Lawrence C. Ragan
1993Ph.D., Instructional Systems, College of Education. Penn State University
1984M. ED., Agricultural Education, College of Agriculture. Penn State University
1979 B.S., Agricultural Education, Penn State University
Instructional II Certification from the Pennsylvania State Department of Education
Professional Experience
2012-PresentCo-Director, The Center for Online Innovation in Learning
Direct the research, scholarship, leadership development programming, and operation of The Center for Online Innovation in Learning in conjunction with co-directors from College of IST and Education.
2009-PresentCo-Director, Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning (IELOL)
Provide programmatic and operational leadership on the design and development of the Penn State/Sloan-C IELOL program for the preparation of the next-generation of leadership in online learning.
2008-2013Director-Faculty Development, Academic Outreach, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Provide leadership in the design, development, and delivery of systems and services that address the preparation needs for faculty and instructor success serving the online learner via online, and continuing education methods and technologies. Represent Penn State’s World Campus in leadership development programs in the field of distance education, instructional design and development, and faculty development. Conduct research on a variety of topics regarding online education including faculty preparation for teaching success and quality indicators for online teaching and learning.
1995-2008Director of Instructional Design and Development—World Campus, Outreach,
Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Provide direction and leadership for the design, development, and evaluation of instructional materials delivered via Penn State’s World Campus. Provide and manage a range of faculty development programs for World Campus faculty. Provide leadership in the integration of new and emerging technologies in the online learning environment. Determine appropriate strategies for preparing faculty with required skills in the use of instructional technology in their World Campus coursework. Coordinate activities between instructional design and development units within Penn State. Serve as spokesperson for Continuing and Distance Education on new and developing models for integrating educational technology into a variety of educational systems. Design and deliver workshops/institutes nationally and internationally on a variety of online learning and instructional design/technology topics.
1998-PresentAffiliate Assistant Faculty, College of Agriculture, Penn State University
Design, develop and deliver AEE 413: Program Planning in Agricultural Education. Provide informal faculty development on topics of instructional technology and distance learning.
2005-2008Quality Matters Reviewer Trainer, Quality Matterstm
The Quality Matters program is a faculty-centered, peer review-based process to certify the quality of online courses and online components. QM, sponsored by MarylandOnline, Inc., has received national recognition for its peer-based approach to quality assurance and continuous improvement in online education. Currently serve as the institutional representative for Quality Matters and as certified Quality Matters Reviewer trainer.
1993-1995Coordinator-Instructional Technologies, Center for Information Technology, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center- Penn State University, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Served as faculty consultant for the integration of instructional technology in the medical curriculum at the Hershey Medical Center. Analyzed, planned, and implemented strategic initiatives designed to advance and support the use of technology in resident education. Coordinated the design, planning, funding, and implementation of technology-based teaching and learning environments. Facilitated and delivered faculty development seminars and training programs. Managed instructional applications development including courseware and educational networking solutions.
1987-1993Instructional Designer, CBEL—Teaching & Learning Technologies, Center for Academic Computing. Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Coordinated and managed project development teams in the definition, design, development and evaluation of instructional courseware. Served as a consultant to faculty in the integration of computer technology into the classroom/curriculum.
1985-1987Education Coordinator, Pennsylvania Extension Computer Services, College of
Agriculture, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Coordinated developed and delivered a microcomputer curriculum. Managed a microcomputer facility as a Pennsylvania Extension Service and College of Agriculture learning resource.
1984-1985Educational Specialist, Pennsylvania Extension Computer Services, College of
Agriculture Sciences, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.
Designed and delivered instructional materials for personal application software on the Macintosh computer for faculty and staff. Served as guest lecturer for undergraduate and graduate level courses.
1980-1983Agricultural Education Instructor, Fairfield Area School District, Fairfield, Pennsylvania.
Designed and implemented production horticulture, agriculture and general science curriculum for secondary and middle school grade levels.
Publications and Scholarship
Visiting Scholar, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
September 17-21
Conducted seminar/workshops, participated in faculty/staff meetings and shared and explored research collaborations.
Ragan, L.,C., & McQuiggan, C.A. (in press). A Model for Determining Effectiveness and Impact of Faculty Professional Development. In K. Shattuck (Ed.),Assuring Quality in Online Education: Practices and Processes at Teaching, Resource, and Program Levels. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC
Ragan, L.,C., & Schroeder, R. Supporting Faculty Success in Online Learning: Requirements for Individual and Institutional Leadership. In M. Moore (Ed.), Leading the E-Learning Transformation of Higher Education. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC
Ragan, L., Bigatel, P., Kennan, S., May, J.From Research to Practice: Towards the Development of an Integrated and Comprehensive Faculty Development Program. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 16(5) (2012).
