Building a Custom Vita

Dave Yancey

Revised: June19, 2017

  1. Overview

The custom vita function provides an interface to construct templates that format the display of database information in the form of a vita. Templates may be used here to generate a custom formatted vita, but may also be referenced when finalizing the vita for public access. (See the Faculty Expertise and Advancement System User’s Manual.)

This function is only available after the vita data entry has started. In the Main Menu, under “Generate other vita documents,” “Generate a Custom Vita” will initiate this function. This menu function is also available under the Function Shortcut menu.

When this function is selected, a display such as the following is presented. A drop-down list presents the custom vita templates that have been saved for the faculty member. An option is provided to select from shared templates. For a given vita template selection, the “Generate CV” button will generate a vita document, based on the template specification, using faculty information currently in the database. (If no templates have yet been defined, the list would be empty and the Generate CV button would be disabled).

If the user were operating as a delegate (entering information on behalf of a faculty member), the display would allow the user to select templates defined for the faculty member, templates defined for the delegate, or templates that are shared. Templates defined for the delegate might be used to generate similarly formatted vita for other faculty. The display presented for delegates is illustrated below.

The templates that are displayed in the drop-down list are those that have already been created and saved. At this point the user could select a template and click the “Generate CV” button to generate an associated RTF document. Click the “Edit Template” or “New Template” buttons in order to bring up the template editor display as illustrated below.

When the “Edit Template” button is clicked, the resultant display will present a series of blue bars as illustrated below; each bar can be clicked to hide or display template definition details. Options may be checked as desired and the selections saved by clicking the Save button. The name given in the Vita Template textbox field is the name that will be displayed in the drop down list of templates. You can change the display name of the template by typing over the current name and clicking the Save button.

  1. Pre-Set Options

The “Pre-Set Options” button is displayed when editing a custom vita template. When clicked the following dialog is displayed.

Several types of vita formats are provided in the drop-down list which corresponds to vita display options presented in various FEAS menus. If one of these options is selected and the “Set Options” button is clicked, it will set the appropriate custom format options which would be suitable to generate a vita in the selected format. The idea here is that one could start with this vita format and then make a few additional changes to the format options and then save the template.

Custom Category / Setting / P & T / General / Short Vita / Finish
Later Note Missing / General Including Finish Later
Data Display Options / Exclude P&T Footnotes / X / X / X / X
Exclude Additional Information / X / X / X / X
Exclude Section Prefaces / X / X
Exclude Summary Statistics / X / X / X / X
Include Finish Later Category / X / X
Item Exclusion by Status / Submitted / X
Accepted / X
Contracted / X
In Press / X
Exclusion by Age / Exclude by Age / X
Display Highest Degree / X
Exclusion by Category / Language Proficiency / X / X
Areas of Expertise / X / X / X / X
International Affiliations / X / X / X / X
Diagnostic Option / Highlight Missing Required Fields / X
  1. Data Display Options

The expanded first template section is illustrated below.

(a)Exclude Additional Information

For many of the vita citations, an optional “Additional Information” field is provided. An example citation with additional information is illustrated below. If excluded, the additional citation information is not included in the vita.

Sampson, J. P. (1984, October). National perspective, issues, and trends. Delivered at Michigan Personnel and Guidance Association, Detroit, MI. (State)
This lecture was the keynote address presented at the pre-convention workshop entitled Expanding Counselor Potential Through Computers.

(b)Exclude Section Prefaces

When editing the vita, forms are available to provide a preface statement for the Teaching, Research, and Service sections. If this is excluded, the prefaces will not be included in the generated CV document. (Note: section prefaces could also be excluded by using Item Exclusion by Category.)

(c)Exclude Summary Statistics

For each presentation category, a summary statement may be included as to the distribution of presentations by scope. This statement will precede the citations for the presentation categories and is illustrated below. (Note that submitted and accepted citations are not included in the summary calculations). If excluded, this summary statement will not be provided.

Nonrefereed Presentations at Conferences
For nonrefereed presentations at conferences, 1.9% were international, 29.9% were national, 15.9% were regional, 30.8% were state, 21.5% were local in scope.

(d)Exclude P&T Footnotes

P&T footnotes are special notations on citations that indicate the timing of the activity. For example:

*Harris-Bowlsbey, J., & Sampson, J. P. (2005). Use of technology in delivering career services worldwide. The Career Development Quarterly, 54, 48-56.

