GRDG690 ~ Capstone

  1. The Online Catalog. We now have TWO catalogs and a NEW website.
  2. To search within the walls of Lavery OR to search our Curriculum Center, usethe CLASSIC CATALOG.
  3. To search the larger world’s catalog and perhaps use ILL(Interlibrary Loan), use the NEW CATALOG
  1. Register for ILL: From the Library homepage’s blue bar, click on “My Accounts”, then click “Interlibrary Loan Account”
  1. Searching Tips
  2. To REFINE your search, use quotation marks around a short phrase. Quotation marks make a phrase stick together, i.e. “reading readiness”.
  3. To EXPAND your search, try these suggestions
  4. Check your spelling; incorrect spelling = no results
  5. Use more general search terms, i.e. use disabilities instead of autism
  6. Use OR to connect synonyms and synonymous phrases in the search boxes, i.e. boys OR males
  7. Look for the subject terms that the database recognizes. These are found the database thesaurus AND in the abstract of articles
  8. Truncate to extend the search term to multiple endings. The usual symbol is *, i.e. read* will search for read, reader, reader, readiness, reading…all words that begin with “read”.
  9. To NARROW your search, try these suggestions
  10. Use more specific search terms, use autism instead of disabilities
  11. Specify a date range
  12. Choose only scholarly journals
  13. Sort your results by relevance
  14. Search for your search terms only in the TITLE of the article
  15. Limit by geography

To find databases from the homepage

Sample Research Topic: Certain types of books are more effective than others in helping boys read and develop literacy skills.

  1. Education Research Complete
  2. Search for books AND boys. How many results?______
  3. Search for books AND boys in the TITLE. How many results?______
  4. Limit on the Right by FULL TEXT, SCHOLARLY, published in 2001-2010. How many?_____
  5. Limit on the left by Literacy. How many?______
  6. Sort by relevance and click on a title.
  7. Note: This database provides citation formatting. Also, when you use this database, limit first on the right side of the screen and then the left side.
  1. Proquest Education Journals / Wilson Education Abstract
  2. Search for books AND boys. How many results?______
  3. “Refine Search” and open MORE OPTIONS gray tab. Exclude book reviews, dissertations, and newspapers. How many?______
  4. Refine your search again to full text, scholarly journals, published in 2001-2010. How many?______
  5. Refine your search more by searching only in the DOCUMENT TITLE (see the drop-down menu). How many?______
  6. Broaden your search by using the “Refine Search” to add the search term literacy so that you are searching for boys AND books OR literacy. How many?______
  7. Sort by relevance and click on a title. (This database provides citation formatting.)
  1. ERIC (Advanced Search screen)
  2. Under the Search Tools tab, use the thesaurus to search for BOYS. How many results?______
  3. Use the thesaurus to search for LITERACY. How many ?______
  4. Use the thesaurus to search for BOOKS. How many ?______
  5. Using your search history, combine LITERACY OR BOOKS. How many?______
  6. Combine your LITERACY OR BOOKS search with AND BOYS. How many?______
  7. EDIT your search to 2001-2010. When your results come up, sort by relevance and click on Peer- reviewed journals.

NOTE: When you use the thesaurus, check the “hierarchy” box.

  1. Teacher Reference Center (This database provides citation formatting.)
  2. Search for BOYS and BOOK OR LITERACY in the TITLE (Do you see anything you recognize?)
  1. Citing from the Internet vs. citing from a database

(Includes a DOI explanation):

Take a few minutes to explore the Citation Resources link on the library homepage:

  1. Using a citation to locate the full text of an article.
  2. Practice by finding the PDF of this article “Perspectives on technology in special education” by A. Edward Blackhurst. Teaching Exceptional Children May/Jun 1997. Vol. 29, No. 5; p. 41-49
  3. From the library homepage, click onjournals
  4. Type in the journal title
  5. Click on the blue link of the database that you think is the best choice and includes the year you need
  6. Find the issue that contains your article
  7. If the full-text is still unavailable, follow the link on the library homepage to ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan)
  1. Use ULRICH’S database to check if a journal is scholarly.
  2. Type the journal title in box and select “exact title.” Then search. Click on the title (in Red) Look at the “Document Type”
  3. For Internet searching, try using GOOGLE ADVANCED SEARCH and limiting your domain to edu. Also, try Google Scholar. In Google Scholar, on campus, you will be connected to full texts in our databases

K. Sigler 01192010