Certification work process. This deliverable should provide a detailed report that supports program and IT staff in attaining the next phase of the project. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – The artifact will support development of the System Design Documents.Standards for Content and Format –Written report with Visio Diagrams.
Quality Review - Stakeholders will review and finalize final project specifications. [Acquire Source Code]
Description –After reviewing state domain Direct Solutions, the Core Work Group will select a source and acquire it. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria –The code can be utilized and modified.Standards for Content and Format –QA Report
Quality Review –Core Work Group and IV & V will evaluate. [Project Management Plan]
Description – A detailed Project Management Plan will be developed with the requisite features essential to implementing and managing all aspects of the project. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – The Work Breakdown Schedule, Project timelines and project milestones will be completed with minimum adjustments for risks mitigated through the Risk management process.Standards for Content and Format – PCC and USDA Project Reports
Quality Review – Core Work Group and IV & V will evaluate. [Training Program and Materials]
Description – Once the Product Deliverables have been achieved, a training program, timeline and materials will be developed for full deployment. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – All artifacts, materials, modules and methods for training end and internal users will be complete.Standards for Content and Format – Training plan will meet Project Management Standards.
Quality Review – Core Work Group and IV & V will evaluate.
4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
Complete the following table to identify the deliverables this project is to produce, and to name the person or persons who have authority to approve each deliverable.
Deliverable Number / Deliverable / Approvers (Who can approve) / Date ApprovedPRJ-DEL-001 / Project Certification / PCC / 8/22/12
PRJ-DEL-002 / Project Management Plan (PMP) / PCC
4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure
The acceptance procedure will follow the PMP timeline for deliverables which includes scope contingencies for rework, issues, and any other modifications required due to deficiencies in a deliverable. A formal Deliverable Acceptance From will be utilized. (Attachment C)