The footnotes used include:

*Professional activities that occurred before my last promotion at FSU.

#Professional activities that occurred prior to my employment at FSU.

%Unable to categorize where this citation item occurred within my professional career.

The application of footnotes is based on a comparison of the citation date with information provided in the “Professional Experience” section of the vita. If this checkbox is checked, these footnotes will not be displayed.

(e)Number Publications

If checked, each citation under the publications category will be numbered. Each publication category is individually numbered. (Note: “Exclude P&T Footnotes” must also be checked to enable this option). The numbering may be ascending or descending. For example, ascending numbering is illustrated below:

Refereed Journal Articles

1.Kettunen, J., Vuorinen, R., & Sampson, J. P. (submitted). Career practitioners´ conceptions of social media in career services. British Journal of Guidance & Counseling. Manuscript submitted for publication, 25 pages.

2.Lerkkenen, J., Sampson, J. P., Peterson, G. W., & Konttinen, R. (submitted). Measuring readiness for career decision-making with the Career Thoughts Inventory in Finland: Adaptation or adoption. Manuscript submitted for publication, 15 pages.

(f)Include Items from the Finish Later Category

When building a vita, the Finish Later category is provided to hold partially completed citations that are missing required fields, such as a publication date or a journal title. Normally, these citations are not included in the vita. However, if this checkbox is checked, those Finish Later items will be included in the generated vita document.

(g)Include Dates for Submitted, Accepted, Contract, and In-Press Citations

By default, citations for pre-published items include the status, but not the date. Published citations include the date but not the status. An example in-press citation is illustrated below. If this option is selected the citation date will be included with the status.

Sampson, J. P., McClain, M. C., Musch, E., & Reardon, R. C. (in press). Variables affecting readiness to benefit from career interventions. The Career Development Quarterly, 27 pages.

(h)Include Footnotes Designating Student and Post-Doc Contributors

The FEAS system provides functions to tag citation contributors in order to categorize the contributors for subsequent reporting. Citations may be tagged in the vita builder (if the Author Edit Control preference is set), or may be tagged in the Research Summary or Annual Summary report. The following display illustrates a citation contributor list that has been tagged.

If a citation is tagged with a student contributor, and if the vita template indicates that student contributors are to be noted, the citation would include a footnote designating the student contributor as illustrated below.

Smith, J. R., Barber, K. R.(d), & Admissions Office Staff (submitted). Career practitioners´ conceptions of social media in career services. British Journal of Guidance & Counseling. Manuscript submitted for publication, 25 pages.

The footnotes used include the following.

(u)Undergraduate student contributor.

(m)Master's student contributor.

(d)Doctoral student contributor.

(x)Professional student contributor.

(p)Post Doc contributor.

(i)Include Footnotes Designating the Lead Contributor

If the vita template indicates that the lead contributor should be noted, a footnote is added to each citation to identify the lead contributor. An example citation is illustrated below.

Dozier, V. C.†, Sampson, J. P., & Reardon, R. C. (submitted). Using alternative Self-Directed Search (SDS) interpretive materials. Manuscript submitted for publication, 12 pages.

(j) Bold citation contributors tagged as students

If a citation is tagged with a student contributor, and if the vita template indicates that student contributors are to be bold, the citation would highlight the student contributors as illustrated below.

Sampson, J. P., McClain, M. C., Musch, E., & Reardon, R. C. (2013). Variables affecting readiness to benefit from career interventions. The Career Development Quarterly, 61, 98-109. doi:10.1002/j.2161-0045.2013.00040.x

(k) Use MLA citation formatting

By default, citations are formatted using APA. MLA formatting alters the citation display as illustrated below.

Osborn, D. S., S. C. W. Hayden, G. W. Peterson, and J. P. Sampson. “Effect of brief staff-assisted career service delivery on drop-in clients.” The Career Development Quarterly 64 (2016): 181-187. doi:10.1002/cdq.12050
  1. Courses Taught Display Options

This display option selects either the Courses Taught as entered in the CV Builder, or course section details downloaded from university systems. Course section details are presented in a table with columns: Semester, Course Number, Course Name, Number Enrolled, and % of Course.
The limited instructional mode option includes those courses that would be reported on a QER CV. This includes: Class Lecture, Laboratory, Discussion, Individual Performance Instruction, Internship, Medical Science, and Directed Individual Study

  1. Item Exclusion by Status

Citations in the research category, such as publications, presentations, exhibitions, and the like have a status. For example, a refereed journal article may be submitted, in press, or published. Whole groups of citations may be excluded from the vita by status. (Short CVs, for example, typically exclude submitted, accepted, contracted, and in-press.) The item exclusion by status section of the template is illustrated below.

