Suggested Format for Activities Categorically Excludedand NOT Subject to §50.4:
Activity Description and Finding
Application Number:
Applicant Name and Address:
Email address:
The following types of activities are categorically excluded from NEPA and not subject to the related laws and authorities at §50.4. The applicant will need to indicate the amount of funding next to the appropriate activity below and include a copy of the budget as source documentation.
The applicant is strongly encouraged, when appropriate, to aggregate all site specific categorically excluded from NEPA and not subject to the related laws and authorities at §50.4 activities into a programmatic description and budget amount for such activities.
$______Environmental and other studies, resource identification, and the development of plans and strategies
$______Information and financial services
$______Administrative and management activities
$______Public services that will not have a physical impact or result in any physical changes, including but not limited to services concerned with homebuyer counseling and education
$______Purchase of insurance
$______Engineering or design costs
$______Technical assistance and training
$______Supportive services, including but not limited to housing services and permanent housing placement
$______Activities to assist homebuyers to purchase existing dwelling units or dwelling units under construction (e.g. closing costs, downpayment assistance, interest buydowns, and similar activities that result in the transfer of title)
$______Housing pre-development costs that do not have a physical impact (e.g. legal, consulting, developer, and other costs related to obtaining site options, project financing, administractive costs and fees for loan commitments, zoning approvals)
$______Refinancing of HUD-insured mortgages that will not allow new construction or rehabilitation, nor result in any physical impacts or changes except for routine maintenance
By signing I am attesting that (insert name of grantee)______above is the best available estimate we can make as to the likely expenditure on activities that meet the description in 24 CFR Part 50.19 for the NSP2 funded (insert NSP2 grant number) ______project.
Name and Title of Preparer of Environmental Finding:
Signature of Preparer:______Date:
Accepted by HUD
Signature of HUD FEO/REO:
Date of Signature:
Suggested Format for Activities Categorically Excluded and NOT Subject to §50.4:
Compliance and Source Documentation
This format must be completed for all assistance to a specific site.
1. Does the project involve the acquisition or rehabilitation of structures, buildings or mobile homes?
( ) No; flood insurance is not required. Stop; compliance is established.
( ) Yes; proceed.
2. Is the structure or part of the structure located in a FEMA designated Special Flood Hazard Area?
( ) No. Source Document (FEMA/FIRM floodplain zone designation, panel number, date): ______(Stop; compliance is established).
( ) Yes. Source Document (FEMA/FIRM floodplain zone designation, panel number, date):
3. Is the community participating in the National Insurance Program (or has less than one year passed since FEMA notification of Special Flood Hazards)?
( ) Yes - Flood Insurance under the National Flood Insurance Program must be obtained and maintained for the economic life of the activity to cover the total activity cost. A copy of the flood insurance policy declaration must be kept in the Environmental Review Record.
( ) No, HUD assistance may not be provided for this property in the Special Flood Hazards Area.
1. Is the project located in a coastal barrier resource area?
( ) No; cite Source Documentation (activity description and/or map or letter).
( ) Yes; Federal assistance can not be used in such an area.
1. Does this proposal involve the sale or acquisition of existing property within a Civil Airport’s Runway Clear Zone, Approach Protection Zone, or a Military Installation’s Clear Zone?
( ) No; cite source documentation (activity description and/or map).
( ) Yes; cite source documentation (map). Disclosure statement must be provided to buyer and contained in project’s environmental review file.
1. Does the project involve providing financial assistance for the acquisition of a project?
( ) No. Stop; compliance is established.
( ) Yes; proceed.
Search Federal, State or local environmental toxic sites records (e.g. Do these sources reveal nearby on or nearby sites that may pose threats to the subject site occupants’ health or safety?
( )No; cite databases and proceed. ( )Yes; cite databases, describe and proceed.
Name and Title of Preparer of Environmental Finding:
Signature of Preparer:______Date:
Accepted by HUD
Signature of HUD FEO/REO:
Date of Signature: