Social Studies K-5
K-5 Social Studies Grade Level Expectations
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Spring 2016
1. Knowledge of the principlesexpressed in documents shapingconstitutionaldemocracy inthe UnitedStatesCONCEPTS / GRADEK / GRADE1 / GRADE2 / GRADE3 / GRADE4 / GRADE5
A. / Withassistance,read andanalyze thetextoftheDeclarationofIndependencetodetermine importantprinciplesthat itcontains includinginalienable rights, government by the consent of the governed and the redress of grievances. / Applythe principles oftheDeclarationofIndependenceto thehistoricaltimeperiodsbeing studiedandtocurrent events.
Purposesandprinciplesof theDeclarationofIndependence
B. / Identifyreasonsformaking ruleswithintheschool. / Identifyandexplainwhycitiesmake laws. / Explainandgiveexamplesof howlaws andrulesaremadeandchangedwithinacommunity. / Explainandgiveexamplesof how laws are made and changedwithinthestate.
Explainthemajor purposesof theMissouri Constitution. / Explain the major purposes of the U.S. Constitution.
Withassistance,researchandanalyze thetextofthe U.S. Constitution todetermine importantprinciples such as limited government, rule of law, majority rules, minority rights, separation of powers, checks and balances and popular sovereignty. / Applythe principles oftheU.S.Constitution tothehistoricaltimeperiodsbeing studiedand to currentevents.
Purposesandprinciplesof theConstitution
C. / Discuss the concept of individual rights. / Discuss how individual rights are protected. / Examine how individual rights are protected within a community. / Examine how individual rights are protected within our state. / Explainthemajorpurposeof theBill ofRights.
Identifyimportantprinciples intheBill ofRights. / Apply the principles of the Bill of Rights to historical time periods being studied and to current events.
Purposesandprinciplesof theBill ofRights
1. Knowledge of the principlesexpressed in documents shapingconstitutionaldemocracy inthe UnitedStates (con’t)
D. / Giveexamplesof beingan activeand informed citizen inyour classroomor community. / Analyzehowbeing anactiveand informedcitizen makesadifferenceinyourcommunity.
List the consequences of citizens not actively participating in their communities. / Explain howtheStateofMissourireliesonresponsiblecitizen participationand drawimplicationsfor howpeopleshouldparticipate. / Examine ways by whichcitizens haveeffectivelyvoicedopinions,monitoredgovernment,and broughtaboutchangeboth past andpresent. / Analyze ways by which citizens haveeffectivelyvoicedopinions,monitoredgovernment,and broughtaboutchangeboth past andpresent.
Roleofcitizensandgovernments incarrying outconstitutionalprinciples
E. / Describethe character traits of role modelswithinyour familyorschool. / Describethe character traitsof role modelswithinyour community. / Describethe character traitsand civicattitudesof inventorsor pioneersin their fieldwhoinfluenced progress inthenation.See teacher resources for illustrative examples. / Describethe character traitsand civicattitudesof influentialMissourians. See teacher resources for illustrative examples. / Describethe character traits and civicattitudesof historically significant individualsin American history prior to c. 1800.See teacher resources for illustrative examples. / Describe the character traits and civic attitudes of historically significant individuals in the United States history from c. 1800 – 2000. See teacher resources for illustrative examples.
Character traitsandcivicattitudesofsignificant individuals
F. / Identify the flag as a
symbol of our nation.
Recite the Pledge of Allegiance. / Recognize and explain the significance of the Statue of Liberty, U.S. Capitol, Bald Eagle and the Liberty Bell.
Recognize and explain the significance of symbols of your local community. / Describe the importance of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recognize and explain the significance of national symbols including national landmarks, national parks, and important memorials.
See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Explain how the National Anthem symbolizes our nation.
Recognize and explain the significance of the Gateway Arch and the Great Seal of Missouri and other symbols of our state. / Recognize and explain the significance of national symbols associated with historical events and time periods being studied. / Recognize and explain the significance of national symbols associated with historical events and time periods being studied.
Knowledge of the symbols of our state and nation
2. Knowledge of principles andprocesses ofgovernance systems
A. / Explain howgovernmentsbalance individual rightswith common goodtosolvelocal communityor stateissues. / Explain howthepurposeandroles of governmentweredebated c. early settlements to 1800. / Explain howthepurposeandroles of governmenthavebeen debatedacrosshistoricaltimeperiodstocurrent times.
