Sunnyside Christian Reformed Church
Policy Manual
Leadership Participation Section
402.1 / TITLE


A.  The purpose of this policy is to assure that we keep our witness strong and pure in this community; therefore we follow this Protection Policy (Policy) on behalf of the Sunnyside Christian Reformed Church (SCRC), its members, and all who look to us as Christian examples.

B.  This Policy will help provide a safe environment for children.

C.  This Policy will protect our staff and volunteers from false complaints and costly litigation and enable us to purchase liability insurance.

D.  This policy applies to all volunteer and staff positions at SCRC, and especially to those who have regular contact with children.

E.  We do this with the encouragement of Classis Columbia and the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, which in 2002 adopted a zero-tolerance policy with regard to abuse issues and challenged each church to adopt its own policy regarding the protection of children.


A.  Child/Children - Washington State Law (RCW 26.44.00) defines child or children as any person under the age of eighteen years.

B.  Abuse - Injury, sexual exploitation, or maltreatment of a child by any person under circumstances which indicate that the child’s health, welfare, and safety are harmed.

1.  This definition is broad and somewhat vague; however our purpose is to nurture growth and grace in the lives of our children. Our protection policy is written to help us achieve that purpose.


A.  The six month rule

1.  Any volunteer or staff person, with the obvious exception of those called as Pastors or other paid staff, should ordinarily be a professing member of SCRC and have done so for at least six months before assuming a lead teacher role.

B.  The two deep rule

1.  A leader and an assistant should be present for activities involving children.

2.  Assign a “floater” for Sunday School to circulate to all the rooms to be available to assist the teachers, should there be that need.

C.  Insurance availability

1.  Requires there be policy and procedure for

a)  Screening; see section 4.0

b)  Reporting; see section 5.0, and

c)  Responding; see section 6.0.

2.  Corresponding forms to be completed are provided to each person leading and helping in the various children’s ministries of SCRC.

D.  Guidelines for discipline

1.  Will be given to each volunteer and staff person.

E.  Guidelines for each ministry

1.  Will be given to those leading that ministry.

2.  Will address the procedures to be followed to avoid risky situations.


A.  The SCRC cannot get liability insurance for sexual misconduct or child abuse without screening staff and adult volunteers. Even more important is the message we send that we will not tolerate any acts of harm to our children or to our witness in our community.

B.  SCRC paid staff goes through an interview process:

1.  In some cases, a ministry leader may want to further interview a prospective volunteer to be sure that the volunteer can be a help to their ministry.

C.  Each staff and adult volunteer will complete a one-time consent authorization for a background check.

1.  The information collected is protected by a Secure Certificate Authority, which supports up to a TLS1.2 256-bit encryption process. This process can be verified using your browser’s security certificate information page. All information provided on this form is secure.

2.  The electronic form is available on the church website www.sunnysidecrc.orgResourcesBackground Checks.

3.  At a minimum the following information is required: Legal name and other aliases current and previous addresses, social security number, date of birth, ethnicity, gender, phone number, email address, and driver’s license number.

4.  Providing consent will initiate a background check.

D.  It is the responsibility of the ministry leader and/or administrative coordinator to do the reference check if he or she does not know the volunteer.

1.  This is mandatory if the volunteer has moved to this area within the year.

E.  In addition to the reference check conducted, a nationwide criminal background check will be conducted on ALL employees and volunteers who work with minors.

1.  Background checks will be renewed annually.

F.  A second form would obtain waivers of liability on medical and transportation.

1.  It is important to have the driver’s license number for proof of valid license especially for those who sometimes transport children to and from activities.

2.  In addition, the driver’s license is used to conduct a background check for which consent the form also asks.

G.  A person younger than 18 who works with children in an unsupervised position must also fill out this form.


A.  Washington State Law requires that certain persons working with children are mandated to report any abuse or suspicions of abuse (RCW 25.44.030).

1.  Churches and Pastors are not specifically mentioned, but case studies have included them.

2.  The law does say that abuse must be reported “at first opportunity, but in no case longer than 48 hours after there is reasonable cause to believe that the child has suffered abuse.”

B.  Any staff or volunteer who witnesses sexual abuse must report that abuse.

1.  If he or she is not comfortable with notifying the proper authorities, a member of the pastoral staff of the church must be brought in to assist.

C.  Any volunteer who suspects that any kind of abuse is occurring must immediately report those suspicions to the ministry leader or in the case of Sunday School, to the Sunday School Superintendent.

1.  That leader then immediately contacts one of the Pastors who will then choose one of the following ways to respond.


A.  The Pastor may report the allegation to the proper government authority if he knows of similar reports.

1.  The Pastor may take a week to determine by prayer and investigation whether or not further work is necessary.

2.  The Pastor may immediately refer the allegation to an abuse response team.

B.  Response to any allegation of misconduct must be done in Christian love.

1.  There is a Classical Abuse Response Team to help a church through this situation.

a)  The Pastors and Elders are kept informed throughout the proceedings.

b)  Strict confidentiality surrounds the proceedings, but the Elders may decide to remove the accused from the position until the team has finished its work.

C.  If the allegations are not substantiated by the Classical Abuse Response Team, the investigation shall cease and every effort will be made to restore the accused.

1.  Furthermore, should evidence suggest that the initial allegations were carelessly or maliciously brought against the accused, the accused retains the right to prosecute the accuser(s) to the fullest extent of the Law.

D.  If the allegations are proven true by the Classical Abuse Response Team, the seriousness of the offense and its consequences will be determined by them.

