Game the Chinese Language
Database schema
It seems like that the following design would work for the four (4) types of games (or exercises) that I’d like to see implemented. Add your deign about the User and Plays table can give you a complete picture of the data needs for the application.
Remember that this application is supposed to be bilingual: English and Chinese. Each game type corresponds to a type of exercises in a series of textbooks ( Type names or descriptions are available in the texts (actually, in the exercise books). YuChen should be able to collect the right questions and provide answers to them.
Application functional requirements
There are four types of exercises that can be implemented in ways similar to the samples that I provided for YuChen: using simple JavaScript on the client-side. YuChen can work on the front end, Boakai can provide web programing environment and DB connectivity using PHP, and Kelton can help with either side or both.
I’ve provided samples for
-Type I: 照例子连词成句(Put the givenwords inthe correct order tomake sentencesafter themodel); and
-Type II:照例子连一连,组词语(Linkand formphrases after themodel).
I’dlike to see the following two types be implemented as well:
-Type III:选字填空(Choose the right characters to fill inthe blanks); and
-Type IV: 读课文,填空(Fill in the blanks according to the text).
Hints for Design and Implementation
A sample section from the original exercise book is provided below for each type to help describe the scenario.Possible ways to store data (question, answer, and some additional information) will be described next, while page design and implementation ideas last.
Type I: 照例子连词成句(Put the givenwords inthe correct order tomake sentencesafterthemodel)
-Original layout in workbook:
-Data Storage: store each question (including the example) together with its answer as one record in the QuestionWithAnswer table. Use spaces as provided in the original questions to separate phrases. Use the IsExample field to denote whether the question will be displayed as a worked-out example on the web page.
-Page Design/Impl: a sample has been provided. Please provide English wording on the buttons, and add a few pictures for decoration.
Type II: 照例子连一连,组词语(Linkand formphrases after themodel).
-Original layout styles in workbook:
Note that some sections may have been displayed vertically, probably due to the fact that too many pairs of words are present. The AdditionalType column in the GameType table may be used for tracking this info. Laying out the word pairs accordingly based on this info may support two types (i.e., Type II-Vertical and Type II-Horizontal) with the same page.
-Data Storage: store all words (or phrases in some cases) as one record (but separated as two lines using a special character such as new line or |) in the QuestionWithAnswer table. Use spaces to separate words or phrases. Use all target phrases (separated with spaces) in the answer column. Store the sample as another record, with the IsExample field checked. Make sure the sample has the same GameID as the question record.
-Page Design/Impl: retrieve the question from table and display the words or phrases in two lines (horizontally or vertically based on GameType). Retrieve the sample and mark the pair with link and target phrase as is worked out in the original workbook.
Also, add English descriptions and/or decorative imagesas appropriate.
Type III: 选字填空(Choose the right characters to fill inthe blanks)
-Original layout styles in workbook:
Again, there are a couple variations in this type: word list for an individual question, or for the whole group. The AdditionalType column in the GameType table may be used for tracking this info.
-Data Storage: in the QuestionWithAnswer tablestore each question or a group of questions as one record. Use underscore to track where a word is missing. Enclose the fill-in word options in a pair of parentheses. For individual questions, just store the right fill-in word option in the answer column. First work on the individual questions, and figure out a scheme for the group questions later.
-Page Design/Impl: to be added soon.
Type IV: 读课文,填空(Fill in the blanks according to the text).
-Original layout styles in workbook:
-Data Storage: in the QuestionWithAnswer table store each question as one record, anduse underscores to track where one or more wordsare missing. Store the original text in the answer column.
-Page Design/Impl: to be added soon.