Work centre:
Training Deptt
/ Title: -
Learner Result Enquiries and Appeal Procedure / Revision Date: N/A
Issue Date: 01.02.2017
Page: 1 of 2
1.To outlines the procedure for establishing Learners right to enquire about the result and file an appeal against her/his result.
Scope / Applications:
2.It is applicable to the Examination departments of Proftech Leading Institute
3.CEO, Manager Examinations.
4.(a)PLI :Proftech Leading Institute(b) ME: Manager Examination
The Proftech Leading Institute ensures the right of learners to enquire about their results and to appeal against the outcome of the enquiry. The learner may file an appeal against the results of enquiry (e.g. appealing against a malpractice decision or appeal against the remarking of assessments).
Proftech Leading Institute has comprehensive procedures in place to ensure that result enquiries and appeals are dealt in a fair and transparent manner without any conflict of interest.
A result enquiry or appeal from the learners may have following outcomes:-
- Result remains the Same
- Grades are higher than the first result
- Grades become lower than the first result
In all of the above mentioned cases, the result of the appeal will prevail and any previous result will be void.
Result enquiries
A learner who is dissatisfied with the outcome of the result may enquire about the result within 14 days of the issuance of original result as follows:-
1- Clerical Check only
2- Remarking
Remarking will be carried out from a different assessor than the one who originally marked the assessment/s.
The fee applies in each case and can be changed from time to time but current fee list can be downloaded from the website (
The result enquiry form is placed as F-NAP-016/3 and can be downloaded from the download section of IDSE or can be requested by sending an email to
Work centre:
Training Deptt
/ Title: -
Learner Result Enquiries and Appeal Procedure / Revision Date: N/A
Issue Date: 01.02.2017
Page: 2 of 2
Proftech Leading Institute however reserves the right not to entertain any result enquiries received after the 14 days of result issuance date.
The outcome of the result inquiries will be communicated to the learner within 28 days after the submission of F-NAP-016/3 and payment of requisite fee.
The appeals procedure is available to the learners who remain dissatisfied with the outcome of result enquiry. The student may file a result enquiry only once against a specific exam and assessment. Subsequently, learner has the option to appeal against the decision of result enquiry only.
Proftech Leading Institute will form an appeal committee comprising 3 members from various sectors who do not have any part in the delivery and assessment of the qualification and there is no conflict of interest to ensure the transparency and fairness for learners’ right of appeal.
Appeals by the learner/s may be filed within 14 days of the outcome of result enquiries communicated to them directly via their registered email. Any appeal request received after 14 days may not be entertained on the sole discretion of Proftech Leading Institute. The appeal may be filed on Form F- NAP-016/4 along with paying the requisite fee for appeal (Currently it is 100$ or equivalent currency in PKR against a single assessment decision).
The appeal process does not include remarking of the answer sheets/ scripts but it ensures that the procedure which were followed for the remarking were consistent with the Proftech Leading Institute’s policies and there have been no conflict of interest in the whole remarking procedure. The appeal committee can also ask for remarking by another independent assessor on their sole discretion.
The outcome of the appeal will be communicated to the learner within 28 days of receipt of appeal form along with the requisite fee. The appeal outcome will be sent to the learners’ registered email address.
6. PLI Quality Management systems Manual.Records:
7.(a)Manager Examinations( ADEEM BEHZAD AHMAD)
Proftech Leading Institute
- CEO Office
- Manager Examinations
Result Enquiry Form
Student Name: Student Number:
Course title:Exam Date/s:
Result Issuance Date:
Original Result :- (Please tick pass or fail and put N/A where not applicable)
Unit 1: Pass/ Fail Unit 2: Pass/ Fail
Unit 3: Pass/ Fail Unit 4: Pass/ Fail
I am applying for the result enquiry for following Unit/s (Tick as many applicable)
Clerical Check only Remarking
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Note: (The fee mentioned in our fee list is for single unit. If you apply for result enquiries for more than one unit then additional fee will be charged against each unit result enquiry. Moreover, if you tick both clerical check and remarking then only fee for remarking will apply as it includes clerical check of assessments)
I confirm that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and I am aware that Proftech Leading Institute may take suitable disciplinary action (Including the disqualification from this qualification for 1 to 3 years and declaring the results as void)
Date Student’s Signature
For Proftech Leading Institute Use Only
Application receiving DateReceiving date is with 14 days after the result / Yes / No
Applicable fee Submitted / Yes / No
Name of First Assessor
Forwarded to Assessor (Name) for Remarking (If applicable)
Result of Clerical Check
Result of Remarking
Application Reference No.
Please send this form to along with the payment deposit slip scan copy or any other evidence of payment
Appeal Form
Student Name: Student Number:
Result Enquiry Reference No.
Result Enquiry Issuance Date:
I wish to file an appeal against the result enquiry decision for the following unit/s
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
I confirm that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and I am aware that Proftech Leading Institute may take suitable disciplinary action (Including the disqualification from this qualification for 1 to 3 years and declaring all the results as void)
Date Student’s Signature
For Proftech Leading Institute Use Only
Application receiving DateReceiving date is with 14 days after the communication of enquiry about result / Yes / No
Applicable fee Submitted / Yes / No
Name of the Assessor who remarked the assessment
Result of Remarking
Appeal Application Reference No.
Appeal Committee Members
Please send this form to along with the payment deposit slip scan copy or any other evidence of payment.