Additional file 2: Patients’ structured interview

Could you explain us how your illness began? (Mark if yes)

Specify the first signs or symptoms of the disease

o  I had no symptoms or discomfort

o  Presence of blood in the urine

o  Increased frequency of urination

o  Urgent urination

o  Pain or burning during urination

o  Persistent pain in the back, hips or pelvis

o  Weight loss

o  Fatigue

o  Inability to retain urine

o  Urinary infection

o  Other discomfort, SPECIFY:

The onset of the first symptom or sign was:

o  One month ago

o  Between one month and one year

o  More than a year

Why did you go to the doctor?

o  For routine preventive healthcare

o  For a disease control

o  For other reasons, SPECIFY:

Where did attend on your first consultation?

o  General Physician at primary health care

o  Primary Care Specialist in the Urology service

o  Emergency primary care

o  Hospital Specialist in the Urology service

o  Hospital’s emergency service

o  Business Private Physician

o  Private Medical Center

o  Others (specify):

Date of consultation:

Labor status at the onset of illness

o  Active

o  Housewife

o  Temporary work loss

o  Renter

o  Definitive work termination

o  Unemployed

o  Retired

o  Others (specify):

What is your current occupation or the last one you have been?

(If you have more than one profession, specify where do you work)

What is or was your employment situation in that occupation?

o  Self-employed without employees

o  Self-employed worker with 10 or more employees

o  Self-employed worker with less than 10 employees

o  Manager of a company with 10 or more employees

o  Manager of a company with less than 10 employees

o  Foreman, supervisor or manager

o  Other employee

Code CNO94:

Which of the following studies have you completed?

o  He/She does not know how to read or write

o  No studies

o  Incomplete primary studies

o  Primary education

o  Primary school graduate

o  Secondary school or similar studies

o  University degree (expert, technical engineering, university schools or similar)

o  Higher university studies (higher engineering, bachelor's or PhD)