Nursing Review Board NON HS Application Form 05/01//2015 1 of 2
Note: This is the STEP TWO document for the review process.
The decision checklist is the first document.
Harris College of Nursing and Health Science
Non-Human Subjects Student Project Application Form
Student Name:
Faculty Advisor(s) Name and Department:
(e.g. BSN Nursing, Nurse Anesthesia, MSN/CNL, MSN/CNS, DNP)
Project Title:
Project Type: Please select the appropriate Project Type (refer to definitions at the end of this document):
___ Guideline Development____Implementation Project
___ Integrative Review ____Policy Analysis
___ Quality Improvement Project____Research
___ Systematic Review____Other (Provide explanation at
end of document.)
Brief Description of Project (200 words or less, plus references):
Project starting semester date:
Project expected completion Date:
In general, case reports, literature/systematic reviews and QA/QI projects are NOT considered human subjects research.
According to 45 CFR 46.102(d) research is defined as “a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.”1
** Student attestation: In signing below, I confirm that I have reviewed this application form with my Faculty Project Advisor and he/she is in full agreement with the form as submitted**
Student Signature indicated by a check in this box:
1. United States Department of Health and Human Subjects. Code of Federal
Regulations. Available online at:
Guideline Development: The process of developing evidence-based statements which assist providers, recipients, and other stakeholders to make decisions about appropriate health interventions (World Health Organization, 2003).
Implementation Project: A project consisting of a specified set of activities designed to put into practice an activity or program of known dimensions (National Implementation Research Network, 2014).
Integrative Review: A review of research to identify, analyze, and synthesize the results from independent studies to determine the current state of knowledge in a particular area (Burns & Grove, 2005).
Policy Analysis: The process of using different methods to assess a problem or issue to identify causes of concerns and various ways a government or other group could act. Policy analysis evaluates the alternatives to determine the policy choice that is most desirable (Mason, Leavitt, & Chaffee, 2012).
Quality Improvement Project: A project designed to make changes that will lead to better patient outcomes (health), better system performance (care), and better professional development (Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 2007) within a single entity (i.e. patient care unit, clinic, service area). Outcomes are not generalizable beyond the single entity.
Research: “A systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge” (United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2014).
Systematic Review: A structured and systematic collection, collation, appraisal, and synthesis of evidence which is transferred to service delivery settings and health professionals who utilize it and evaluate its impact on health outcomes, health systems, and professional development ( TheJoanna Briggs Institute, 2014).
Harris College Non-Human Subjects Project Form (updated 8/2/13)