(An Initiative of the Government of Gujarat)

KCG Awards Scheme for Meritorious Institutions and Teachers of Gujarat in the Field of Higher Education


Concept Note


The present higher education in the state does not have system of rewarding meritorious and performing institutions and teachers. The continued absence of any incentive for better performance might lead to either complacency or even de-motivation of the performing institutions /individual. Therefore, to promote excellence in higher education of the state, Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat (KCG) has decided to reward performance of meritorious institutions/teachers.


(i)To establish a mechanism for recognising meritorious institutions and individual teachers of the state by objective assessment of their overall performance.

(ii) To encourage excellence in higher education of the state by felicitating such meritorious institutions/teachers.


Following are the two categories of awards:

(i)Awards for Institutions (Colleges, Clusters, Zones, and Universities-Enl.1)

(ii)Awards for Individuals (College Teachers and University Teachers of the State funded universities -Ecl.2)


(i)Awards shall be given to the concerned institutions/individuals on the basis of the performance of the previous academic year.

(ii)The KCG Centre of Academic Excellence, set up under the World Class University Scheme shall invite the nominations for awards in each category and after adjudging the awardees in each category will forward the names of all the awardees to CEO, KCG latest by October of the every academic year.

(iii)KCG shall be pleased to sponsor the awards and organise ‘Award and Felicitation Function’ every academic year, preferably beginning from the academic year 2012-13.

(iv)In case of any difference of opinion regarding the categories of awards and/or criteria/procedures of awards the decision of the CEO, KCG shall be final and binding to all.


Encl. 1



  • 57 awards for ‘Outstanding College’
  • 01 award for ‘Outstanding Government College’
  • 57 awards for ‘Outstanding Cluster’
  • 05 awards for ‘Outstanding District’
  • 01 award for ‘Outstanding Zone’
  • 01 award for ‘Outstanding University’


Total 122 awards for the institutions


One ‘Outstanding College Award’ from each of the fifty seven Educational District (Total 57 Awards since there are 57 Educational Districts).

Eligibility Criteria/Procedure:

(i)A College which has been accredited by AAA and/or NAAC shall be eligible for consideration of the award.

(ii)Scores earned in the AAA accreditation , if the college has undergone only

AAA accreditation.

(iii)Scores earned in the NAAC accreditation, if the college has undergone only

NAAC accreditation.

(iv)Average of the scores earned in the AAA accreditationand NAAC accreditation, if the college has undergone both AAA accreditation and NAAC Accreditation.

(v)A college having the highest score in each district shall be declared as an ‘Outstanding College’ from each Educational District

(vi)Nominations shall be invited by the KCG Centre of Academic Excellence of each university at the beginning of each academic year.

(vii)Each university will select an ‘Outstanding College’ from each of the Academic Districts falling under its jurisdiction, using the criteria prescribed above.

(viii)The names of the selected ‘Outstanding Colleges’ shall be communicated by each university to the CEO, KCG latest by the date prescribed by the KCG, every ac academic year.


One ‘Outstanding Government College Award’ from all the Government Colleges of the entire State

Eligibility Criteria/Procedure:

(i ) Each university will select an ‘Outstanding Government College’ from falling under its jurisdiction using the criteria prescribed above, and send the nomination to the CEO, KCG, along with the total score of the college.

(ii)The names of the selected ‘Outstanding Government College’ shall be communicated by each university to the CEO, KCG latest by the date prescribed by the KCG, every academic year.

(iii)After scrutinising all the nominations sent by all the universities the KCG will decide the ‘Outstanding Government College’ having the highest score from among the nominated Government Colleges for this award by each university.


‘Outstanding Cluster Award at the District Level’ for Educational District from each of the Total 57 Educational Districts (There will be 57 awards)

Each university will select an ‘Outstanding Cluster’ from each of the Academic Districts falling under its jurisdiction.

Eligibility Criteria/Procedure:

(i)A Cluster having maximum number of colleges having been accredited by AAA and/or NAAC shall be eligible for the consideration of the award.

(ii)A cluster having the Highest number of collegesAccredited by AAA and/or NAAC with highest average score shall be declared as an Outstanding Cluster from each Educational District

(iii)Nominations shall be invited by the KCG Centre of Academic Excellence of each university at the beginning of each academic year.

(iv)The names of the ‘Outstanding Clusters’ selected by each of the university

shall be communicated by the university to the CEO, KCGlatest by the date

prescribed by the KCG, every academic year.


