Tekoa Public Hospital District #4
Regular Meeting
March 7, 2017 at 6pm
Tekoa City Council Chambers
Members PresentAbsentCommunity
Abby Smith
Karen Blomgren
Steve Haxton
Diane Harp
Joni Hay (Tele-Conference)
CALLED TO ORDER –at 6:10 p.m. by Steve Haxton President.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES-Minutes reviewed from January and February 2017, motion to approve by Abby and 2nd by Joni.
FINANCE- Report by Abby
- $20,000.00 moved for investment for a total $61,103.00
- Total Cash and Investments $93,872.00
- Deposited $130.60 for insurance refund receipt. Fran Martin and district have been paid.
SUPERINTENDENT POSITION-There is one applicant named Mary Ann Ward. Application is reviewed by the board. There needs to be an assigned rate of pay along with duties and responsibilities. For the April meeting Mary Ann will be invited and the board will sign resolutions at that time.
CLINIC LEASE-Abby Smith reports that the current lease is signed by Whitman Medical Group and complete.
ELEVATOR- Steve has made the elevator more secure by moving the control panel and creating a lever to lock the elevator in place.
CLINIC FLOORING PROJECT- Donna and Angelica will be spearheading the project. Abby is prepared to give them guideline to stay within. The plan is to replace the flooring to all rooms of the clinic and interior paint. The board would like to review the flooring and paint options before anything is chosen.
Steve is waiting to hear back from French Floors out of Spokane who could be a great option for flooring. There needs to be a least 2 quotes received. It is requested to have commercial grade flooring that is Department of Health approved.
BOARD VACANCIES-Steve announces the he will not be renewing his term this year. He plans on staying until there is a replacement.
WEBSITE-Joni is working with Joel to improve the hospital district website. Clarification of commissioner position numbers.
- SteveHaxton-President position #3
- Diane Harp-Vice President position #2
- Abby Smith- Treasurer position #4
- Joni Hay- Commissioner position #1
- Karen Blomgren-Secretary position #5
Joni with check with Joel about reformatting website by May 2017. She will also have availability to e-mail the link the Jennifer at Whitman Medical Group to review office staff information.
COMMUNITY SERVICES-Joni reported back on offering services to the Tekoa Community. Unable to obtain eye and dental services.
March 22nd a chiropractor from Spokane will be offering services to the community
Tele-health options will be reviewed at the April meeting.
Palouse River Counseling services are limited
Look into having transportation services or travel vouchers available to people in need
Next meeting:
- Board education
- Resolutions
- Dental Bus
ADJOURNMENT-meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Next meeting is April 4, 2017 at 6:00p.m.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Karen Blomgren, Secretary
Steve Haxton, President