Digital Art Imaging 2
Mrs. Miriam Provisero
ROOM:255 Photography Lab
OFFICE HOURS:8:00 A.M. - 8:40 A.M Tues/Thurs
Students must sign up for meeting during office hours to insure that every student receives my full attention.
Course Description: Students explore and develop concepts, terminology, techniques, and applications to design, create, print, and display original two-dimensional graphic and fine works of art. As they become more adept at using the tools and techniques available to them, students design digital still images through the single or combined use of computers, digital cameras, scanners, photo editing software, drawing and painting software, graphic tablets, printers, new media, and emerging technologies. Through the critique process, students evaluate and respond to their own designs and images and those of their peers to measure artistic growth with increasing sophistication. This course incorporates hands-on activities, the use of technology, and consumption of art materials and techniques.()
Contests and Exhibitions & Artwork:
The Creekside Art Department seeks opportunities to exhibit the work of our talented students in the community and at the school district level. Throughout the year student work may be submitted to contests, competitions and placed on display in community and school shows.
Materials Needed For Class:
- $20 Student Digital Art Lab Cost covers the cost of disposable goods such as mixed -media technique(s) requirements, specialty inkjet and laser paper and ink and other materials.
Photographic materials, as determined by the teacher, can be purchased at,,, phtotographers if the parent prefers to purchase photography materials individually. Please ask the instructor for the list of needed digital art related materials.
Special Note: It is not a requirment to pay the lab payment. However if the student wants their work printed on specialty media or wants to work in mixed media technoques they will have to purchase their own materials. Digital Art materials are determined by the teacher can be purchased at,,, phtotographers, Micheals or JoAnn Fabrics.Please do not hesitate contact the instructor with any further questions.
- An sketchbook approximatly 8x10 inches. The sketchbook can not have glue binding because the pages fall out. Please use a coupon to purchse the sketchbook. A sketchbook bound like a hardcover book or a spiral bound sketchbook is best. (Micheals, for example, has a 12x9 spiral bound “Fundamentals” 75 page schethcbook for 4.99 not including a coupon)
- USB IS REQUIRED (no bigger than 8 gigabytes is necessary)
- An SD card is recommended for product/portrait photography that students will use in their digital art
- 1 inch thick 3 Ring Binder to include:
- 10 full page clear plastic print sleeves Supplied by the instructor
- Pencil holder with zipper to hold pencils, USB drive and/or a USB-SD card reader etc.
- Notebook paper
- 5 dividers labeled:
- Art History
- Digital Art Procedures
- Writing About Art
- Vocabulary
- Assessment
Materials for “Technique Exploration” projects, computors, software, digital cameras, still life soft box, portrait set, batteries, framing etc aresupplied by the instructor
TEXTBOOK:There is not one specific textbook for this course (including not a state .adopted textbook) Lessons will be posted on the teacher website and Edmodo.
Some of the textbooks referenced for lesson development are:
- The Adobe Photoshop CC Book for Digital Photographers (2014 release) (Voices That Matter),Kelby, Scott
- How to Cheat in Photoshop CS6: The art of creating realistic photomontages, Caplin, Steve
- Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop's Most Powerful Feature (2nd Edition) byKloskowski, Matt
Grading:Grading will follow District grading system. Refer to student handbook for specifics.
A weekly grade will be inputted for each student. Final projects and writing will always be heavier weighted.
Grades are based on: Projects, Lab Work, Art Writings, Notebook/Sketchbook, Summative Assessments (including critiques of student’s work and peer work), Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC).
Projects/ Portfolio Development: Students are expected to work DAILY toward finishing their projects, taking into account the amount of time allotted for each project. Students are responsible for finishing their projects on time and turning them in to the proper location. LATE PROJECTS WILL HAVE 5 POINTS DEDUCTED FROM THE FINAL GRADE PER DAY MISSING, however in special circumstances there will be extended time given to students in need on a case by case basis.
Notebook/Sketchbook is a working document that demonstrates their process of creating art: Students will be expected to take notes, file all instructional papers and project ideas that show the development of ideas towards a final product. Students will sketch project ideas and personal ideas. Students will look for and document professional work that inspires them and write brief entries analyzing why the work they chose is an inspiration to them. Students will create weekly digital photography sketchbooks from an assigned topic.
Lab: Students are expected to work in a responsible manner throughout the ENTIRE class, as well as participate in discussions, lectures and class critique and individual peer reviews in order to earn this grade. Points will be deducted for the DAY if a student is not working on class related activities.
