Spring Fling XXV
Saturday, May 3, 2014
6:00 pm - Social Hour and Buffet
‘CUC House Band’
Place your bids in the: Silent and Sign-up Auctions
Buy your Raffle Tickets
7:00 pm - Family Auction
Children Leave for Dessert and Activities in the Assembly Room
7:30 pm - Live Auction
8:00 pm - Intermission & Dessert
Last Chance for: Silent and Sign-Up Auctions, Raffle Tickets
8:30 pm - Live Auction Continues
Silent Auction, Raffle Winners Announced
Please pay for your winnings and collect your receipts
at the cashiers’ tables before you leave
Special Thanks to Our 2014 Spring Fling Auctioneers!
Rab Bell, Robin Cannata, Laird Kelly, Trey Plutnicki, Scott Buksbaum
Welcome to Spring Fling 2014
Live Auction – These parties, dinners, outings, gift certificates, and much more have been donated by CUC members and friends. The activities are arranged in date order to help you plan your calendar. It’s a great way to meet new friends and to get together with old ones. To bid, hold up the paper plate with your bidding number on it. Don’t be shy!
Silent Auction — Browse the Silent Auction Tables in front of the stage and make your bids on some highly desirable items. Just write your bidding # and bid. Check back frequently to be sure you haven’t been outbid!
Sign-ups — Some parties, hikes, and other activities or items are available at most reasonably fixed prices for a specific number of people. Here you sign your name and bidding # for your selections and they are yours! If you are a couple or family please use the correct numbered slots. These go quickly!
50/50 Raffle -- Tickets for the 50/50 Raffle can be purchased from our volunteers throughout the evening. Fifty-percent goes to the winner - Fifty- percent goes to the CUC.
Special Raffle– An Apple iPad. Tickets are $20 each and limited number will be sold!
A tally will be kept of your purchases throughout the evening and it will be available at the Cashiers’ Tables in the Assembly Room at the end of the evening.
VISA, MC, or Discover cards are accepted for your purchases.
Many Thanks to…
All Those Who Donated Items and Services, Food, Time, and Talent
Reverend David Horst
Ms. Robin Slaw and the Life Span Development Team
The CUC Youth Group
The CUC House Band
Matt Anderson Tom Duncan John Freund Tom Gundling David Levy Phil Sosinsky
The Marchaterre/Feinstein Family,
Bender Family and Domingues Family for decorations
25 Years of Service
Special Thank You To Spring Fling Past and Present
Laird Kelly and Susanne Kelly
Florence Derosa
Bob and Mary Barnes
Robin and Brooke Cannata
Susan Smilon
Mary Fran Raynault
Diana Adams and Sue Pearly
Randi Petruzzella and Marilyn Masur
You have each given your own special touch to Spring Fling and we Thank You!
The Spring Fling Committee
Chuck and Diana Adams / Ronda Fultz / Jay and Sue PearlyHelen Brender / Kim Komonchak / Randi and Angelo Petruzzella
Robin and Brooke Cannata / Marilyn Masur / Susan Smilon
Christine Domingues / Monica Marchaterre / Jennifer and David Topolewski
Lynda Fritsch and Janice Pevide / Maureen O’Connor / Shailja Rastogi
(special member!)