ACA Council on Sports Injuries and Physical Fitness
1701 Clarendon Blvd., Ste. 200| Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: (703) 276-8800 | Fax: (703) 243-2593
Website: | Email:
Agenda for the ACA Sports Council Executive Committee Meeting
Type: Teleconference
Time: July 23, 2017 at 6:00pm to 7:00pm PST
- Call to Order 6:04pm PST
a. Motion by Carly; Second by Kelly. None opposed.
- Roll Call
a. Attendees:Carly Zuehlke, Kelly Lange, Shea Stark, Liz Moos, Andrew Cohen, Nick Hastad, Robert Jones, Ed Feinberg
b. Not in attendance: Chris Hargrave, Barron Johnson
- Adopt Agenda
a. Change to add ACA Position to New Business (line item b)
b. Motion by Kelly; Second by Carly. None opposed.
- Approve minutes from previous ExCo meeting June 3, 20176:06pm PST
a. Motion by Carly; Second by Nick. None opposed.
- Approve new members6:07pm PST
- Doctors – Andrew Newman, Sara Marrs, Tracy Olson
- Student -Zachary Gassman, Justin Hochstetler, Michael Krueger, Amanda Smith
- Motion by Carly; Second by Shea. None opposed.
- Motions accepted through email. - Motion by Carly; Second by Shea. Opposed by none.
- Approval for honorarium for Dr. Jay Shah to speak at ACASC Symposium in amount of $1,250: $750 for travel expenses and $500 to speak.
- Reports of Officers6:10pm PST
- 1st VP– Carly
- 213 total members (254 last June)
- I will email everyone a list of people that have not renewed since March. I’d like people to respond with who they personally know from the list and will contact in an effort to get them to renew.
- Spoke to students at Logan Sports Council via skype
- Switched to membershipworks for our own processing. Continue to work with membershipworks website on updating emails that go out to members and following up with Lori to verify ACA membership
- Worked on honorarium details for Dr. Shah
- President duties – working with Nick and Jessica to finalize details of symposium
- 2nd VP– Nick
i. Working on Symposium with Jessica
ii. WPFG
- Secretary–Shea
- Responding to inquiries via the website to members (averaging about 5-10 per week)
- Sending out e-blasts for WPFG and Nitro Circus events
- Fielding phone calls and emails via the website asking questions about symposium and educational aspects that should be handled by the ACBSP
- Helping students generate sponsors for speed networking event
- Treasurer– Andrew
i. Working with CPA on midyear filing and making sure everything is up to date with Quickbooks
ii. Complications with “Strike” who is new avenue using for deposits of new membership income since switching to handling our own membership dues.
iii. CALL TO ACTION: Speak with Carly about changing systems due to complications
- Student ExCo–Liz/Chris
i. New student ExCo information sent out to chapters
ii. Presidents’ call next weekend
iii. Working on getting sponsors for Speed Networking Event – Airrosti will only be donating $500
iv. Separate event created on the SACA Facebook page for poster program
- Advisor – Ed
i. Sent out a document to faculty advisors about the poster program
ii. Any poster program questions should go through Ed or Tim Stark
iii. Verbal commitments from 4 different schools to sponsor poster program
h.Past President – Kelly
i. A large effort has been put into dealing with the issue with Shane Espinoza
ii. Working on ADCS position with ACA
- Old Business6:22pm PST
- Budget
i. CALL TO ACTION: Andrew to have the budget finalized by August meeting.
ii. Kelly will help Andrew with budget
- Board Succession/Elections
i. Emails to be sent out via MailChimp by Shea. Test emails will be sent to Carly and Kelly for approval before emails will be scheduled to go out to members in August.
- Updates on Symposium
- Symposium Registration
1. 15 people registered so far
- Most symposium speakers do NOT have sponsors as of yet. We are unaware of what was discussed between Shane and the speakers regarding sponsorships and expenses to be covered. Kelly, Carly and Nick will speak with Jessica Riddle with SESS to see if she is aware of any agreements made by Shane with the speakers.
- Regional events have not been as successful as originally thought so there is concern that more attention is being given to regionals versus the symposium. SESS took a loss on the Western regional.