Art Writings: Students are expected to write reviews of art influences that affect their projects, either experienced in person or via a magazine, professional artist work or quote or online resource. Students might include a picture of their “stand out” inspirational piece along with a description of the piece, theme, and personal influence on their work. Art writings also include analyzing a professional photographer’s work using Feldman’s Art Analysis format.
Summative Assessments: Tests including semester exams, quarterly tests and upon completion of projects students’ will self-access by writing an Artist Statement and using the rubric to analyze whether they met the goals of the project and how well the goals were met.
Make-up work will follow District grading system. Refer to student handbook for specifics.
However all projects can be remediatted for full credit pertaining that it is completed in the specified time frame for remediation.
I believe that EVERYONE has a degree of art ability in them. For many students, the focus of this class will be to take the next step in developing your creative and artistic interests. For everyone to experience success in this class, and to maintain a safe learning environment, we need guidelines and expectations to follow.
School Academic Integrity Pledge: “My high school diploma will reflect genuine learning. By signing below, I acknowledge that I will not cheat on any academic assignment. Cheating includes providing or receiving answers to quizzes and/or tests via any means, as well as plagiarism, defined as ‘the deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work, whether graded or otherwise.”
Studio Art Guidelines
• Show respect for others and their artwork.
• Use tools and equipment safely and for their intended purpose.
• Prevent tools and equipment from leaving the room.
What you should do before class starts:
• Be on time. Gather materials you need for the day.
• Take care of personal business before the bell to avoid leaving during the class period or being distracted during the class period..
What you should do during class:
• Be an active listener during instruction and demonstration. (Read the board, listen, observe, and ask intelligent questions.)
• Work continuously without disrupting others.
• Move about the room in an orderly manner. Keep conversation and language appropriate.
• Conserve your art materials and put them away where they belong.
• Ask the instructor if you need help.
Art Studio Procedures
• NO food or drink allowed in the Art Studio during class, water only. It is a safety hazard to eat or drink near photographic chemistries.
• Do not have cell phones or iPods visible unless the instructor authorizes it is an appropriate time for the take a photograph of a visual in the classroom. There is a class set of thirty computers and therefore there is no longer any reason for students to have their devices out to complete classwork. Devices will be confiscated and referred to the deans.
• If you need to leave the classroom for any reason, speak with the teacher first, ask for the photo pass or have your planner filled out, and sign out on the clipboard.
• Clean up after yourself. Recycle and/or dispose of materials properly (including expired batteries). Put tools and equipment back where they are stored. Close cabinets with photography chemistry inside. Some of the chemistry is sensitive to light and temperature.
• Remain at your work space inside the class until the END of class. Do not crowd the door.
Choosing Subject Matters
Art is a personal activity with freedom to express who you are and how you feel. Please understand that in a high school setting, it is important to establish boundaries of appropriateness. Use your best judgment in choosing subject matter for projects. If in doubt, consult with the teacher before starting a project.
Artwork that promotes alcohol, drugs, violence, and gang related subjects are inappropriate for school and will not be accepted for grading. In extreme cases, the project may be submitted for disciplinary review. If you think it is inappropriate, it probably is inappropriate!
ATTENDANCE/TARDIES:The attendance procedurefollows the District’s policies regarding attendance.. Refer to student handbook for specifics.
READINGS/VIDEOS/SLIDE PRESENTATIONS: will be posted on my website and Edmodo
We will be predominantly working in Photoshop. We will start the year reviewinghow to edit and composite images as well as compositional strategies that artists use to create a dynamic work of art. We will then work on an art history, poster design unit followed by applying mixed media techniques to digitally created and printed images.
Assignment #1: Due by the beginning of the next class
Create an account for yourself on this web site: Here are the steps:
Write your Username and Password for yourself here: Username: ______
Password: ______
Digital Art 2 Group Code:bfu3gp
Please sign the Student Information Sheet(s) to state that it is acknowledging that both the student and parent/guardian has read the course syllabus and understand the Grading Policy, Expectations and Procedures. This syllabus can be found on the teacher website. Do not hesitate to contact the instructor by email with any questions or concerns.
Parents and Students must sign the Student Acceptable Use Procedures Agreement Form and Student Waiver for Personal Electronic Property Form in order to use any school or personal device in the classroom.
The teacher website will have a monthly class-overview that will be
placedinside the class page for student benefit.