Bangladesh Water Development Board
Telephone No: 0781-52268(Off) Office of the Executive Engineer
B Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB,
E-mail: Chapai Nawabganj.
Fax: 0781-52268
Invitation for Tenders (IFT)
Tender No.04/2012-13
1 / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Water Resources2 / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3 / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer, Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj.
4 / Procuring Entity Code / Not used at present.
5 / Procuring Entity District / Chapai Nawabganj
6 / Invitation for / As Sl. No. 25 below /Works
7 / Invitation Ref No / Memo No. EE/WDB/Chapai Nawabganj/Da-2/211
8 / Date / 06/03/2013
9 / Procurement Method / OTM (Open Tendering Method)
10 / Budget and Source of Funds / GOB Development Budget
11 / Development Partners / N/A
12 / Project/Programme Code / -
13 / Project/ Programme Name / Protection of Alatuli area of ChapaiNawabganj district from the erosion of the Padma River.
14 / Tender Package No.
Lot No. / Tender Package No. WP-2, WP-3 & WP-4.
Lot No. WP-2A, WP-2B, WP-3A, WP-3B, WP-4A & WP-4B.
15 / Tender Package Name / As per Sl.25
16 / Tender Publication Date / 11/03/2013(Also visit BWDB’s Website at
17 / Tender Last Selling Date / 10/04/2013
18 / Tender Closing Date and Time / Up to 12.00 hours on 11/04/2013. If the tender(s) could not be received in schedule time due to any unavoidable circumstances, the time of receiving the tender will be extended up to 12.00 hours on the next working day.
19 / Tender Opening Date and Time / 11/04/2013 at 14.30 hours. If the closing date and time shifted to the next working day due to unavoidable circumstances, the tender opening date and time also be bodily shifted on next working day.
20 / Name & Address of the office(s) / Address (s)
Selling Tender Document (Principal) / a) Manager, Agrani Bank Ltd., Chapai Nwabganj Branch, Chapai Nawabganj
Selling Tender Document (Others) / b) ) Manager, Agrani Bank Ltd., WAPDA irrigation Branch, Sopura, Rajshahi.
c) Janata Bank Ltd., Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka.
Receiving Tender Document / a) Office of the Executive Engineer, Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj.
b) Office of the Deputy Commissioner, ChapaiNawabganj.
c) Office of the Executive Engineer, Rajshahi O&M Division, BWDB, Rajshahi.
Opening Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj.
21 / Place/Date/Time of Pre-Tender Meeting / N/A
22A / Eligibility of Tenderer
Qualification Requirements of Tenderers / Any individual(s)/Firm(s) who fulfill the qualification(s) criteria of each package as stipulated in the Tender data Sheet (TDS) and other conditions of the tender Document.
Qualification requirements are given in the bidding documents, some, of those, but not, all are given below:
i) Lot WP-2A
a) the average annual construction turnover shall be: greater than taka 1450.00 lac.
b) availability of minimum liquid assets of working capital or credit facilities, shall be : taka 250.00 lac. and
c) specific experience as a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor in construction works of at least one contract of similar nature, complexity and methods/construction technology successfully completed within last 5 year valuing taka 630.00 lac.
ii) Lot WP-2B
a) the average annual construction turnover shall be: greater than taka 1250.00 lac.
b) availability of minimum liquid assets of working capital or credit facilities, shall be : taka 210.00 lac. and
c) specific experience as a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor in construction works of at least one contract of similar nature, complexity and methods/construction technology successfully completed within last 5 year valuing taka 540.00 lac.
iii) Lot WP-3A
a) the average annual construction turnover shall be: greater than taka 930.00 lac.
b) availability of minimum liquid assets of working capital or credit facilities, shall be : taka 160.00 lac. and
c) specific experience as a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor in construction works of at least one contract of similar nature, complexity and methods/construction technology successfully completed within last 5 year valuing taka 400.00 lac.
iv) Lot WP-3B
a) the average annual construction turnover shall be: greater than taka 910.00 lac.
b) availability of minimum liquid assets of working capital or credit facilities, shall be : taka 155.00 lac. and
c) specific experience as a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor in construction works of at least one contract of similar nature, complexity and methods/construction technology successfully completed within last 5 year valuing taka 390.00 lac.
v) Lot WP-4A
a) the average annual construction turnover shall be: greater than taka 910.00 lac.
b) availability of minimum liquid assets of working capital or credit facilities, shall be : taka 155.00 lac. and
c) specific experience as a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor in construction works of at least one contract of similar nature, complexity and methods/construction technology successfully completed within last 5 year valuing taka 390.00 lac.
vi) Lot WP-4B
a) the average annual construction turnover shall be: greater than taka 900.00 lac.
b) availability of minimum liquid assets of working capital or credit facilities, shall be : taka 155.00 lac. and
c) specific experience as a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor in construction works of at least one contract of similar nature, complexity and methods/construction technology successfully completed within last 5 year valuing taka 390.00 lac.