B. / Analyze peacefulresolution of disputesbythecourts, or other legitimateauthoritiesinMissouri. / Analyze peacefulresolution of disputesbycourtsor other legitimateauthoritiesinU.S.historyfromearlysettlementtoc. 1800. / Analyze peacefulresolution of disputesbycourtsor otherlegitimateauthoritiesinU.S.historyfromc. 1800 –2000.
C. / Describewhygroupsneedto makedecisionsand howthosedecisionsaremadeinfamiliesandclassrooms. / Describehow authoritative decisionsaremade,enforced andinterpretedwithinschoolsandlocalcommunities. / Distinguishthe responsibilities andpowersof governmentofficialsatvariouslevelsand branchesofgovernmentinauthoritativedecisionmaking. / Describe how authoritative decisionsaremade,enforced andinterpretedbythestategovernmentacrosshistoricaltimeperiodsand/or incurrentevents. / Explain howauthoritativedecisionsaremade,enforced andinterpretedbythefederalgovernmentacrosshistoricaltimeperiodsand/or current events. / Analyze how authoritative decisionsaremade,enforced andinterpretedbythefederalgovernmentacrosshistoricaltimeperiodsandcurrentevents.
Processesofgovernmentalsystemsin decisionmaking
D. / Describe rolesand responsibilitiesofpeoplein authorityinfamiliesand ingroups. / Describe rolesand responsibilitiesofpeopleingovernment, such as a judge, mayor, police, city council member,inacommunity. / Identifyandexplain theconcept of branches and functions ofgovernment. / Identifyandexplain thefunctionsof thethreebranchesofgovernment in Missouri. / Identifyandexplain thefunctionsof thethreebranchesofgovernment inthefederal government. / Distinguish betweenpowersandfunctionsoflocal,stateand nationalgovernmentin thepastand present.
Social Studies K-5
3a. Knowledge of continuity and change inthehistory ofMissouriandthe UnitedStatesCONCEPTS / GRADEK / GRADE1 / GRADE2 / GRADE3 / GRADE4 / GRADE5
A. / Comparethecultureandpeopleinourcommunityacross multiple timeperiods. / Describethe migrationof nativeAmericansto Missouri prior to Europeansettlement in the state.
Describethediscovery,explorationand earlysettlementof MissouribyEuropean immigrants.
Describe the reasons African peoples were enslaved and brought to Missouri. / Describethe migrationsof nativeAmericans prior to 1800.
Describethediscovery,explorationand earlysettlementof AmericabyEuropeans prior to 1800.
Describe the reasons African peoples were enslaved and brought to the Americas prior to 1800. / Outlinethe territorial expansion of theUnitedStates.
Describe the impact of migration on immigrants and the United States c. 1800-2000.
Understandthemovementofpeoplefrom manyregionsoftheworldtoNorthAmerica
B. / Createapersonalhistory.
Compare your family’s life inthepastandpresent. / Compare andcontrastour communityin thepastandthepresent. / Compare and contrast thechanging habitats,resources,artand dailylives ofnativeAmerican peoplein regionsoftheU.S. / Examine cultural interactionsandconflictsamong NativeAmericans,
European immigrantsand enslaved and free African-Americans in Missouri.
Examine changing cultural interactionsandconflictsamong Missourians after the Civil War. / Examine cultural interactions andconflictsamong Native Americans, Immigrants from Europe, and enslaved and free Africans and African Americans prior to c. 1800. / Examine cultural interactions andconflictsamong Native Americans, European Americans and
African Americans from c. 1800 – 2000.
3a. Knowledge of continuity and change inthehistory ofMissouriandthe UnitedStates
C. / Describethecontributions of peopletypicallystudied inK-5programsassociatedwithnational holidays. (See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Describe the contributions of people typically studied in K-5 programs associated with national holidays.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Describethe
ofinventors orpioneersin their fieldwhoinfluenced progress inournation.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Identifyand describethehistorical significanceofthe individualsfrom Missouri whohave made contributionsto our stateand nation.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Identify and describe the contributions of historically significant individuals to America and the United States prior to c. 1800.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Identify and describe the contributions of historically significant individuals to the United States from c. 1800 – 2000.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples)
Knowledgeofthecontributionsofsignificant personsinU.S.history.
D. / Explainthe causes of the AmericanRevolution,including theperspectivesof patriots,loyalists, Native Americans, African Americans and European allies.
Explain the factors thatcontributed to the colonists’ success.
