These are the minutes of Timberland Parish Council meeting held at Timberland Village Hall on Monday 22nd May 2017.


Public Remarks/Questions:

A Parishioner requested a representative from the council to sit on the Village Hall Committee.

Agreed: Cllr. Kornat agreed to be on the committee and the council resolved this item should be added to the Annual Parish Council meeting minutes re: representatives for committees etc.

The footpath to the village hall and the coin boxes are to be agended for the next meeting. This willbe part of an update from the village hall committee.

Proposed, seconded and all agreed.

Recorded for minute purposes

Present: Cllrs Terry Audis, Andy Phillips, Glen Sharplin, Elizabeth Kornat, Ian Stirling, John Sharman and Cheryl Burbidge, the Parish Clerk.District Councillor Matthan and County Councillor Kendrick.

1. Apologies

Cllr. Ogden

2. Declaration of Interests


3. Minutes from the meeting on 6th March 2017.

The minutes were an accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed: Cllr. Sharman Seconded: Cllr. Stirling

All agreed.

Matters arising

3.1 The Phone Box

Agreed: Cllr. Stirling to continue with the community notice board as it may be some time before the defibrillator grant result is known.

3.2 Resident Hedge

Agreed: Clerk to draft a third letter asking for a response and offering help if necessary. Clerk to send draft to Cllr.Kornat.

3.3 Church Field

A general discussion took place highlighting concerns about health and safety with it being so close to the waterway.

Agreed: Clerk to draft a letter and agree with Cllr. Kornat.

Cllr. Phillips to send information with regard to relevant environmental health documentation.

4. County and District Councillor Reports

Cllr. Kendrick was introduced to the Council as this was his first Parish Council Meeting.

Cllr. Kendrick explained that presently there is a purdah period due to the general election on the 8th June. However he spoke to the Council with regard to his previous experience. He is presently sitting on two committees including Children Services (as vice-chair) and the Health Scrutiny Committee. He is presently undertaking a training induction programme up to July.

Agreed: Cllr. Kendrick to meet with Highways and will discuss the issues relating to the Parish and also requested to be copied in on outstanding Highways and other issues in the future.

Cllr. Matthan confirmed that the Central Lincolnshire local plan is now law and all planning will have to refer to this plan. It is available on line.

A Cluster meeting will take place at North Kyme at 7.pm on the4th July. Clerk is unable to attend due to annual leave. Cllr. Audis may attend.

5. Planning

All planning received in between meetings as a result of the time scales involved was circulated to Councillors outside of the meeting.

Agreed: No comments on all applications: 17/0109/LBC-17/0151/HOUS-17/0428/LBC-17/0388/FUL- 17/0521/VARCON.

It was discussed that in the future NKDC planning will forward links to the Clerk and this will then be forwarded to the Council. NKDC are attempting to cut down on unnecessary paper work as all planning is accessible on line for Parishioners and the Council to view. Copies of plans can be requested if required e.g. if a very detailed discussion needs to take place or if a public meeting is necessary.

6. Highways

Agreed: Clerk to report pot hole outside of the Village Hall.

Clerk to write to NKDC to report the broken light.

7. Insurance

A general discussion took place with regard to the 3 quotes to ensure best value with the agreement with the Parish council and the Village Hall Committee.

Agreed: The council resolved to stay with the existing insurance company (AON) which demonstrated a significant saving when compared with the two separate quotes of Allied Westminster, the renewal insurance cost and the quote from Came and Co. The cost is £596.95. The insurance to be reviewed in two years’ time.

All agreed

8. Parish Items

8.1 Parish Website

The Clerk explained that a meeting has taken place with a Parishioner and it was agreed that an important way forward was to be clear about the purpose and the role of the website.

It was pointed out that the main role for the website was to meet the requirements of transparency in local governance to enable parishioners to have an understanding of the business of the council. However work on additional links would ensure that parishioners could be a click away from the Village Hall website or Facebook page for example.

A consultation exercise was suggested to ask parishioners what they thought.

Agreed: Additional hours have been given through the transparency fund to enable some work to be undertaken by the Clerk.

Cllr. Phillips to look into ascertaining whether it is possible to link in with the Post Office IT system to have broadband in the village hall if only for one night. The transparency fund could cover any costs for this. Wi-Fi is seen as a priority for the Council

An extended consultation period to be offered to parishioners at the beginning of the next Council meeting give them the opportunity to put forward any views.

