MHC July 2016 Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 27, 2016 – 7:30 PM
Mansion House Club
Alexandria, VA 22309
- Motion to approve minutes passed unopposed with one edit to add to secretary email list.
- Bees were prevalent around tables and trash cans by lounge. “Treats” seem to be worsening the bee problem. Terminix will be called, if not successful unanimous agreement to pursue a specialist. Discussion ensued as to Guard responsibility for pool cleanliness with belief the task is covered in the contract. The board discussed placing cleaning wipes on the table to help stay in front of attracting more bees. The circuit breaker for the vending machine was popped (known recurring problem).
- Treasurer covered financial statement
- Tennis: confirmed receipt of first aid kit and pest control. Reported it has been a successful year and the team is almost at the end of the season. The coaches were good, however expensive. Plan to revisit court condition in the fall. Discussion ensued as to the goal of the team/coaches; to have fun or to be competitive.
- Membership: Reported 62 shares for sell
- Legal: Nothing to pass
- Social:Crab feast deemed a success; managed to dodge the weather. Reported gate sales were down from years past (?) Chris please check if I have this right, my notes state typically we double sales at the gate. Unanimous agreement to not reschedule the 4th of July party; not enough bang for the buck given family vacation.
- Dive: Season almost over, going ok and kids enjoyed themselves. Higher numbers participated this year! For next year we need to consider the effect of Nationals on a young team and coach demands/availability. Also, discussed how to accommodate dual track athletes (dive/swim). Coaches to discuss off line over winter.
- Unfinished business: Discussed pool member (teen) behavior challenges and guard enforcement of “House rules”. Further discussion about guards not actually guarding causing a safety concern. Also, discussed swim practice and need for membership education; swim team does not equal right to use pool for those not assigned the practice period. (Siblings waiting for practice to start/end). David Earle to be contacted for further discussion.
- New Business: Advertising at MHC Pool discussed. All agreed it should be permitted and potential for fund raising opportunity. Placement, standardization, and maintenance of ads discussed. Secretary agreed to take action to draft policy and provide to legal.
- Team reps discussed leeway with funds for team parties and possible alternate funding options ( sub-accounts, pre-paid cards, etc…) Treasurer recommended revisiting issue as part of budget clean up and would review options with Burke and Herbert.