3a. Knowledge of continuity and change inthehistory ofMissouriandthe UnitedStates
E. / Discuss the causes
andconsequences of theDredScott decisionon Missouri andthenation. / Describe the historical context for the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Explain how the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights affected people in the United States prior to c. 1800. / Explainthecausesandconsequencesof majorpoliticaldevelopmentsandreform in U.S. history from c. 1800-2000
Politicaldevelopments andreformmovements intheU.S.
F / Describetheimportanceof the Louisiana Purchase and the expedition of Lewis and Clark.
EvaluatetheimpactofwestwardexpansionontheNativeAmericans inMissouri.
Discuss issuesofMissouristatehood.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Investigatethecausesandconsequencesofwestwardexpansion prior to 1800. / Investigatethecausesandconsequencesofwestwardexpansion c. 1800-2000.
WestwardExpansionandsettlement in theUS
3a. Knowledge of continuity and change inthehistory ofMissouriandthe UnitedStates
G. / Explain Missouri’srolein the Civil War, including the concept of a border state.
Describethe consequences of the Civil War in Missouri including on education, transportation, and communication. / Identifypolitical,economicandsocialcausesand consequencesof theCivil War andReconstruction.
Understandingthecausesandconsequencesof theCivilWar
H. / Identifypolitical,economic,and socialcausesand consequencesof the GreatDepression.
Major economicdevelopments in theUnitedStates
I. / Identifypolitical,economic,and socialcausesand consequencesof WorldWarI and WWII on the United States.
Identify the political, economic and social consequences of the Cold War on the United States.
Causes,comparisons,andresultsofmajortwentieth-century wars
4. Knowledge of economic concepts and principles
A. / Describeexamplesofscarcitywithinyourfamilyandschool.
Describeexamplesofopportunity costwithinyour familyand school.
Describeexamplesofneedsand wantswithinyour familyandschool. / Describeexamplesofscarcitywithinyourschool and community.
Describeexamplesofgoodsandserviceswithinyour school andcommunity.
Describe consumersand producersand therelationship togoodsand serviceswithinyourschool and community. / Describe consumptionandproductionand therelationship togoodsandserviceswithinyourregion.
Demonstratehowpeopleusemoneytobuyandsell goodsandservices.
Demonstratehowpeoplebartertoexchange goodsandservices.
Explaintherelationshipof income,labor,and wages. / Compare andcontrastprivate and public goodsandservices.
Define natural, capital and human resources.
Define economy.
Explainsupply and
demand. / Compare andcontrastsaving and financialinvestment.
Explainthe relationshipbetween profitand lossineconomicdecisions.
Distinguishamongnatural, capital and human resources. / Explain howscarcity,supply and demand,opportunity costs, income, labor, wages and other economicconceptsaffect ournation’spast, present and future.
B. / Describe apersonalcost-benefitsituation. / Conduct a personal cost-benefit analysis. / Conduct apublic cost- benefitanalysis.
C. / Define taxes andexplainhow taxes are generated and used. / Explain howthegovernment utilizestaxes toprovidegoodsandservices.
D. / Explainfactors,pastand present,thatinfluencechangesin our state’s economy. / Explainfactors,pastand present,thatinfluencechangesin state andregional economies. / Explainfactors,pastand present,thatinfluencechangesinournation’seconomy.
Use an economic lens to describe the impact of migration on the immigrants and the United States c. 1800-2000.
Factorsthatinfluencethe economy
Social Studies K-5
5. Knowledge of majorelements of geographical study and analysisand theirrelationshipto changes insociety and the environmentCONCEPTS / GRADEK / GRADE1 / GRADE2 / GRADE3 / GRADE4 / GRADE5
A. / Identifymapsas representationsof realplaces.
With assistance, read,construct,and usemapsof familiar places such as the classroom, the home, the bedroom etc.
Matchlegendsymbols tomap features. / Identifyglobesas representationsof realplaces.
With assistance, read,construct,and usemapswhich have a titleand key.
Describehowmapsarecreatedfor differentpurposes such as a school fire drill, a trip to the zoo etc.
Useacompassrosetoidentifycardinaldirections on a map. / Read and constructmapswithtitleand key.
Identifythepropertiesand useof different typesof maps for avarietyofpurposes. / Read and construct historical and current maps. / Constructand interpret historical and current maps / Usegeographicsources to acquireinformation, answerquestions and solve problems.
Construct maps for relevant social studies topics.
Reading andconstructing maps
B. / Apply positional words to locations within the classroom / Locateaplace bypointingitout on amap and bydescribingits relative location. / Nameandlocatethe regionsinyourcommunity.
