Agreement number: 2015 – nnnnn


National Coordinators for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning

EACEA 02/2015

Enter the country here

Select Progress or Final Report

Title: / Enter your text here
Agreement number: / Enter your text here
Website: / Enter your text here
Reporting period Progress report: / From / 01/11/2015
To / 31/10/2016
Final report: / From / 01/11/2015
To / 31/10/2017
Date of submission: / Enter date
Beneficiary organisation: / Enter your text here
Coordinator (contact person): / Enter your text here
Coordinator email address: / Enter your text here

This activity plan has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The Agency is currently moving to an eReporting system. The implementation of electronic reports will simplify the work of the beneficiaries (no re-encoding of already known information) and facilitate the transition to a future corporate grant management system.
The e-Report is an online tool that will be made available via the Participant Portal. Prior to the submission of the progress and/or final report you will receive detailed instructions about how to use the new online tool to submit your report.
For questions, please contact us via the functional mailbox:

Part 1 - General Description of the activity plan and Achievements

1. Objectives (Present the initial objectives of your activity plan and how it is inscribed in your national policy strategy on Adult Learning)

Please enter your text here

2. Methodology (Describe the methodology for achieving the objectives, including the evaluation strategy.)

Please enter your text here

3. Achievements (Describe the major achievements and results for the reporting period. Give concrete examples of the most successful achievements and the reasons for success.)

Please enter your text here

Complete the following table (leave a blank space if not relevant).

Type of achievement / Short Description (2 lines maximum)
Permanent coordination mechanism between all stakeholders
Increasing the supply of the adult learning provision
Measures to improve adults' basic skills
Measures to engage employers in workplace learning
Measures to improve the quality of adult learning
Improved knowledge base (study, research)
Procedures to assess and validate skills
Meetings / conferences / seminars with stakeholders at regional and national levels
Peer learning activities / study visits
Participation in events of other National Coordinators / National Agencies or EPALE NSSs
Application of EU quality and transparency tools (EQF, EQAVET...)
Regular inputs to EPALE
Other achievement

4. Dissemination / Awareness Raising on adult learning (Describe how awareness raising activities have supported national debates and dialogue on adult learning policies. Explain the type of collaboration established with the EPALE NSS and how results were transferred to the platform as well as other means of communication with stakeholders / target groups)

Please enter your text here

Complete the following table (leave a blank space if not relevant).

Means of communication with the target groups / Short description (provide address or type of outputs.)
Website of NC and other websites
Social Media (Facebook, twitter..)
Radio/TV/Newspaper campaigns
Fairs/Lifelong learning days

5. Impact (Describe the contribution of this action on the improvement of National adult learning policies)

Please enter your text here

Complete the following table (leave a blank space if not relevant).

Type of Impact / Short description (2 lines maximum)
Increased participation of low skilled /low qualified adults in learning
Increased involvement of stakeholders at National, regional and local level
Increased involvement of the broader socio-economic area including social partners and individual employers
Contribution to policy reforms, action plans, strategies
Transnational cooperation resulting in knowledge transfer and exchange of good practices
Improved available information on adult learning opportunities
Other impact

6. Lessons learned and plans for the future (Address how the achievements or the problems incurred of this contractual period impact on your future strategies or activities)

Please enter your text here


Template Version July 2017

Agreement number: 2015 – nnnnn

Part 2 - Implementation of the Work Programme -


This part comprises the following sections:

Section 1 Declaration of honour by the Beneficiary

Section 2 Implementation of the activity plan and management

Section 3 Financial Reporting Table

Section 4 Other Supplementary Information (optional)

It is mandatory to complete all parts in full, with the exception of Section 4.

The Financial Reporting Table (Section 3) is available on the Agency's webpage:

(Choose the action Key Action 3 – Support for Policy Reform – National Coordinators for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning, and click on "Filter" and then select "Reporting").


Grant Agreement number: 2015 - nnnnn

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the information contained in this Report is accurate and in accordance with the facts. In particular, I certify that the Financial Statement, provided as an Excel spreadsheet with this report, properly reflects the financial transactions made for the activity plan in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement and its Annexes signed with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and that full supporting documentation to justify the costs and revenues is available for checks and audits.

(Only for Final Report) I herewith request payment of the outstanding balance for the grant, in accordance with the terms of the Grant Agreement, which is EUR ………………

Signed in: on / /

Signature of the beneficiary's legal representative

Seal/stamp of the organisation

Name and function in capital letters


Template Version July 2017

Agreement number: 2015 – nnnnn


2.1 Implementation of work programme activities

Please describe exactly how you implemented the activities described in the work programme, including the list of all deliverables/ achievements. It is important to describe exactly what has changed as a result of each activity, and only to refer to outcomes that took place within this period. In case of problems encountered describe the solutions that have been either implemented (progress/final report) or are proposed (progress report). Copy the table as required in order to provide information on each activity of the work programme.

Work package number: / Activity title:
Month number: / End
Month number: / Duration in number of months
Fully accomplished / Partially accomplished / Not accomplished
[x] / [x] / [x]
Description of activity and related sub-activities
Deliverables: outputs / results / achievements
Deviations (if any) from the initial planning (activities/deliverables) and implemented or proposed solutions
List of products attached to your report (for example list of participants; agenda and minutes of meetings; products; newsletters, etc…). Please number the products themselves and use the same numbering in the list that you provide here.

Tasks that were subcontracted

N° days (where appropriate) / Brief description of task / Name and address of subcontractor

2.2 Update of the work programme (only for progress reports)

Please describe the planned activities until the end of the implementation of the activity plan

Work Package Number
Activity Title

Copy table as required


Template Version July 2017

Agreement number: 2015 – nnnnn

2.2 Overall management

Please explain the methodology put in place to manage the implementation of the activity plan, the coordination with the different stakeholders and the implementation of quality assurance tools. Report on any particular difficulty encountered related to the management.

Please enter your text here


The financial reporting for your activity plan must be carried out using the Excel workbook that has been provided by the Agency for that purpose.

The template can be found on the following Executive Agency's beneficiary's space

(Choose the action Key Action 3 – Support for Policy Reform – National Coordinators for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning, click on "Filter" and then select "Reporting")


If there is any information or issue you do not consider suitable for Sections 2 and 3 and which you wish to communicate to the Agency, you may insert it here:

Please enter your text here


Template Version July 2017