‘Outstanding District Award at the State Level’ one Academic District each from the five Educational Zones of the state, (There will be five awards, as the Total 57 Educational District are divided in five zones there are five zones)

Each university will select an ‘Outstanding District’ from each of the Academic Zones falling under its jurisdiction.

Eligibility Criteria/Procedure:

(i)A District having maximum number of colleges having been accredited by AAA and/or NAAC shall be eligible for the consideration of the award.

(ii)A District having the highest number of collegesAccredited by AAA and/or NAAC with highest average score shall be declared as an ‘Outstanding District’ from each the five zones.

(iii)Nominations shall be invited by the KCG Centre of Academic Excellence of each university at the beginning of each academic year.

(iv)The names of the ‘Outstanding Clusters’ selected by each of the university shall be communicated by the university to the CEO, KCG latest by the date prescribed by the KCG, every academic year.


‘Outstanding Zone Award at the State Level’ one from the five Educational Zones of the state, (There will one award for the ‘Outstanding Zone of the State’ out of the total five zones)

Each university will select an ‘Outstanding Zone’ from each of the Academic Zones falling under its jurisdiction.

Eligibility Criteria/Procedure:

(i)A Zone having maximum number of colleges having been accredited by AAA and/or NAAC shall be eligible for the consideration of the award.

(ii)Each university will select an ‘Outstanding Zone’ from each of the Academic Zones falling under its jurisdiction and send the score of the selected zone to the KCG.

(iii)Nominations shall be invited by the KCG Centre of Academic Excellence of each university at the beginning of each academic year.

(iv)The names of the ‘Outstanding Zone’ selected by each of the university shall be communicated by the university to the CEO, KCG latest by the date prescribed by the KCG every academic year.

(v)KCG will adjudge the ‘Outstanding Zone’ from among all the five zones nominated by each university

  1. AWARDS FOR UNIVERSITIES (total one award):

(i)Outstanding State Funded Conventional University (O1)

Eligibility Criteria/Procedure:

(i)A university accredited by NAAC will be eligible for consideration of this award.

(ii)Each university shall send its latest NAAC accreditation score with certifying documents from NAAC to the CEO, KCG, latest by the date prescribed by the KCG every academic year.

(iii)KCG will adjudge the ‘Outstanding University’ having the highest score in NAAC accreditation.




(Total Awards about 381)

There are four main categories, each with several sub-categories, of awards.


(i)Outstanding Teacher of a College for Each Educational District: (Above 41years)(Total 57 awards, one each for 57 Educational Districts)

(ii)Outstanding Young Teacher of a College for Each Educational District (Below 40 years)(Total 57 awards, one each for 57 Educational Districts)

(iii)Outstanding Teacher of a College for Each Educational District from among the women teachers,without regard to age (Total 57 awards, one each for 57 Educational Districts)

(iv)Outstanding Teacher of a College for Each Educational District from among the SC, ST, and OBC categoryof teachers, without regard to age (Total 57 awards, one each for 57 Educational Districts)

(For the purpose of equitable distribution of awards, a teacher may be eligible for an award in any one category only.)

  1. AWARDS FOR ‘OUTSTANDING COLLEGE TEACHER’ AT THE STATE LEVEL (total 25 awards, five each for five zones)

(i)Outstanding College Teacher at the State Level (Above 41years)(Total 5, one from each of the five zones)

(ii)Outstanding Young College Teacher at the State Level (Below 40 years)(Total 5, one from each of the five zones)

(iii)Outstanding Teacher of a College at the State Level from among the women teachers without regard to age (Total 5, one from each of the five zones)

(iv)Outstanding College Teacher at the State Level from among the SC, ST, and OBC categoryof teachers, without regard to age (Total 5, one from each of the five zones)

(For the purpose of equitable distribution of awards, a teacher may be eligible for an award in any one category only.)

  1. AWARDS FOR ‘OUTSTANDINGUNIVERISTY TEACHER’ FOR THE STATE FUNDED UNIVERSITIES (Total 32, 4 each of the eight state funded universities )

One Award for Each State Funded University for each of the following four categories:

(i)‘Outstanding University Teacher ’ Above 41years, one each from every state funded university

(ii)‘Outstanding Young University Teacher’ (40 or below 40 years)

(iii)‘Outstanding Woman Teacher of the University’ from among the women teachers without regard to age (Total 5, one from each of the five zones)

(iv)‘Outstanding Backward Class Teacher of a University’ from among the SC, ST, and OBC categoryof teachers, without regard to age

(For the purpose of equal distribution, a teacher may be eligible for an award in any one category.)