Bigatel, P., Ragan, L., Kennan, S., May, J., and Redmond, B. The Identification of Competencies for Online Teaching Success. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 16(1): 59-77 (2012).
Ragan, L.C. (2009). Operational Performance Guidelines for Online Instructors, Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, IGI Global, Hershey, PA
Ragan, L.C. (2007). The Role of Faculty in Distance Education: The Same But Different. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 34 232-237
Ragan, L.C. (2007-2008). Between the Clicks. Monthly invited column on faculty development issues. The Distance Education Report, Magna Publication.
Ragan, L.C. (2005). Course management issues in online learning. Collection of Instructional Modules developed as part of a FIPSE grant "An Investigation of the Pedagogical and Economical Effectiveness of Sharable Content Objects, Using Standards, in Online Instruction.” ADL-CoLab Publishers.
Ragan, L.C. (2004). The art of the process: The evolution of an online course. Course module for Masters in eLearning, Educational Innovation and Methodology, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Ragan, L.C. (2002). Creative Strategies for Meeting the Needs of the Lifelong IT Professional. EDUCAUSE Quarterly 25 (2) 58-61
Caspers, J.S. & Ragan, L.C. (2000). The evolution of distance learning environments: Shift happens. In P.M. Fiander, J.C. Harmon, & J.D. Makepeace (Eds.), From Carnegie to Internet2: Forging the Serials Future. Proceedings of the North American Serials Interest Group, Inc., June 10-13, 1999, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Ragan, L.C. (2000). Good teaching is good teaching: The relationship between guiding principles for distance and general education. Journal of General Education, 49 (1), 10-22.
Ragan, LC. (1999). Good teaching is good teaching: An emerging set of guidelines, principles and practices for the design and development of distance education. CAUSE/EFFECT, 22 (1) 20-24.
Ragan, L.C. (1997). The design of distance education professional development programs for faculty and staff. Proceedings for the International Council for Distance Education. State College, Pennsylvania.
Morrow, C.T., Harwood, J.T., Ragan, L.C., & Boettcher, J.V. (1993). Making institutional computing happen: The faculty perspective. EDUCOM 93 Proceedings. Primis, McGraw-Hill.
Ragan, L.C. (1992). HyperMedia in the plant sciences: The weed key and identification system/videodisc. Memoria for the Seminario De Agromatics, San José, Costa Rica.
Ragan, L.C. (1992). HyperMedia in the plant sciences: The weed key and identification system/videodisc. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 3 (1).
Ragan, L.C. (1988). HyperCard--A user's description. Tech Trends Magazine.
Beattie, D. & Ragan, L. C. (1987). Teaching the principles of landscape bidding with an electronic spreadsheet. Hort Science, 25 (9).
Authoring and Teaching Experience
2008-2013The Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning (IELOL), a five month blended professional development program with Penn State World Campus and Sloan-C.
2009OL 3000: Just2It!, Exploring the application of emerging Web 2.0 technologies to the teaching and learning process
2006-PresentOL2000: Effective Online Instruction, Faculty development program for Penn State faculty interested in developing skills and competencies for online teaching success
1999-2006Assistant Affiliate Faculty, Agricultural and Extension Education, College of Agriculture Penn State University. Designed, delivered and instructed the online course, AEE 413: Program Planning in Agriculture Education
1997-1998Adjunct Faculty, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Designed and delivered Ag Ed/Ext. Ed 497B: Integrating Technology into the Agriculture Curriculum.
1994-1995Adjunct Faculty, Penn State Great Valley, Malvern, Pennsylvania
Designed and delivered Instructional Systems 441: The Design, Development and Evaluation of Computer-based Instruction.
1989Adjunct Faculty, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Designed and delivered Ag 200, basic microcomputer use in agricultural sciences.
Awards and Recognition
2011Sloan-C Fellow, the Sloan Consortium
2006 & 2007EDUCAUSE Institute: Faculty Service Award
2003Faculty and Staff Development Award, University Continuing Education Association Mid-Atlantic Region
2002EDCAUSE Recognition of Leadership Award, Professional Development Committee Chair
1993Outstanding Electronic Tutorial Award, sponsored by SIGUCCS (Association for Machine Computing) for The Political Process Exercise: A Treaty Negotiations Simulation
1993Outstanding Electronic Information Resources Award, sponsored by SIGUCCS (Association for Machine Computing) for The Weed Key & Identification System
1993Innovations in Multimedia Award, Sony Corporation and T.H.E. journal.
1991EDUCOM Distinguished Humanities (Foreign Languages) Curriculum Innovation Award for The Evolution of Spanish Sounds Part II: Consonants in Combination
1986Outstanding Publication Northeast Region AATEA.
1983Honorary Chapter Farmer. FFA, Mason Dixon Chapter, Fairfield, Pennsylvania.