- Symposium stuff
1. Jessica will be having items made such as logo lanyards, giveaway bags, shirts, etc.
2. What other items would be worth having made and given out?
a. Water bottles, small portable charges for phones/tablets, stickers, ACASC membership certificates, window decals, coffee mugs, drawstring backpacks
3. Guillermo will be contacted to create awards and Sherri will be contacted to create HOF award of necessary
- Other suggestions
1. Potentially doing a discount to vendors to incentivize early registration
2. Eblast speaker updates in addition to posting on social media
3. Direct mailers to local docs to expand membership
4. Send out promotional codes to those who get them (past presidents, ExCo members and HOF members) to boost registration
5. Jessica to send out more emails to members instead of or in addition to overflowing social media with information
6. Potentially doing a “rally behind ACASC” campaign given the rough time we’ve had this last month or so to get members’ support
- How to incorporate the symposium committee
1. Utilize committee to make personal phone calls to members to invite members to register
2. Incentivize the committee member who brings the most people to register for symposium
3. Have members of the symposium committee complete tasks during symposium
- Marketing budget - $100 on fb?; suggested by Jessica to boost marketing for symposium.
- Rooming List – Nick sent a list. ExCo to edit if necessary.
- Student updates on symposium
- Ed – do you need anything to help push faculty? Also, email Jessica the criteria for judging the poster competition
- Students at TCC aren’t even aware. How can we let them know?
- Copy Jasmine (Student 2nd VP) with any solid information on symposium information
- Non-sponsored speaker agreements – See items above
- Do we cover expenses for these speakers?
- Do we provide a room for each instructor in the room block?
- Hall of Fame Dinner
- Theme? Black and White suggested
1. HOF would prefer sit down dinner to be more formal
2. Cocktail attire, but can dress formal if desired
- Nominee was approved!
- Sherri is willing to help organize event to save money, but Jessica should be involved in planning the large portion of the event, while the HOF plan the details of the ceremony; Kelly will be liaison between HOF and Jessica to plan event if necessary
1. Jessica will create an amendment to her existing contract including fee and duties of planning HOF dinner.
2. Discussion lead to agreement of having Jessica plan HOF dinner and working with HOF to create event.
i. CALL TO ACTION: Kelly to speak with organization leaders for JCSMS to determine how other representatives handle sponsorships
- New Business7:20pm PST
- Suspension of current president
- ExCo was on Emergency meeting conference call, called by ACASC ExCo advisor Barron Johnson, on June 22
- Informed that Dr. Shane Espinoza had been arrested at the Canadian border while trying to leave the country
- He stated he would remain in custody and we needed to make appropriate plans for leadership changes
- ExCo reviewed By-laws and determined that in absence of President the 1st VP acts as President
- ExCo decided to not release any statement in order to protect his family
- Kelly spoke with Tom Daly, Counsel to the ACA, two days after, and he recommended that no action be taken by the ACASC, and follow by-laws for who would act in Shane’s absence. In response to inquiries we are to say we are being advised by Council and the issue has been turned over to the ACA Ethics Committee
- June 27th the ACASC ExCo and the ACA BOG received an email from Karen Silberman with an official statement from the ACA.
- The issue has been turned over to the ACA Ethics Committee. Any information we receive regarding Shane’s status is to be sent to Tom Daly to be forwarded to the Ethics Committee.
- At this time, Dr. Espinoza’s membership is suspended, and he cannot serve as an officer, making our 1st VP – Dr. Carly Zuehlke - acting president in his absence. We await further word from the Ethics Committee regarding the status of his membership and position
- ACA ABCS Position
i. 2 liaison positions
ii. Waiting to hear back from Anne-Marie for answers as Rob Jones is unaware of the situation
iii. Tabled for future meeting
- Life Member for HOF Members
i. Tabled for future meeting
- Student ExCo Election– Liz
i. Letter went out to students for upcoming election informing them to send applications to Liz and stating that attendance at Symposium is mandatory given that interviews will be held during the event by Gavel club
ii. Application packets must be submitted to Liz by October 1 for consideration
iii. The topic of floor nominations has not been decided on at this point
iv. How will interview process work?
a. Suggestion made to leave entire event up to Tom Hyde
v. CALL TO ACTION: Liz to create an SOP for student election process and have ready for next meeting and get into contact with Tom Hyde to work out details
- ACASC rep at Florida regional
i. Carlo to attend event
- World Police and Fire Games
i. The response from volunteers has been sparse so trying to boost the info to California docs.
- Committee Utilization
i. Tabled for future meeting
- Adjourn7:46pm PST
a. Motion by Carly