LSIA 2010 July 25 General Meeting and Picnic

In attendance: ~ 75 members (100 w/kids) held at Jorgenson Park. Board and director members in attendance: Len Nadasdy, Joe Slavec, Dan Cady, Mike Peterson, Rick Pratt, Mark Holten, Mel Knapton

Special guests: Senator Gen Olson, John Lund – Mayor Greenfield, Steve Smith, State Representative, Independence Mayor Marvin Johnson

Meeting Called to Order: 4 p.m.

Approval of Agenda: Motion: Carol Roberts. Seconded Paul Klesmit. Passed.

Greeting, Announcements: Len Nadasdy asked members to fill out Survey on (discount) Programs for the membership and to note Recreational Activities of Interest. Rick Pratt announced picnic activities including kids games at 4:30p.m. Dan Cady to host CPR and water safety training at 4:30p.m. or the adults. (Approximately 20 attended).

Secretary’s Report: A handout was provided summarizing Secretary’s notes. My notes say Fred Lang made a motion to approve and Greg Hani seconded. Passed.

Treasurer’s Report: A handout was distributed summarizing the financial report. $35,005.73 Total Funds available. A motion was made by Pam Peterson to accept. Scott Walsh seconded. Passed.

Conservation and DNR Report: Joe Slavec noted walleye fingerlings were not stocked last year. This year there will be more added.

Water Level: Mike Peterson noted it was at 980.12” on 7-21-2010. Which is 26” lower than record high, 28” above record low. 980.42” is the highest this year.

Lake Clarity: Mike noted it was 2 feet in both bays on 7-25. The lowest reading this year was 1.5 feet. Readings have been similar to previous years. The membership noted it is green and smells.

4th of July Parade: Volunteers Carol Roberts and Melissa Sorenson announced parade winners. The Wises’ and the Spencers’ won for most creative. The Sorensons’ and Slavecs’ won, as did the Van Beusekoms’, the Cady’s, and the Maloneys’. North Shore Drive was missed on the Boat Parade. The route was published and the route is meant to be inclusive.

LSIA Database: The directory will be coming out with the new officer’s names. There are 135 in membership.

Nominations: Joe Baker for President, Ann Slavec for Vice President, Donna Sheeley for Secretary and Roger VanBeusekom for Treasurer. Motion to approve Greg Hani, second, Fred Lang.

The remaining new directors were nominated. Scott Walsh, Carol Beasecker. Motion to approve Fred Lang, Second Becky Jacobsen.


Adjournment: 4:30 p.m.