Nameandlocate regionsof the world. / Nameandlocatemajorcities,rivers,regions,and states which borderMissouri.
Describeand use absolutelocation usingagridsystem. / Name and locate specific regions, states, capitals, river systems and mountain ranges in the United States based on historical or current topics. / Name and locate specific regions, states, capitals, river systems and mountain ranges in the United States based on historical or current topics.
Locateand describerealplaces, usingabsoluteandrelativelocation.
Understandingtheconceptof location to
makepredictionsandsolve problems.
Social Studies K-5
5. Knowledge of majorelements of geographical study and analysisand theirrelationshipto changes insociety and the environmentCONCEPTS / GRADEK / GRADE1 / GRADE2 / GRADE3 / GRADE4 / GRADE5
C. / Identifyphysical characteristics of yourcommunity. (See teacher resources for illustrative examples)
Describe human characteristics of yourcommunity.(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Identifyand describephysicalcharacteristicsof the world.(See teacher resources for illustrative examples)
Identifyand describephysicalcharacteristicsof the student’s region in Missouri.(See teacher resources for illustrative examples)
Describe human characteristicsof thestudent’s region in Missouri.(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Identifyand comparephysicalgeographic characteristicsof Missouri.(See teacher resources for illustrative examples)
Describe human geographic characteristics of Missouri. (See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Identifyand comparephysicalcharacteristicsof specific regionswithinthe nation.
Identifyand comparediverse humangeographic characteristicsof thenation. / Describe and analyze physicalcharacteristicsof the nation.
Describe and analyze diverse human characteristicsof thenation.
Understanding theconceptof place
D. / DescribehowpeopleofMissouri areaffected by,depend on,adapt toandchangetheir physical environments in the past and in the present. / Analyze howpeopleareaffectedby,dependon,adapttoand changetheirphysical environments in the past and in the present. / Evaluate howpeopleareaffectedby,dependon,adapttoand changetheirphysical environments in the past and in the present.
5. Knowledge of majorelements of geographical study and analysisand theirrelationshipto changes insociety and the environment
E. / Describedifferenttypesof communication andtransportationandidentifytheiradvantagesand disadvantages.
Describehowtransportationand communication systemshavefacilitated themovementof people,products,and ideas. / Describehowchangesincommunication andtransportationtechnologiesaffectpeople’slives. / Analyzehowchangesincommunication andtransportationtechnologiesaffectpeople’slives. / Evaluatehowchangesincommunication andtransportationtechnologiesaffectpeople’slives.
F. / Define the concept of regions as places which have unifying political, physical, or cultural characteristics.
Identifyexamplesofdifferentregions in Missouri.(See teacher resources for illustrative examples)
Describe whypeopleofdifferentgroupssettlemoreinoneplace or regionthan another. / Identify regions in Missouri.
Compare regions in Missouri.(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Identify differentregionsin the UnitedStatesandanalyze howtheircharacteristicsaffectpeople who live there. / Describe different regionsin the UnitedStatesandanalyze howtheircharacteristicsaffectpeople who live there.
Social Studies K-5
5. Knowledge of majorelements of geographical study and analysisand theirrelationshipto changes insociety and the environmentCONCEPTS / GRADEK / GRADE1 / GRADE2 / GRADE3 / GRADE4 / GRADE5
G. / Explain howgeography affects the way people live today. / Explain howgeographyaffected important events in Missouri history. / Usegeographytointerpretthepastand predictfutureconsequences as appropriate to topics or eras discussed. / Usegeographytointerpretthepast,explainthepresentand planforthefuture as appropriate to topics or eras discussed.
Use a geographic lens to describe the impact of migration on the immigrants and the United States c. 1800-2000.
Using geography tointerpret,explainandpredict
6. Knowledge of relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions
A. / Describe culturalcharacteristics of yourfamilyand classmembersincluding language, celebrations, customs, holidays, artistic expression, food, dress, and traditions. / Describe cultural characteristics of yourschool and community.(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Comparethe cultural characteristicsof regionsin thestate.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Comparethe cultural characteristicsof regionsin Missouri.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Compare cultural characteristics across historical time periods in U.S. history prior to c. 1800.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Compare cultural characteristics acrosshistoricaltimeperiods in the U.S. post c.1800
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples)
Describe the cultural impact of migration on the immigrants and the United States c. 1800-2000.
