Introduction to “Employers Subsidy Scheme”
“Employers Subsidy Scheme”aims to promote long-term employment of the CICTA’s graduates and provision of proper training by employers.
Outline of the Scheme
Employers who employ graduates of the following CICTA courses within one year of graduation on monthly basis,have their apprenticeship contracts registered, and provide proper training may apply for a monthly subsidy of $1,800 or $2,000 for each graduate under the scheme. Employers shall arrange Qualified Tradesmen or staff with appropriate qualification of relevant trade to supervise the training in order to ensure appropriate skill advancement of the trainees.
Basic Craft Courses / Construction Supervisor/Technician Bricklaying, Plastering and Tiling / Programmes
Carpentry and Joinery / Building Construction
Plumbing and Pipe-fitting / Civil Engineering
Painting, Decoration and Sign-writing / Building Services
Construction Scaffolding / Quantity Measurement
Marble Laying
Metal Works / Full-time Adult Short Courses
Electrical Installation / Surveying and Setting Out
Construction Plant Maintenance and Repairs / Site Surveying
Subsidizing Period: / The subsidizing period is12 months in the early stage of the apprenticeship contract. Apprentices will be eligible for an award upon successful completion of the contract.
Approvalof Application: / All applications are subject to approval ofCICTA.
Eligibility: / (1) /
Members of the Hong Kong Construction Association; or
(2) / Main Contractors who have paid training levy to CIC (or former CITA) within the recent 5 years; or(3) / Contractors listed in the registers kept by the Building Authority and published pursuant to Section 8A(3) of the Buildings Ordinance; or
(4) / Subcontractors directly employed by contractors of categories (1), (2) or (3) above.
Application Procedure: / Applications must be accompanied by apprenticeship contracts ready for registration. Approval of application is subject to registration of apprenticeship contracts.
Advisory Service: / CICTAwill assist employers to define training needs and set up training guidelines when necessary.
Inquiry: / Mrs. Olivia Yiu, Trainees Recruitment and Placement Manager 29030662
Mr.Maurice Lee, TraineesRecruitment and PlacementOfficer29030640