  1. Item Exclusion by Age

This portion of the template allows citation items to be excluded from the CV based on the date of the citation. This template section is illustrated below.

(a)Exclude by Age

Item Exclusion by Age is used to exclude citation items more than some number of years old. Citation items that go into the future are not excluded by this option. The age of citations is not based on today’s date, but is based on the date on the CV. This date is either the date of the last revision (if in progress) or the date that the CV was approved (if finalized).

This constraint is based on an “optimistic rule” for inclusion of citations. Assuming the CV was finalized on November 15, 2010 and a five-year age exclusion was selected, the following citations with respective publication dates would be handled as follows:

- November 2005 -- included

- October 2005 -- excluded

- No Month 2005 -- included

- No Month 2004 – excluded

(b)Limit by Date

Item Exclusion by Date limits the document to a specified date range, such as Summer 2009 though Spring 2011. Items without a specified date (e.g. address) are not affected by this limit. Date-based CV items may be characterized by a singular date (e.g.: book publication date), an explicit date range (e.g.: funded grants), a possibly open-ended date range (e.g.: professional experience), or an item that may have a singular date or a date range (e.g.: exhibitions). This term range limit takes these types of date-based items into account.

A similar “optimistic rule” is applied here. For example the date range Summer 2009 through Spring 2011 would include publications dated 2009 with no month provided.

(c)Display Highest Degree

When an age limitation is imposed, this might cause Professional Preparation (degrees) to be excluded from the custom CV. But since it might be desired to include the terminal degree irrespective of the age limitation, an option is provided to include the highest degree.

Degrees are indicated in the “Professional Preparation” section of the CV. By default, the last degree is considered the highest. However, a checkbox is available on the input form to override this default assumption.

  1. Item Exclusion by Category

The section of the custom CV template may be used to exclude citations from the CV based on their category. These categories correspond to those presented in the CV builder. Click a yellow plus to expand a category; click a yellow minus to contract a category. If a box is checked, all citations falling in that category and all its subcategories will be excluded. A shaded X indicates that some subcategories are excluded.

  1. Individual Item Exclusion

Specific citations from the CV may be selected for exclusion. If no items are yet excluded, for computational efficiency, the CV items are not initially displayed. Click the [Display Record List] link to display the citations currently in the CV.

The display below illustrates the individual citations that may be selected for exclusion. Any items checked will not be rendered in the generated CV.

  1. Reorder Generated Vita Categories

This section of the template allows the user to alter the order of citation categories within the generated CV. Use the [Dn] link to move a citation category later in the CV; conversely, use the [Up] link to move the citation up in the CV.

Citations that are moved also move all their sub-categories. Categories cannot be moved from one parent category to another parent category. For example, the top categories are:

  • General Information
  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Service

Using this function, Teaching could be moved after Research. All sub-categories are moved with it. Note that the categories under Research > Publications include:

  • Invited Journal Articles
  • Refereed Journal Articles
  • Invited Books
  • Refereed Books

and so on. Again using this function, Refereed Books could be moved up to occur first in the list of research publication categories.

  1. Diagnostic Display Options

This last template section provides options that are useful for maintenance and diagnostic checks.

(a)Highlight Missing Required Fields

When this option is selected, items are displayed from the Finish Later section. If any required fields are missing, they are identified in this report. An example citation is illustrated below.

American Institute of Industrial Engineers (Undated).
Missing Field: Date of Election

(b)Display the Date/Time and FSUID of Person Making the Change

When this option is selected, each citation is appended with a description of when the citation was entered or last updated, and who last changed the record.

Refereed Journal Articles
Bender, P. C. (submitted). Multi-intruder structures in P-34. Phys.Rev. Manuscript submitted for publication, 044305 pages.
Last changed: 9/27/2012 11:27:55 am, Changed by: DYANCEY

(c)Limit to Changes in the Last X Days

When this option is selected, only those citations that were entered or updated within the last so many days are included in the report. This may be used to identify recent changes to the vita.

  1. Template Sharing Options

This last template section provides options for sharing your template with others. When the "Share this template" checkbox is checked and the template is saved, this template will appear on the menu of shared templates. When the template is shared, the template description is required; otherwise, it is optional.


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