1.  The Team will recommend appropriate disciplinary measures to the Elders who shall then proceed in keeping with Church Order.

E.  There is a contractual obligation to our insurance company to report any situation that may bring liability against our policy.

1.  Reporting to the insurance company must be done within one week from the initial report of possible abuse.

2.  Use the Reporting/Tracking Document to document the incident. The form is available on the church website at>Resources>Forms.


A.  All adult volunteers must complete an application before serving.

B.  All volunteers will review the policy and these guidelines annually.

C.  Gentleness, respect, and understanding must be used in all interactions with children and youth. Discipline will be carried out through instruction, training, and correction. Physical punishment will not be used.

D.  Physical contact with children should be age and developmentally appropriate.

1.  Touch can be nurturing, but differences in sexual development, cultural differences, family backgrounds, individual personalities, and special needs must be considered.

2.  Pure, genuine, positive displays of God’s love will meet the following guidelines:

a)  Hugs. One-arm (hand-to-arm). Avoid full contact (body to body).

b)  Kisses. Avoid.

c)  Lap-sitting. Appropriate with children 5 years and younger. Encourage older children to sit next to you.

d)  Pats. Used to show encouragement and approval. Pat only shoulders, arms, back, or hands.

e)  Back rubs. Inappropriate.

E.  Door windows are not to be covered for any reason.

F.  When working with a child one-on-one, be especially cognizant of all the above guidelines. If in an area without windows, leave the room door open.


A.  Adult volunteers must have a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance before transporting youth.

B.  Drivers and passengers must abide by Washington State requirements for number in car, seatbelt use, and air-bag safety.

C.  Adult volunteers who transport non-related youth to church-sponsored programs must follow at least two of the following procedures:

1.  Two adults are present and seated in the front seat of the vehicle with the youth(s) in the back seat;

2.  One adult is driving and at least two youth are present in the vehicle;

3.  Youth are seated in the back seat of the vehicle;

4.  Drivers log-in each pick-up and drop-off and logs are turned into an adult volunteer.

a)  Do not transport one non-related youth in the front seat of your vehicle unless you have written permission from a parent/guardian.

b)  Adults or minors who transport family members are not subject to this policy.

D.  These transportation guidelines do not extend to parents or guardians who request or give permission for a minor with a valid driver’s license to transport non-related youth.


The following guidelines are in addition to the General Guidelines in Section 7.0.

A.  Volunteer Policy

1.  Adults must be in charge in the nursery.

2.  Minors from fifth grade through high school may volunteer under the supervision of the adult.

3.  Nursery volunteers must not all be from the same family at any one time.

4.  Nursery volunteers must not take a child from the nursery to another part of the church except to the restroom.

5.  Nursery volunteers must arrive at least fifteen minutes before the starting time.

B.  Arrival and Dismissal Policy

1.  Parent(s) must sign-in the child. Special care instructions should be written and given to the adult supervisor at the time of sign-in each time the child is brought to the nursery.

2.  Each child must wear a name tag. Diaper bags, bottles, pacifiers, and anything else brought with the child must be labeled with the child’s name.

3.  Parents will receive a card with a number or letter on it.

4.  Parents must present the card to an attendant at the counter before receiving their child at dismissal time.

5.  Two attendants will remain in the nursery until all children have been dismissed.

C.  Diapering and Restroom Policy

1.  Diapers or other clothing will be changed in the nursery with other volunteers present.

2.  Proper cleanliness will be observed with and after diaper changes. After the nursery session, table surfaces, toys, etc. will be cleaned with disinfectant, and the crib sheet will be washed.

3.  A volunteer taking a child to the restroom will leave the stall door open when assisting the child.


The following guidelines are in addition to the General Guidelines in Section 7.0.

A.  Volunteer Policy

1.  One adult will be in each classroom at all times.

2.  Whenever possible, two teachers will be in each classroom.

B.  Arrival and Dismissal Policy

1.  A teacher will be in the classroom and prepared for the children’s arrival.

2.  In the case of children’s church, a teacher will meet the children in the back of church when they are dismissed from the worship service and will take them to the classroom.

3.  A teacher will escort the children back to the Gathering Area from the classroom.

C.  Restroom Assistance Policy

1.  Children of this age should be able to go to the restroom without assistance, but if help is required, the following should be observed:

a)  An adult should provide the assistance necessary.

b)  The stall door should remain open when the adult is present.

2.  If possible, an adult should escort a group of children to the restroom. If just one child needs to use the restroom, an adult should both escort the child and screen the restroom to make sure that everything is in order. The adult should then escort the child back to the classroom.


The following guidelines are in addition to the General Guidelines in Section 7.0.

A.  Volunteer Policy

1.  At least one adult will be with the children at all times.

2.  Two adults will be in the class when the number of children is greater than 12. If it is not possible to have two adults in the class, assign a “floater” for Sunday School to circulate to all the rooms to be available to assist the teachers, should there be that need.

3.  Adult volunteers will arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to starting time.

B.  Arrival and Dismissal Policy

1.  Children may not arrive earlier than ten minutes before starting time.

2.  Children will not be dismissed earlier than the stated time.

3.  Parents must come into church to pick up children (not wait in the parking lot).

4.  At least two adults will remain after the meeting until all the children have been picked up. Written permission from the parent/guardian is necessary for an adult to take a child home. Otherwise, children must go home with their parent/guardian.

C.  Registration Policy

1.  In the case of GEMS and Cadets, parents/guardians must fill out a registration form and a permission/medical release form on their child so that in case in emergency, the parent/guardian can be contacted immediately.