8.2 Community Market

Cllr. Kornat gave an update on the progress so far including informing the Council that £70-£80 per month was being raised for the Village Hall. There is now a Community Market Facebook page, there are some new stall holders and Suzy Sharman is managing the Rota.

Agreed: Cllr. Kornat, Stirling and Sharplin to meet to plan the summer event.

8.3 Telephone Box

As discussed a grant has been applied for to purchase a defibrillator

8.4 Footpaths

The clerk informed the Council that some work was being undertaken in Martin to have any blocked footpaths re-opened.

Agreed: Clerk to update the Council as and when information is available.

8.5 Timberland Green

8.5.1 The Field

There are problems with rabbits and also Cllr. Audis reported that the horse manure is still a concern.

Agreed: Clerk to write to the Church Warden again about the concerns.

8.5.2 Sprayer

Councillor Phillips reported that the law has changed which restricts the use of the back pack for spraying as the field is near watercourse. The cost for training is around £500.00.

Agreed: The work to be done without using the sprayer for now which will mean a lot more work for the Councillor volunteers to undertake. It may be necessary to pay for ground maintenance in the future.

8.5.3Summer Celebration

This event is to celebrate the first year of the Timberland Village Green and will be held on Saturday 5th August. At the moment it was planned that there would a family event in the afternoon and then into the evening an event for adults.

Agreed: Cllrs. Sharplin, Kornat and Stirling to meet as a sub-group to plan the event. Consideration will be given to any restrictions on the lease and permission sort if necessary for any additional permissions needed.

A good practice guide was handed to Cllr. Kornat offering guidance risk assessment.

Clerk to forward a copy of the Lease to all councillors.

8.5.4 Dog Waste

A general discussion took place including consideration setting up CCTV and the problem with dog waste bags. The Clerk informed the Council that 3 parishioners had welcomed the recent letter posted through doors.

Agreed: To put up further signs on the Green with regard to the dog fouling, warning the public that if the problems continue the Council will seriously consider CCTV and/or banning dogs from the site.

To purchase the correct fitting bags at 1000 bag for £29.18.

Proposed: Cllr. Phillips Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin All agreed

Clerk to look into the possibility of a dog warden and whether any grants were available.Also to clarify legality of CCTV.

8.5.5 Visual Inspections

After a request from the Clerk Cllr. Audis produced the list of visual inspections to be recorded on at least a weekly basis as part of insurance and health and safety requirements.

Agreed: This document to be regularly updated and kept by Cllr. Audis who inspects the Green.

8.6 Council Vacancy

It was confirmed that a resignation had been received from Cllr. Fawcus and the formal 14 day notice will be put on the Parish Council notice board.

Agreed: Clerk to give copy of the notice to Cllr. Audis for the second notice board.

9. Finance

9.1 Cheques for payments from the last meeting

100528 C H Hill Mower Parts £30.90

100529 LCC Lease £302.40

100530 Clerk Salary/Exp £324.39

100531 Litter Picker £48.00

100532 Petty Cash £150.00

All agreed

Clerk as indicated in the earlier report to send as many finance documents as possible in advance to save time in meetings.

9.2 Audit 2016/2017

9.2.1 Governance Statement

The Council having considered the governance statement and agreed for the Chair to sign off.

All agreed


Council Audit 2016/2017 Section 2 Accounting statements

An in-depth discussion took place with regard to the audit documentation to offer clarification on all figures presented for the audit. The council discussed schedule E and the current surplus. It was proposed that the current surplus was at a prudent level considering the annual outgoings and possible future expenditure to include repairs and election expenses possibly around £1000 each.

Agreed: That the audit was in order and should be off signed by the Chair.

All Agreed


Budgeting and finance including consideration of hours worked by the clerk. Consideration can also be in the future of a finance committee.

Agreed: Consideration of clerks’ hours and early stage precept planning to start in November 2017 in time for submission in January 2018. Clerk to let Cllr. Phillips have copies of records to the end of August for the September meeting.

9.3 Signatories and Bank Update

Further correspondence has been received and a further form needs to be completed.

Agreed: Clerk to give forms to Cllr. Phillips and Audis and send to the bank.

10. Items for Next Agenda

10.1 Code of Conduct

10.2 Finance Regulations

10.3 Feedback from Committees

10.3.1 Village Hall Footpath

10.3.2 Coin boxes

10.5 Norwood Close Hedge

11. Date of Next Meeting

WEDNESDAY 12TH JULY 2017 7.00 including additional 30 minutes for website consultation

