KS3 Bio EQ 7A 2010 to 1995 Cells 4Teachers 126marks

Q8. The diagrams below represent what happens to the energy in the food eaten by a herbivore and a carnivore.

The width of each pathway indicates the amount ofenergy gained or used in a particular way.

(a) (i) What percentage of the total energy, taken in by a herbivore, is stored in its tissues? Use the diagram to help you answer.

...... %


(ii) The energy stored in an animal’s tissues is passed on to the next animal in the food chain.

Use information in the diagrams above to explain why there are usually no more than four or five stages in a food chain.




(b) Respiration takes place in cells, in structures called mitochondria. Why do muscle cells contain large numbers of mitochondria?




(c) Cows eat plants, but cannot digest the cellulose cell walls.

Micro-organisms in the cow’s stomach are able to digest the plant cell walls.

Suggest why cows cannot digest the cell walls but micro-organisms can.




(d) The diagram below shows cells from the inner lining of a mammal’s intestine.

The cell membranes in contact with the food are folded.

Explain why it is an advantage that these cells are adapted in this way.





Maximum 6 marks

Q9. The diagram below shows details of Chlamydomonas which is a single-celled organism adapted for living in ponds and ditches.

(a) Explain how the eyespot, the flagella and the chloroplast enable Chlamydomonas to photosynthesise.







(b) (i) Water diffuses into Chlamydomonas from the pond. Water is also produced by respiration inside the cell.

Give one function of water inside the cell.




(ii) If there is too much water in the Chlamydomonas cell, the water collects in two small vacuoles. The vacuoles can contract to get rid of the water.

What effect does extra water have on the cell?




(c) Large numbers of Chlamydomonas cells are found in ponds rich in nitrates. Nitrates are a source of nitrogen.

What compound does Chlamydomonas make from nitrogen?





Maximum 6 marks

Q10. The drawing shows part of a blackberry plant.

(a) Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of the blackberry plant. Complete the word equation for photosynthesis.

water + carbon dioxide ...... + oxygen


(b) Jonathan studied a blackberry plant growing in a shady place and a blackberry plant growing in a sunny place.

(i) Jonathan found that the plant in the shady place had larger leaves. Why is it an advantage for plants in the shade to have leaves with a large surface area?




(ii) Both blackberry plants had green leaves. What part of the leaf cells makes the leaf green?



(c) The diagram below shows a cell from a leaf of a blackberry plant.

The names of four parts of the cell are listed in the table below.

(i)Match the name of each part with a letter from the diagram. Write your answers in the table.

part / letter of part
cell wall


(ii) Which two of the labelled parts are also present in an animal cell? Give the correct letters from the diagram.

...... and ......


Maximum 9 marks

Q11. The drawing shows a plant called Tillandsia.

(a) (i) The leaves of this plant absorb light.

Why do plants need light?

1 mark

(ii) Tillandsia plants grow on the high branches of trees in rain forests.

These plants cannot grow well on the lowest branches.

Explain why.



1 mark

(b) Tillandsia plants do not have root hairs on their roots.

What two substances do most plants absorb through their root hairs?



2 marks

(c) Which diagram below shows a root hair?

Tick the correct box.



1 mark

Maximum 5 marks

Q12. (a) The diagrams below show an animal cell and a plant cell.

(i) The lines from the boxes show the positions of two of the parts that are present in both cells.

In the boxes, write the names of these two parts.

2 marks

(ii) Give the names of two parts which are present in plant cells but not in animal cells.



2 marks

(b) Organs can carry out their functions because of the special cells they have.

Draw a straight line from the name of each type of cell to the function of the cell and then to the process it carries out.

One has been done for you.

3 marks

Maximum 7 marks

Mark Scheme

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M8. (a) (i) 10

accept answers from 7 to 13


(ii) any one from

• only some or 10% of the energy intake is passed on to the

next level in the food chain

• only some or 10% of the energy is stored in tissues

• some energy is wasted at each stage

• less energy is passed on to the carnivore

consequential marking applies

accept the percentage given in part (a) (i)


(b) a lot of energy is needed for muscle contraction


(c) any one from

• a cow cannot produce the correct enzyme

• micro-organisms produce the correct enzyme or cellulase


(d) folds increase the surface area


any one from

• more absorption takes place

• absorption takes place more efficiently

• absorption takes place more quickly



M9. (a) light is detected by the eyespot


the flagella are used to move towards light


the chloroplast absorbs light

accept ‘the photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast’


(b) (i) any one from

• it is a solvent

• for photosynthesis

• it maintains the shape of the cell

• it provides a medium for chemical reactions to take place

• it is a constituent of cytoplasm

accept ‘it is part of cytoplasm’


(ii) it dilutes the cytoplasm

accept ‘it makes the cell swell up’ or ‘it makes the cell turgid’


(c) any one from

• protein

• amino acids

• enzymes

accept any correct nitrogen-containing compound



M10. (a) glucose

accept ‘sugar’ or ‘carbohydrate’

1 (L6)

(b) (i) to absorb enough or more light

accept ‘to absorb as much light as possible’

accept ‘to absorb lots of light’

accept ‘more photosynthesis takes place’

1 (L6)

(ii) chloroplasts

accept ‘chlorophyll’

1 (L6)

(c) (i)

part / letter of part
cell wall / D
cytoplasm / F
nucleus / A
vacuole / C

4 (L5)

(ii) any two from

• A

• E

• F

2 (L5)


M11. (a) (i) any one from

• to make food or glucose or sugar or starch

• photosynthesis

accept ‘for growth’

1 (L3)

(ii) any one from

• there is not enough light

accept ‘no light’ or ‘no Sun’

• there is less light

accept ‘light cannot reach them’

do not accept ‘because plants need light’

1 (L3)

(b) any two from

• oxygen

• water

• minerals or nutrients

accept a named mineral such as ‘nitrate’

accept for two marks two named minerals such as ‘nitrates’

and ‘phosphates’

2 (L4)

(c) B

if more than one box is ticked, award no mark

1 (L4)


M12. (a) (i) cell membrane

accept ‘membrane’

1 (L6)


answers must be in the correct order

1 (L6)

(ii) any two from

• cell wall

• chloroplast

accept ‘chlorophyll’

• large vacuole

accept ‘vacuole’

2 (L6)


if more than one line is drawn from any cell or function,

award no mark for those linkages

3 (L6)


M13. (a) (i) C and E

answers may be in any order

both answers are required for the mark

1 (L6)

(ii) C

1 (L6)

(iii) any one from

to trap or absorb light photosynthesis

accept ‘to make glucose or sugar

or starch or carbohydrate or food’

1 (L6)

(b) (i) A

1 (L6)

(ii) any one from

• windpipe

• trachea

• airways

• bronchus

• bronchiole

• oviduct or fallopian tube

accept ‘lungs’

1 (L6)

(iii) to remove mucus

accept ‘to remove bacteria’

accept ‘to move mucus along’

accept ‘to move or remove bacteria or dust particles’

‘it is a self cleaning mechanism’ is insufficient

do not accept ‘they clean dust or bacteria out of the lungs

‘accept ‘to move an ovum or egg along’ if the oviduct

or fallopian tube is given as the answer to part ii

1 (L6)

(c) B

1 (L6)


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