New Sarepta Minor Hockey Association
Identity Management Process
Sep 1, 2015
NSMHA has exclusive rights to all usage of the New Sarepta Minor Hockey Association name, New Sarepta Eagles name and Association logo. Any usage for keep sake or promotional items like clothing, bags, signs, etc., requires prior NSMHA executive approval.
This process is intended to ensure that the identity (the official name, logo and team colors) of the NSMHA is managed and protected in a consistent manner. With many association teams looking to utilize the name and logo each season there is a risk that the name, logo or team colors get used incorrectly or inappropriately which is not in the best interest of the association.
Review Requests:
The requesting individual or team shall request, in writing, NSMHA executive review prior to any usage of the Association or New Sarepta Eagles names and / or Association logo. The requestor shall provide a written description of their proposed usage.
NSMHA Executive will supply teams with electronic copies of the NSMHA logo and EAGLES lettering.
Designated executive members will review and provide a written response (be it approval, changes required or rejection) to the requestor.
Designated Executive Reviewers:
A minimum of 1 of the following can review and approve / reject requests (with Cc: on their response to the others):
President, Vice President, Peewee & Above Director, Atom & Below Director.
Review Criteria:
No alterations to the New Sarepta Minor Hockey Association (NSMHA) name, the New Sarepta Eagles names and / or NSMHA logo shall be allowed.
Items deemed inappropriate or not in the best interest of NSMHA will be rejected.
Target review time is within 1 week from date of the receipt of the written request.
No alterations to the approved Association jackets, design, colors, NSMHA logo, lettering, and / or manufacturer shall be allowed.
Teams can use any vendor they prefer.
Jacket 1 (summer)
Manufacturer: Canada Sportswear
Model: L04070
Color: Black with red inserts & white piping
Jacket 2 (winter)
Manufacturer: CX2
Model: L03100
Color: Black with red inserts
All exceptions to this process shall be in writing from the NSMHA President.
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