Saint Finn Barr Parish Athletics

Registration Form



Child’s Name:


Phone Number: Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YY)

Name of Parent or Guardian:

Parent Email Address:

Please check one box only:

Fall Sports:

•  Co-Ed Micro-Soccer (K-1st) CYO Girls Volleyball (3rd-8th)

•  Vikings Soccer (2nd) Co-Ed Basketball (3rd-8th)

•  CYO Boys Soccer (3rd-8th)

Winter Sports:

•  CYO Girls Soccer (3rd-8th) PeeWee Basketball (K-2nd)

•  CYO Boys Basketball (3rd-8th) Co-Ed Basketball (3rd-8th)

Spring Sports:

•  Co-Ed Baseball (K-2nd) CYO Girls Basketball (3rd-8th)

•  SFYBL Boys Baseball (3rd-8th)

Summer Sports:

Junior Giants Baseball

By signing this form you (1) give permission to your child to participate in the St. Finn Barr Sports Program, (2) agree to abide by the bylaws of the Sports Program (which is contained in the Sports Handbook,) (3) understand that you are responsible for providing any and all medical coverage for your child, (4) understand that medical insurance may not be provided by St. Finn Barr School or St. Finn Barr Parish, (5) release and hold harmless the School, the Parish, and all leagues should your child be injured while participating in the Sports Program, (6) agree that by signing below you authorize the athletic administrator to register your child in the league above, (7) agree to pay all penalties and fees incurred when your child is withdrawn from the team after entries to leagues have been made and all forfeiture fees caused by your child missing a game unexcused, (8) agree to pay the replacement fee if your child’s uniform is returned damaged, and (9) agree to participate in all Mandatory Fundraisers.


The fees for participating in the Sports Program are:

1) $95.00 per child

•  A family signing up for a SFB Sports Team for the first time; or

•  A participating family is defined as your child was on a SFB Sports Team AND your family participated in “all” mandatory fundraisers; or

•  A participating family is defined as your child was on a SFB Sports Team AND your family elected to buy out from “all” mandatory fundraisers.

2)  $240.00 per child

•  A non-participating family is defined as your child was on or will be on a SFB Sports Team AND your family elected not to buy out from “all” mandatory fundraisers OR elected not to participate in “all” mandatory fundraisers.

Signature of Parent or Guardian:


COACHING: I am interested in coaching.