Nominations are being called for the EVANZ Executive. Nominations are required for 4positions and if a vote is required this will take place at the EVANZ AGM on Monday 20

November 2017 at Shed 6Wellington at4.15pm.



EVANZ will be governed, controlled and administered by an Executive Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting, consisting of a President, Vice President, and four other members (maximum (6) six), the nomination and appointment of such Executives to be made in the following manner:

a)The Executive Committee members will be elected for a two (2) year term. At the conclusion of the two (2) year term Executive Members can be re-nominated for further two (2) year terms.

b)Nominations for members of the Executive Committee shall be in writing in the hands of EVANZ’s Secretary not later than twenty one (21) days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. In the event of insufficient nominations being received to fill the existing vacancies, further nominations shall be called for at the Annual General Meeting.

c)At the first convened Executive Committee meeting held after the AGM in which they were elected the six (6) elected Executive Committee members will elect a President and Vice President from its number.

The election of the President and Vice President will be for a two (2) year term.

d)In the event of a member of the Executive resigning, or ceasing to qualify for a seat on the Executive, the Executive shall have the option to appoint a replacement.

e)The Executive Committee shall have power to exercise all the power and authorities of EVANZ for the purpose of carrying out its objects.

f)The Executive Committee may at any time co-opt individual members to assist the Executive in a specific task or responsibility.

g)Quorum - minimum of four (4) Executive members

Nominations are required by Monday 30October.

Current Executive:

Nelita ByrneNew Plymouth Venues(President) (End of Term)

Adam LynchPositively Wellington Venues (End of Term)

Gareth Wallis Tauranga City Events (End of Term)

Megan Peacock CoyleBaycourt (Co-opted, End of Term)

Keith ParkerEden Park(Entering Year 2)

Joelene ElliottEvents and Venues Rotorua(Entering Year 2)

Please ensure you have advised your nominees that you are nominating them and request a profile to be submitted to by 30October. Their profiles will be distributed with the agenda, posted on the website and distributed at the AGM.

All nominees must be aware that their term is two (2) years, expiring at the end of the AGM in 2019.

Elected members will be provided copies of the EVANZ Strategic Plan, EVANZ Delegated Authority and agenda for the meeting which will include initiatives the current Executive is working on.

Your Contact Name: ______

Member Venue: ______

I/we would like to nominate:

1. ______For the Executive


2. ______For the Executive


3. ______For the Executive


4. ______For the Executive


Please post or email this nomination to the EVANZ Secretariat by Monday30October 2017.

Miles Davidson EVANZ

EVANZ PO Box 27501, Wellington 6141

Phone: 027 5216456
