BC Hydro F2006 Open Call for Power - Bidder Registration Form
Note: This is a form field document. Enter data only in the form fields. All other fields are in read only format. Do not otherwise modify or supplement this document. A completed Bidder Registration Form must be submitted to BC Hydro, together with a registration fee of $5,000 by cheque payable to “British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority” or “BC Hydro” on or before the date shown on the CFT Schedule. See section 7 of the CFT for more information on Bidder registration.
TO:BC Hydro
10th Floor, 333 Dunsmuir Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 5R3
Attention: CFT Records Manager
BC Hydro requests that Bidders also deliver a copy of the Bidder Registration Form to BC Hydro via email to .
Issued 8 December 20051
BC Hydro F2006 Open Call for Power - Bidder Registration Form
Bidder InformationFull Bidder Name:
Bidder Postal Address:
Bidder or Project Website Address:
Bidder Contact Person
Contact First Name: / Contact Last Name:
Postal Address (if different from above):
Title: / Email:
Phone: / Alternate Phone: / Fax:
Preliminary Project Information
Note: If Bidder intends to tender more than one Project, complete a registration form for each Project. However, only one registration fee is payable per Bidder, regardless of the number of Projects tendered.
Project Name:
Plant Capacity: MW / Split Bid (for Large Projects only, check if Yes):
Project Location Geographic Region: (blank)Central InteriorEast KootenaysKelly / NicolaLower MainlandNorth CoastPeace RiverSelkirk AreaVancouver Island / Project Location (nearest city):
Generation Technology: (blank)Biomass - BiogasBiomass - MSWBiomass - WoodwasteCoalDieselGeothermalHydro with StorageNatural GasOilPumped StorageRun-of-River Hydro Waste HeatWindOther / If Other, describe:
Scheduled COD: (e.g. 2009-11-01) / Interconnection (T or D): (blank)TransmissionDistribution / Indirect Connection: (blank)Industrial FacilityPrivately-Owned LineThird Party Utility
Project Ownership
Note: Complete this section only if the Bidder entity is not a publicly traded entity on a recognized stock exchange. State the name or names of publicly traded entity or other person or persons holding a direct or indirect equity interest in the Bidder of 10% or more. Alternatively, the Bidder may attach an ownership chart disclosing this information. If insufficient space, attach a schedule of owners.
Name of Owner: / Interest: %
Name of Owner: / Interest: %
Name of Owner: / Interest: %
Name of Owner: / Interest: %
Preliminary Interconnection Study Application
The undersigned confirms that the Bidder has submitted to BCTC (Transmission System-interconnected Project) or to BC Hydro Distribution Generator Interconnections (Distribution System-interconnected Project), as applicable, an F2006 CFT Preliminary Interconnection Study Application for the Project effective on 25 November 2005 and 1 December 2005 for the Distribution-interconnected and Transmission-interconnected Projects respectively, and in the case of a Distribution System-interconnected Project, has paid the deposit associated therewith.A copy of the application is attached to this registration form:
Consent to Disclosure
The undersigned consents to: (i) the disclosure by BCTC to BC Hydro of its F2006 CFT Preliminary Interconnection Study Application submitted to BCTC, and any information submitted or to be submitted to BCTC relative thereto, and any study report resulting therefrom; and (ii) the disclosure by BC Hydro to BCTC of its F2006 CFT Preliminary Interconnection Study Application submitted to BC Hydro, and any information submitted or to be submitted to BC Hydro relative thereto, and any study report resulting therefrom.
Registration Fee
A cheque or bank draft payable to “British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority” or “BC Hydro” in the amount of $5,000 is enclosed , or has been paid with another Bidder Registration Form submitted by the same Bidder:Bidders’ Workshop Registration
Note: Registration to the Bidders’ Workshop is limited to 5 (five) attendees per registered Bidder. Please inform BC Hydro of any changes in the registration prior to the Workshop.First Name: / Last Name: / Title:
First Name: / Last Name: / Title:
First Name: / Last Name: / Title:
First Name: / Last Name: / Title:
First Name: / Last Name: / Title:
Bidders’ Workshop Topics
Please provide 3 (three) topics you would like to be addressed at the Workshop.Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Topic 3:
Signed on behalf of the Bidder:
- F2006 CFT Preliminary Interconnection Study Application
Issued 8 December 20051