Post:Project Worker – Intervention Service
Closing Date:Monday 1st February 2016
Interview Date:TBA
Please complete this form fully and do not attach a C.V.
First Name(s): / Surname:Address:
Tel. No. Home: / Daytime:
The Marie Trust promotes equal opportunities and operates an equal opportunities policy. We welcome applications from all sections of the community.
Registered as a charity in Scotland (SC040633)
- Please give details of any education or qualifications which you consider to be relevant to this post
Qualification gained / Date / School / College /University / Institution
- Please give details of any training you have had which you consider to be relevant to this post (continue on a separate sheet, if necessary).
- Please give details of your present employment (if any)
Name and address of employer:
Current position held:
Length of time in current position:
Present salary:
What are your key duties and responsibilities in your current post?
- If you are not at present in paid work, please tell us what you are doing (e.g. studying, working at home, voluntary work etc.) This information could be relevant, so please include it.
- Please give details (with dates) of any voluntary work you have carried out
- Please give details of your employment history (list in order, with most recent employment first)
Organisation and address / Duties / Dates / Reason for leaving
- Please add any further information which you feel is relevant to your application
(The purpose of this part of the application form is to allow you to tell us exactly why you would be the best person for this post.)
- Since this post will involve extensive contact with some very vulnerable people, please tell us if you have any criminal convictions. (We will disregard any which are not directly relevant.)
- Notice required for leaving current post (if applicable):
- Please provide details of two referees who will vouch for your suitability for this post.
Job Title:
Telephone No.
Email address:
Job Title:
Telephone No.
Email address:
I confirm that that the information I have provided in this application form is accurate:
Please return this form byMonday 1st February 2016to:-
FAO Pam or Irene
The Marie Trust
32 Midland Street
G1 4PR
If posting, please mark the envelope ‘Private and Confidential’
Thank-you for your interest in this post