Culturalcharacteristicsof allpeople
B. / Explain howto resolvedisputespeacefullyintheclassroomandon theplayground. / Proposepeacefulresolutionsof disputes intheclassroomandon theplayground. / Demonstrateapeacefulresolution toadispute. / Takepart in aconstructiveprocessormethodfor resolvingconflicts. / Apply constructiveprocessesor methodsforresolving conflicts. / Evaluate constructive processes or methods for resolving conflicts.
C. / Share stories related to your family cultural traditions and family lore. / Recount stories about locations, people, and cultural events in your community. / Recall stories and songs that reflect the cultural history of peoples from various regions in the United States including regional folk figures, Native American legends and African American folktales. / Research stories and songs that reflect the cultural history of Missouri. / Research stories and songs that reflect the cultural history of the early United States prior to 1800. / Research stories and songs that reflect the cultural history of the United States c. 1800-2000.
Ideas and beliefs of different cultures
6. Knowledge of relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions
D. / Describe how you and your family remember and commemorate your cultural heritage. / Describe how your community commemorates its cultural heritage. / Describe how regions commemorate cultural heritage. / Describe how people in Missouri preserve their cultural heritage. / Analyze the preservation of cultural life, celebrations, traditions, and commemorations over time. / Analyze the preservation of cultural life, celebrations, traditions, and commemorations over time.
Cultural heritage and preservation
E. / Examine the changing roles of Native Americans, Immigrants,
African Americans, women and others in Missouri history. / Examine roles among Native Americans, Immigrants,
African Americans, women and others from early migrations to c. 1800. / Examine the changing roles among Native Americans, Immigrants,
African Americans, women and others from 1800-2000.
Changing of roles of various groups
Social Studies K-5
7.Knowledge of the use oftools ofsocialscience inquiryCONCEPTS / GRADEK / GRADE1 / GRADE2 / GRADE3 / GRADE4 / GRADE5
A. / Label andanalyze different social studies’sourceswithguidanceand supportfrom an adult.
Useartifacts to share information on social studies’ topics.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Identify and analyze primary and secondary social studies’ sources in classroom discussion with guidance and support from an adult.
Identify and use artifacts to share information on social studies’ topics.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Describe and analyze primary and secondary social studies’ sources in classroom discussion with guidance and support.
Select and use artifacts to share information on social studies’ topics.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Select and analyze primary and secondary social studies’ sources to determine importance with guidance and support.
Create and use artifacts to share information on social studies’ topics.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Select,analyze,andevaluate primaryandsecondarysocial studies’sourceswithguidanceandsupport.
Analyze and use artifacts to share information on social studies’ topics.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples) / Identify,select,analyze,andevaluateresources tocreateaproduct of socialscienceinquiry.
Evaluate and useartifactsto share information on social studies' topics.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples)
B. / Use visual tools to communicate information. / Create visual tools to communicate information. / Use visual tools and informational texts to communicate information. / With guidance and support, use visual tools and informational texts to interpret,drawconclusions,makepredictions,andcommunicateinformation and ideas. / Use visual tools and informational texts to interpret,drawconclusions,makepredictions,andcommunicateinformation and ideaswithguidanceandsupport, as needed.
Create products such as maps, graphs, timelines, charts and models, diagrams etc. to communicate information and understanding. / Use visual tools to interpret, draw conclusions,makepredictions,andcommunicateinformation and ideas.
Createand present products such as maps, graphs, timelines, charts and models, diagrams etc. to communicate information and understanding on social studies’ topics.
Use visual tools to communicateinformationandideas
7.Knowledge of the use oftools ofsocialscience inquiry
C. / Explain the difference between fact and opinion in social studies’ topics.
Explain the concept of point of view in social studies’ topics. / Identify facts and opinions in social studies’ topics.
Identify point of view in social studies’ topics. / Distinguish betweenfactandopinion andrecognizebiasand pointof view in social studies’ topics. / Explain how facts and opinions affect point of view and/or bias in social studies’ topics.
Identify,research,anddefenda pointofview/position on a social studies’ topic.
Understanding andsupporting fact,opinion,biasandpointof view in sources.
D. / Share findings about a social studies’ topic. / Share findings about a social studies’ topic. / Share research about a social studies’ topic. / Present social studies’ research to an audience using appropriate sources. / With assistance, conduct and present social studies’ research to an audience using appropriate sources. / Conduct and present social studies’researchto anaudienceusingappropriatesources.
Conducting andpresenting researchwithappropriate resources.