23 / Brief Description of Works / Bank revetment work by manufacturing, placing & dumping of C.C. Blocks, Sand filled Synthetic bags, Geo-textile filter, Sand filter, Khoa filter, Sand filled Geo-textile bags, earth work etc. along the left bank of the Padma River at ChapaiNawabganj Sadar Upazila.
24 / Brief Description of Related Services / Not applicable
25 / Package List
Sl. No. / Package No. / Location / Identification of Packages / Price of
(Tk) / Tender
(Tk) / Completion
Time in
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Package No.WP-2
01 / Lot No. WP-2A / Upazila:- Chapai nawabganj Sadar District:- Chapai Nawabganj / New bank revetment work on the left bank of the Padma River from meterage 7770 to meterage 7870 with end termination in connection with “Protection of Alatuli area of ChapaiNawabganj district from the erosion of the Padma River” Project under Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj during the FY 2012-13 & 2013-14”. / 5000/- / 27,00,000/- / 380 days
02 / Lot No. WP-2B / Upazila:- Chapai nawabganj Sadar District:- Chapai Nawabganj / New bank revetment work on the left bank of the Padma River from meterage 7570 to meterage 7770 in connection with “Protection of Alatuli area of ChapaiNawabganj district from the erosion of the Padma River” Project under Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj during the FY 2012-13 & 2013-14”. / 5000/- / 23,00,000/- / 380 days
Package No.WP-3.
03 / Lot No.WP-3A / Upazila:- Chapai nawabganj Sadar District:- Chapai Nawabganj / New bank revetment work on the left bank of the Padma River from meterage 7420 to meterage 7570 in connection with “Protection of Alatuli area of ChapaiNawabganj district from the erosion of the Padma River” Project under Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj during the FY 2012-13 & 2013-14”. / 5000/- / 17,00,000/- / 380 days
04 / Lot No.WP-3B / Upazila:- Chapai nawabganj Sadar District:- Chapai Nawabganj / New bank revetment work on the left bank of the Padma River from meterage 7270 to meterage 7420 in connection with “Protection of Alatuli area of ChapaiNawabganj district from the erosion of the Padma River” Project under Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj during the FY 2012-13 & 2013-14”. / 5000/- / 17,00,000/- / 380 days
Package No.WP-4.
05 / Lot No.WP-4A / Upazila:- Chapai nawabganj Sadar District:- Chapai Nawabganj / New bank revetment work on the left bank of the Padma River from meterage 7120 to meterage 7270 in connection with “Protection of Alatuli area of ChapaiNawabganj district from the erosion of the Padma River” Project under Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj during the FY 2012-13 & 2013-14”. / 5000/- / 17,00,000/- / 380 days
06 / Lot No.WP-4B / Upazila:- Chapai nawabganj Sadar District:- Chapai Nawabganj / New bank revetment work on the left bank of the Padma River from meterage 6970 to meterage 7120 in connection with “Protection of Alatuli area of ChapaiNawabganj district from the erosion of the Padma River” Project under Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj during the FY 2012-13 & 2013-14”. / 5000/- / 17,00,000/- / 380 days
26 / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Md. Mukhlesur Rahman
27 / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer
28 / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Nawabganj O&M Division, BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj
29 / Contact Details of Official Inviting Tender / Tel. 0781-52268 (office)
30 / Special Instruction / 1. Tender Modification: As per memo No: CPC of BWDB-51/04, dated- 06/07/2010.
a) Modification of tender must be submitted before the tender submission dead line with written notice to the procuring Entity duly signed by the tenderer or his authorized representative with Notarized letter in respect of authorization.
b) The rates of the items which tenderer intend to modify, must fill up the rates and amount afresh of those items in section-6 of BOQ duly filled in by types or written in indelible ink and submit in a sealed envelope marking “Modification”. Modification in respect of rate/value of one or all the items in % above/below will not be accepted.
c) For Modification of tender, cutting/ cleansing/rubbing/ over writing will not be accepted.
2. The work of any packages may be totally dropped, decreased or increased as per field condition/design/administrative approval/budget allocation for which no claim will be entertained for cancellation of the tender/Issuance of work order.
3. Work order will be issued after obtaining budget allocation & prior approval from the competent authority.
4. Payment will be made subject to the availability of fund. No claim in this regard will be entertained.
5. If the Tenderer(s) submit(s) any false/incorrect or forged certificate, the tender will be outright rejected and action as per PPR-2008 will be initiated.
6. In addition to the original of the Tender 1 (one) copy shall be submitted. Moreover two sets of BOQ to be submitted by the tenderer, dully filled in by typed or written in indelible ink & signed in a two separate sealed envelop making “additional BOQ”.
7. The Procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
(Md. Mukhlesur Rahman)
Executive Engineer
NwabganjO&M Division,
BWDB, Chapai Nawabganj