1979Superior Teaching Award in Agricultural Education. Alpha Tau Alpha
1973Eagle Scout Award. Mon Valley Council, Pennsylvania, The Boy Scouts of America
2009-2012Co-director of the Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning, collaboration between Penn State University and the Sloan-C Consortium
2007Faculty Mentor for Hershey Medical Center Junior Faculty Program
2007Faculty of the EDUCAUSE Institute Learning Technology Leadership Program
2005-2006Co-director/host of the EDUCAUSE Institute Instructional Technology Leadership (ITL) Program
2001-2007Professional Development Committee, The Canadian Association for Distance Education
2001-2002Chair, Professional Development Committee, EDUCAUSE
1999-2002Professional Development Committee, EDUCAUSE
1999-2002Jane N. Ryland Fellowship Selection Committee, EDUCAUSE
2001-2007Total Youth Ministry Program, Confirmation Catechist, Good Shepherd Catholic Church
1998-2007Active leadership role in The Boy Scouts of America-Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 83, CubMaster, Pack 383, Boy Scouts of America, State College, Pennsylvania
2005-2007School Board Member of Grace Prep Christian High School, State College, PA
1989-1992Chair, The HyperMedia Special Interest Group, Board member.
The Association for the Development of Computer-based Instructional Systems (ADCIS)
1982-1983Vice President, Field Trip Chairman and Educational Committee, National Audubon Society, South Mountain Audubon Chapter
Presentations/Seminars/Workshops and Keynotes
September 3, 2013
Assessing Institutional Framework for Online Learning
Imperial College
London, UK
September 5, 2013
Leadership Challenges in the Rapidly Changing Global Culture of Learning
ALT 2013
Nottingham, UK
November 08, 2012
The Top 10 Faculty Challenges for Teaching Online
Magna Publications Webinar
November 07, 2012
Establishing and Maintaining Online Teaching Presence
Ragan, L, and Eke, Kimberly
Magna Publications Webinar
October 22, 2012
COTS Meets QOI: Observations from Online Students and Faculty
Keynote Webinar
Irish Learning Technology Association
October 11, 2012
Online Student and Instructor Views of Quality of Instruction
Ragan, L. and Waggert, Noelle
Sloan-C Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida
October 11, 2012
Designing a Faculty Online Teaching Preparation Program for Multiple Audiences
Ragan, L., and Ko, Susan
October 8, 2012
Teaching Strategies to Craft a New Student Experience
The Academy's 2012 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo
September 20, 2012
Online Teaching Presence Matters: How to Manage it?
eLearn Center, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
September 19, 2012
Emerging Leadership Dimensions for Online Education
eLearn Center, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
September 18, 2012
Online Quality Teaching & Learning: Students and Faculty Perceptions
eLearn Center, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
June 10, 2012
10 Years After: St#ff Faculty Say About Teaching Online
Being There: Enhancing and Maintaining Your Online Presence
University of New Hampshire
Durham, New Hampshire
June 1, 2012
Being There: Establishing and Maintaining Teaching Online Presence
The Teaching Professor
Washington D.C.
May 31, 2012
How to Succeed Online by Really Trying
Georgia Health System
May 2, 2012
10 Years After--The Faculty Response to Online Learning
Indiana University East
Richmond, Indiana
April 17, 2012
Being There: Establishing and Maintaining Teaching Online Presence
eTroy University
March 23, 2012
Quality Online Matters
Farmingdale Community College
Farmingdale, NY
February 23, 2012
How to Succeed Online by Really Trying
2012 PASSHE Virtual Conference
December 13, 2011
Quality Online Matters
Seton Hall
East Orange, NJ
December 3, 2011
Online Quality Matters
Online Learning Roundtable
West Bank Faculty Development Program
December 1-2, 2011
The Top Ten Reasons to Teach Online
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
November 10, 2011
(Bigatel, Kline, Ragan, Mulligan)
Sloan-C Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida
November 9, 2011
Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning
Pre-conference Workshop
Sloan-C Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida
October 21, 2011
A 12 Step Program to Online Teaching Success
(Invited Speaker)
eLearn Conference
Waikiki, HI
September 30, 2011
Barriers and Busters
American Association for Agricultural Education
Penn State University
June 19, 2011
Building a Leadership Culture: A Workshop for Emerging Leaders in Online Learning
Workshop: Bruce Chaloux, Brian Mulligan and Lawrence C. Ragan
EDEN Annual Conference
Dublin, Ireland
May 12, 2011
How To Succeed Online By Really Trying
Center for Teaching Excellence
University of Findley, Ohio
April 28, 2011
Online Instructor Performance Expectations
Magna Publications Webinar
March 7-9, 2011
Faculty Development for Online and Blended Learning