Eligibility Criteria/Procedure:

(i)Nominations for ‘Outstanding Colleges Teacher” and ‘Outstanding University Teacher’ shall be invited by the ‘KCG Centre of Academic Excellence’ of each university in a common proforma at the beginning of each academic year.

(ii)The names of the ‘Outstanding College Teacher’ and ‘Outstanding University Teacher’ selected by each of the university in each of the category mentioned above shall be communicated by the university to the CEO, KCG latest by the date prescribed by KCG every academic year.

(iii) The criteria for evaluating college and university teachers of the state funded universities for the awards are specified in the Encl.3

  1. ‘Star of the University’ Awards for meritorious research works, patents, and publications(Total 12 awards per university). The criteria are specified as under:
  1. Awards Open to All Scholars of the University (06 Awards)

(i)First Prize [one each (i) in sciences, (ii) in social sciences including education, law, social work, commerce, management etc. and (iii) in languages, humanities including philosophy, fine arts, performing arts etc.]

(ii)Second Prize [one each (i) in sciences, (ii) in social sciences including education, law, social work, commerce, management etc., and (iii) in languages, humanities including philosophy, fine arts, performing arts etc. including philosophy, fine arts, performing arts etc.]

  1. Awards for the Assistant Professors /Associate Professors not older than 55 years) (06 Awards)

(a)First Prize [one each (i) in sciences, (ii) in social sciences including education, law, social work, commerce, management etc., and (iii) in languages and humanities including philosophy, fine arts, performing arts etc.]

(b)Second Prize [one each (i) in sciences, (ii) in social sciences including education, law, social work, commerce, management etc., and (iii) in languages, humanities including philosophy, fine arts, performing arts etc.]

Eligibility Criteria/Procedure:

(i)Nominations for ‘Star of the University’ shall be invited by the ‘KCG Centre of Academic Excellence’ of each university in a common proforma at the beginning of each academic year.

(ii)The names of the ‘Star of the University’ selected by each of the university in each of the category mentioned above shall be communicated by the university to the CEO, KCG latest by the date prescribed by KCG every academic year. .

(iii)The criteria for judging the ‘Star of the University’ in each category mentioned above shall be: (a) publication of the highest number of research papers in the immediately previous academic year in outstanding peer reviewed academic journals of a high repute and/ or for registering highest number of patents during the previous academic year (b) overall academic performance as per the criteria given in Encl.3, and (c) overall merit assessed on the above two criteria, by a panel of three eminent external experts, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. In case of more than one contender the Award shall be equally shared among them.



Criteria for Academic Evaluation of Outstanding College and University Teachers (with Weight age)

No. / Total Points
I. / Academic Participation and Achievement / 20
II. / Research and Consultancy / 20
III. / Publications / 20
IV. / Extension Activity / 30
V. / Contribution to the Corporate Life of the College and University / 10
TOTAL / 100

Proforma forFaculty Academic Evaluation

(For ‘Outstanding College Teacher’ and ‘Outstanding University Teacher’)

Name of the Faculty Member: ------

Academic year: ------

Name of the College/Department:------

Name of the University:------

  1. Academic Participation and Achievements

(Total 20 Points)

I.-A. Academic Participation (Total Points - 10)

No. / Total Points / Number* / Points Given By Peers After Evaluation
A. / Total Points for Participation in Seminars/ Conferences/ Refresher Courses/ Orientation Programmes/ Symposia etc. / 6
i) / Attended / 1
a) / International level / 0.50
b) / National level / 0.25
c) / Regional level / 0.15
d) / Local level / 0.10
ii) / Presented Paper / 2.5
a) / International level / 1.00
b) / National level / 0.75
c) / Regional level / 0.50
d) / Local level / 0.25
iii) / Worked as a Rapporteur/ Commentator / Discussant / 1.5
a) / International level / 0.75
b) / National level / 0.40
c) / Regional level / 0.25
d) / Local level / 0.10
iv) / Chaired Session, Key Note, Valedictory, Presidential etc. address delivered / 1
a) / International level / 0.50
b) / National level / 0.25
c) / Regional level / 0.15
d) / Local level / 0.10
B. / Total Points for Academic Training / 4 / Number* / Points Given By Peers After Evaluation
i) / Participated / 1
a) / International level / 0.35
b) / National level / 0.25
c) / Regional level / 0.25
d) / Local level / 0.15
C. / Resource Person / 1
a) / International level / 0.50
b) / National level / 0.20
c) / Regional level / 0.20
d) / Local level / 0.10
D. / Master Trainer / 2
a) / International level / 1.00
b) / National level / 0.50
c) / Regional level / 0.30
d) / Local level / 0.20
E. / Total Points for Academic Participation and Training / 10

