Chapter 8

Recertification Procedures

Section 1 Annual Recertification

Section 2 Lease Renewal

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Section 3 Interim Recertification

Section 4 Corrections to Recertification

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Section 1: Annual Recertification

From the Dashboard:

  • Click theunderlinednumber next to the Annual Certs Due tab to access the Resident’s who have recertification due.

  • Click on the New AR tab for the Resident that you are completing the recertification for.
  • This will open the 50059 Certification Screen. Also note that the Effective Date of the Recertification will be at the top of the screen. In the example below, the effective date is 09/01/2015.

  • If you need to correct a persons name, date of birth, or social security number click the Edit tab and make the necessary changes.
  • Click the Save tab to save your changes.
  • Click the Next tab to move to the income screen


  • Click the Edittab at the bottom of the screen under Income.
  • This will open the Income Recordwith last year’s income information.

  • If there is more than one family member, make sure you have selected the correct family member.
  • Enter the Payment Frequency from the  dropdown menu, and then hit the Tab key on your keyboard to force the program to calculate the Pay Periods Per Year.
  • Enter thecurrent$/Hours - Hours/Period then hit the Tab key on your keyboard to force the program to calculate the amounts entered. This is the new amount verified for the recertification.
  • If the Resident is going to receive an increase during the recert period and you know the increase amount, enter the Anticipated Wage Change information.
  • Remember to Delete any income that the Resident no longer has. You do this by clicking Edit next to the income they no longer have and at the bottom of the screen, click Delete.
  • Please note that we do not use the verification letters so you can skip this section which is located at the bottom of this screen.
  • Click the Save tab. This takes you back to the Income screen.
  • If there is more income to Edit, follow the steps above to edit that income.
  • If there is new income to enter, click the Add New Income tab and follow the steps above.
  • When all income has been added click the Next tab.


  • Select the Edittab at the bottom of the screen under Assets.
  • Select the appropriate Family Member from the  dropdown menu.
  • Type in a Description of the asset.
  • Select the appropriate Status (C-current or I-imputed) from the  dropdown menu,
  • Type in the current Market Value of the asset.
  • Type in the Annual Interest % then hit the Tab key on your keyboard to force the program to calculate the amounts entered.
  • If entering real estate type in the Dvst Cost/Sale Price. If you are not entering real estate, type in 0.00.
  • Enter the Date Verified.
  • Click the Save tab. This takes you back to the Asset screen.
  • Remember to Delete any assets that the resident no longer has. You do this by clicking Edit next to the asset they no longer have and at the bottom of the screen, click Delete.
  • Click the Save tab. This takes you back to the Asset screen. If there is more assets to add, select Edit or Add New Asset and repeat the steps above.
  • When all assets have been added click the Next tab.


  • Select the Edittab at the bottom of the screen under Expenses.
  • Change the Expense Amount to the new amount. DO NOT ROUND.
  • If necessary, change the Description and Expense Frequency.
  • Click Save. Remember to enter each item separately so that you will be better able to keep track of which expenses you have calculated.
  • Click Edit or Add New Expense if you need to add more medical expenses.
  • Remember to Delete any expenses that the Resident no longer has. You do this by clicking Edit next to the expense they no longer have and at the bottom of the screen, click Delete.
  • When all Expenses have been added click the Next tab.

Household Info

  • In this section, be sure that the property’s housing program is chosen and click next


Click the Next tab. This section is currently not used.


*On this screen you will verify that the TTP (total tenant payment) matches the income worksheet that you have filled out for this resident. If it does not, make the necessary changes by selecting the Income, Assets or Expense tabs under the Qualifications Steps Menu in the upper right side of your screen. If the TTP matches follow the step below to complete the 50059.

  • Enter the Owner Sign date: mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Enter the Tenant Sign date: mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Click on the 50059 Full Pack tab to View and Print your 50059.
  • Click the Done tab to complete the Annual Recertification.
  • Click the red X in the upper right side of your screen or click done to close the window. This will take you back to the Dashboard.

Section 2: Lease Renewal

  • From the Dashboard, click on theunderlined number next to the Occupied Units in the Unit Statistics menu and select the appropriate Resident.
  • Select the appropriate resident by clicking the underlinedResident name at the bottom of your screen.
  • Click Renew Lease in the Functions Menu on the top of your screen. (The Adjust Lease End will only change the lease ending date, you will not be able to adjust the lease beginning date, so do not use this function)
  • Enter the Lease From Date and the Lease To Date. In the example above, the new lease dates are 09/01/2015 to 08/31/2016. You must double check these dates and Yardi does not always calculate them correctly.
  • Click Save.

Your lease dates have now been updated.

Section 3: Interim Recertification

*If a Resident’s household circumstances change sufficiently to warrant an Interim Recertification,follow the steps below:

  • From the Dashboard click on the underlined number next to Occupied Units under Unit Statistics in the center of your screen.
  • Select the appropriate Resident from the list of units on the lower part of your screen by clicking on the Resident’s name in the Resident column.
  • This will open the Resident’s Record.
  • Select the most recent AR/IR/GR from the Cert Type column in the 50059 Data box by clicking on the AR/IR/GR in the Cert Type column.
  • This will open the 50059 screen
  • From the Functions dropdown menu select Interim Recert.
  • Click the Go tab. Make sure that you select the Interim Recert and not the Initial Recert.
  • Click Ok to continue with Interim Recert. This should have changed your Transaction Type to IR=Interim Recert.
  • Type in the Tran. Effective date.
  • Click the Save tab. This will force the program to show the Family Info tab.
  • Choose whether or not this Recert was cause by an indication from EIV
  • Click the Family Info tab to open the 50059 Recertification box.
  • Click the Next tab to reach the Income, Assets or Expenses page in order to make the necessary changes. (For instructions on changing Income, Assets or Expenses see the instruction in Section 3: Annual Recertification)
  • Once all changes have been made, click the Next tab until you reach the Validation step.
  • Make sure the TTP equals the calculations you made on the income worksheet.
  • Enter the Owner Sign Date: mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Enter the Tenant Sign Date: mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Click on the 50059 Full Pack to view and print the 50059.
  • Click the Done tab to complete the Interim Recertification.

Section 4: Corrections to Recertification

You will follow the same steps for completing a Correction to a Recertification as you did for an Interim Recertification in Section 4.

  • Once you have selected the appropriate Resident and gone to their 50059 screen, You will select Correction instead of Interim Recert in the Functions Menu.
  • Click the Go tab.
  • Click the Save tab. This will force the program to show the Family Info tab.
  • The Transaction Type will remain the same as the one you were correcting. You will Never change the Next Annual Recert Date.
  • Click the Family Info tab.
  • Please note at the top of the screen where it says 50059 Certification (GR-1 01/01/2015). The GR-1 lets you know that you are doing a correction.
  • Click the Next tab to reach the Income, Assets or Expenses page in order to make the necessary corrections. (For instructions on changing Income, Assets or Expenses see the instruction in Section 3: Annual Recertification)
  • Once all corrections have been made, click the Next tab until you reach the Validation step.
  • Make sure the TTP equals the calculations you made on the income worksheet.
  • Enter the Owner Sign DateandTenant Sign Dates.
  • Tenant Unable to Sign will default to No.
  • Click on the 50059 Full Pack to view and print the 50059.
  • Click the Done tab to complete the Correction to the Recertification.

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