Academic Impressions
Atlanta, GA
February 14, 2011
How to Succeed Online By Really Trying
Lawrence C. Ragan
Pre-conference Workshop
Washington DC
November 11, 2010
Engaging the Learner
Cindy Raynak and Lawrence C. Ragan
PSU Continuing Education Professional Development Program
University Park, PA
November 3, 2010
Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning
Lawrence C. Ragan and others
Pre-conference Workshop
Sloan-C Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida
November 3, 2010
How to Succeed Online By Really Trying
Janet May and Lawrence C. Ragan
Pre-conference Workshop
Sloan-C Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida
October 18, 2010
Quality Matters and Quality Assurance at Penn State
Teaching Strategies: Online Teaching
Fayette Campus, Penn State University
October 18, 2010
Helping Faculty Manage Online Workload
Web Conference
Academic Impressions
October 7, 2010
How to Succeed Online By Really Trying
Half-day workshop (on Competencies for Teaching Online)
NAIRTL/LIN conference
Dublin, Ireland
October 4, 2010
Strategies for Helping Faculty Manage the Online Workload
Half-day workshop
Sligo, Institute of Technology
October 2, 2010
Keynote Address: “A Passion for Growth”
Conference of Adjunct Faculty Development 2010
Consortium for Adjunct Faculty Professional Development
October 1, 2010
Emerging Classroom Technologies Showcase
Andy Petroski, Director of Learning Technologies, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Lawrence C. Ragan, Director of World Campus Faculty Development, Penn State University
University Park, PA
March 14-16, 2010
Faculty Development for Online and Blended Learning
Academic Impressions
San Diego, CA
March 4, 2010
Everything I Know about Teaching Online I Learned in the Garden—Keynote Maryland Distance Learning Association,
January 13, 2010
Serving the Large Enrollment Classroom (Webinar)
University of Silgo, Ireland,
December 11, 2009
Strategies for Managing the Online Workload (Webinar)
Academic Impressions
October 29, 2009
Measuring Online Faculty Competencies
Sloan-C Annual Conference
Orlando, FL
October 29, 2009
Faculty Development Metrics
Sloan-C Annual Conference
Orlando, FL
October 28, 2009
IELOL Sloan-C Preconference Workshop
Sloan-C Annual Conference,
Orlando, FL
September 15, 2009
Competencies for Online Teaching Success (Webinar)
Magna Publications
August 10-13, 2009
Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning
Sloan-C and Penn State University
July 29, 2009
Preparing for Online Teaching Success
Department of Defense Education
July 23, 2009
Competencies for Online Teaching Success (Webinar)
Rollins College, FloridaJune 2009
Adaptations of the QM Rubric
Chair: Richard Schumaker, University of Maryland University College
Yaping Gao, Broward College
Lawrence Ragan, Penn State
Sharon Rifkin, Broward College
Measuring Quality in Course Delivery
Chair: Lawrence Ragan, Director, Faculty Development, Penn State World Campus
Ed Bowen, Executive Dean, Distance Learning, Dallas TeleCollege
Jurgen Hilke, Director, Office of Distance Learning, Frederick Community College
Kay Shattuck, Director of Research, Quality Matters
Diana Zilberman, President, MarylandOnline, Director of Distance Learning, Baltimore City Community College
Achieving Quality through Collaboration 1st Annual Quality Matters
Balitmore, MD
Innovations in Education 2009 Summer Colloquium
Keynote: Describing the Competencies for Online Teaching Success
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York
May 2009
Keynote: Identifying the Core Competencies for Online Teaching Success
University of Illinois Springfield faculty Development 2009 program
Springfield Illinois
April 2009
Keynote: Competencies for Online Teaching Success
Lilly-East Conference on College and University Teaching
University of Delaware
March 2009
Competencies for Online Teaching Success
Schreyer Institute Regional Faculty Development Program
Hazelton Campus, PSU
Faculty Development in Blended and Online Learning
Program Chair and Faculty, Academic Impressions
Denver, Colorado
February 2009
Overview of Teaching and Learning Online
Northeast Regional Blended Learning and eLearning Program
Wilkes Barre Campus, PSU
Quality Matters Workshop
Lawrence C. Ragan with Alexandra M. Pickett
SUNY Summit 2009
Rochester, NY
January 2009
Strategies for Surviving, Balancing Expectations & Assuring Quality Online
Teaching Excellence Seminar
University of South Carolina
Using Standards to Evaluate the Design Quality of Online Learning Courses
Panel Moderator--Lawrence C. Ragan,
Panelist--Alan Davis, President, Empire State College SUNY
Vernon Smith, Dean of Instruction, Rio Salado College
Bill Pepicello, President, The University of Phoenix
Frank Mayadas, Program Director, Sloan Foundation
Council for College Military Educators
Honolulu, Hawaii
November 2008
Strategies for Surviving, Balancing Expectations, &Assuring QualityOnline