* Please specify the exact number of activities participated in by the teachers against each item, wherever it is applicable.#

I.-B. Academic Achievement (Total Points - 10)

No. / Total Points / Number* / Points Given By Peers After Evaluation
Total Points for Honours/Fellowship/Awards / Prizes / Cultural Exchange / 10
a) / International level / 4
b) / National level / 3
c) / Regional level / 2
d) / Local level / 1
Total Points for Academic Achievements / 10

* Please specify the exact number of activities participated in by the teachers against each item, wherever it is applicable.#

II. Research Output (Total Points - 20)

II.-A. Research Projects (Total Points - 10)

No. / Total Points
10 / Number* / Points Given By Peers After Evaluation
i) / New Research Proposals Submitted / 2
a) / Funding Agency
b) / Amount of Research Grant Sanctioned
ii) / Ongoing Research Projects (During a Particular Academic Year_ / 3
a) / Funding Agency
b) / Amount of Research Grant
iii) / Research Projects Completed during the Academic Year / 05
a) / Funding Agency
b) / Amount of Research Grant
Total Points for Research Projects / 10

* Please specify the exact number of activities participated in by the teachers against each item, wherever it is applicable.#

II.- B. Research Guidance (Total Points - 05)

No. / Total Points / Number* / Points Given By Peers After Evaluation
i) / M.Phil. Guidance / 2
a) / Number of M.Phil. Degrees Awarded / 0.50
b) / Number of Students Registered / 0.50
c) / Number of Students presently working / 1.00
ii) / Ph. D. Guidance / 3
d) / Number of Ph.D. Degrees Awarded / 1.5
e) / Number of Students Registered / 0.5
f) / Number of Students presently working / 1.0
Total Points for Research guidance / 05

* Please specify the exact number of activities participated in by the teachers against each item, wherever it is applicable.#

II.- C. Consultancy / Net Working (Total Points - 05)

No. / Points / Number* / Points Given By Peers After Evaluation
i) / Project Consultancy/ Membership in Advisory Committees / Trust / Board Member of Public / Non Governmental Organization / 05
a) / International level / 2
b) / National level / 2
c) / Regional level / 0.5
d) / Local level / 0.5
Total Points for consultancy / 05

* Please specify the exact number of activities participated in by the teachers against each item, wherever it is applicable.#

III. Publications (Total Points - 20)

No. / Points / Number* / Points Given By Peers After Evaluation
i) / Articles Published in Newspapers / 1.5
a) / Local/ Regional News papers / 0.50
b) / National News papers / 1
ii) / Articles Published in Non-refereed Journals/ E-Journals / News Magazines / 3
a) / Local/ Regional News Magazines / Non-refereed Journals / E-Journal / 1
b) / National News Magazines / 2
iii) / Book Reviews Published / 1
a) / International Refereed Journals / 0.50
b) / National Refereed Journals / 0.25
c) / Regional Refereed Journals / 0.15
d) / Non-refereed Journals/ Magazines/ News Papers / 0.10
iv) / Research Papers Published / 4.5
a) / International Refereed Journals / 2
b) / National Refereed Journals / 1.5
c) / Regional Refereed Journals / 0.75
d) / Non-refereed Journals / 0.25
(Mean Impact Factor of the best research journals in which publications were made)
v) / Books Published (Independently or in Joint Authorship) / 4
a) / National / International Publisher / 2.5
b) / Regional/ Local Publisher / 1.5
vi) / Books Published (Edited Volumes) / 3
a) / National / International Publisher / 2
b) / Regional/ Local Publisher / 1
vii) / Research Project Mimeographs / 2
viii) / Working Paper (published) / 1
Total Points for Publication / 20

* Please specify the exact number of activities participated in by the teachers against each item, wherever it is applicable.#