Honors English/Social Studies Block
2013-2014 Syllabus
Phone Numbers: (502) 863-4635 ext. 4658 Twitter: @msvolpe
Class Website:
Blog: Planning Period: 9:50am-10:45am
Course Description: / Throughout this year in the 9th grade English & Social Studies block, students will work together to develop proficient reading, writing, speaking and listening skills while gaining a better understanding of literature, global issues, and government. To do this, we will read multiple genres of texts, write for a variety of purposes using various language skills, and practice speaking and listening to others. The skills students will learn and master are set forth by the Kentucky Core Academic Standards. The curricula for both classes will intersect frequently and students will be carrying knowledge from one class to the other, therefore, daily preparedness is key.
In the Honors Block I will challenge students in daily assessments as well as outside readings, projects, etc., requiring more effort from the student and additional homework than that of a general level course. Students in the Honors Block will work at a more rigorous and accelerated pace in order to better prepare them for future AP courses in English, Social Studies, and other content areas.
Course Objectives: / By the end of the year, students will be able to
- read independently from a variety of text and situations
- write using the writing process, including planning, revising, editing, rewriting, researching, reflecting, and addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose or audience
- write an informative, an argumentative, and a narrative piece
- adapt speech to a variety of contexts and texts, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated and appropriate
- acquire and use words and phrases for reading, writing, speaking and listening at the college and career readiness level.
- demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression
- apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for style or meaning, and to comprehend more fully when reading and writing.
- explain and give examples of how democratic governments preserve and protect the rights and liberties of their constituents through different sources
- compare and contrast various forms of government in the world and evaluate how effective they have been in establishing order, providing security and accomplishing common goals.
- compare and contrast economic systems based on their abilities to achieve broad social goals such as freedom, efficiency, equity, security and growth in the modern world.
- analyze how powers of government are distributed and shared among levels and branches and evaluate how this distribution of powers protects the "common good.”
- interpret the principles of limited government and evaluate how these principles protect individual rights and promote the "common good.”
- explain and give examples how the rights of one individual may, at times, be in conflict with the rights of another.
- explain how the rights of an individual may, at times, be in conflict with the responsibility of the government to protect the "common good.”
- give examples of and explain how scarcity of resources necessitates choices at both the personal and societal levels in the modern world and the United Statesand explain the impact of those choices.
- explain and give examples of how numerous factors influence the supply and demand of products.
- usea variety of geographic tools to explain and analyze the reasons for the distribution of physical and human features on Earth's surface.
- describe the movement and settlement patterns of people in various places and analyze the causes of that movement and settlement and the impacts in the modern world and United States.
Class Texts /
- The Language of Literature, Grade 9 (McDougal Littel)
- Various assigned novels and other texts (To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey, Nineteen Minutes)
- Civics Today (Glencoe)
- Various primary and secondary sources
Bring these to class every day! /
- 1” three ring binder
- Notebook paper
- Composition Book (can be left in my room in correct classroom bin)
- Pencils/pens
- Flashdrive
- Kleenex, paper towels, Clorox Wipes, white board markers, pencils, construction paper and other art supplies.
Hall Passes / Students will get 3 hall passes per 9 week grading period.
Internet Useage / It is my intention to use technology in our classroom. At times, students will have the opportunity to use the internet for classroom purposes. When this occurs, they will have access to school computers, but if they choose, they may use their cell phones for internet access. The use of their cell phone is optional, and as such, I cannot be responsible for any data or usage charges that they incur. Please discuss the particulars of their plan with them and let them know whether or not they have your permission to use their phones for this purpose.
What You Can Expect From Me /
- I will answer all of your questions to the best of my abilities.
- I will schedule time outside of class to help you if you need it.
- I will keep your parents informed of your progress in my class.
- I will always maintain high expectations of every student in my class.
- I will be fair.
Classroom Expectations and Procedures / The school’s rules are the same as mine:
- Be respectful.
- Be responsible.
- Be safe.
Grading & Homework / There will be homework 1-2 times per week. Homework/Classwork counts for 75% of your grade. In addition, students will be doing analytical writings based on primary and secondary sources in preparation for the types of assessments that they will encounter throughout their high school social studies classes. Students will also complete a debateexploring current events, and a global issue research project.
We will cover 6 units, each lasting 2-7weeks. There will be quizzes along the way, with a test at the end of each unit. Quizzes and tests count for 25% of your grade.
Grades are updated on a regular basis and are most current on Monday mornings. / SCPS Grading Scale
92-100% = A
84-91% = B
76-83% = C
68-75% = D
68%- below = F
Attendance and Tardies / The attendance policy established by Scott County Board of Education is strictly followed as stated in the student handbook. Attendance and punctuality are mandatory. If a student is at school, he/she is expected to be in class on time. If you should be tardy, I will follow the Scott County Ninth Grade School tardy policies and procedures. Please refer to your student handbook for further descriptions of each policy.
Academic Honesty / It is expected that all students will produce their own work. Any incidents of cheating on an assignment will result in a zero. Students caught using or looking at a cell phone during a test, will automatically have their phone confiscated, be given a zero for the test, and be given a discipline referral. The most common excuse for looking at a phone is, “I was checking to see what time it was.” There are 2 clocks in my room, one analog and one digital that are visible to all students.
Missed Work,
and Late Work / Late Work Policy
- Excused late assignments may be turned in at the next class meeting for full credit. If you are absent on the day that a major project is due or a test is to be taken, you will be expected to be prepared at the next class meeting for the project or test.
- Unexcused late, daily assignments may be turned in for 50% partial credit. However, late work must be completed within the current grading period.
- Make-up work is YOUR responsibility. I will be happy to help you with make-up work before or after school.
- All make-up work will be recorded as a zero until turned in and graded. This is especially important to athletes as it may hinder your eligibility.
- Make-up work will not take grading priority over any other class assignments.
Remind 101 / I also utilize REMIND 101 as a one-way texting/email system to send reminders about assignments & upcoming tests to students. This system allows me to communicate with all who are signed up without us ever exchanging phone numbers. Parents AND students are encouraged to sign up to receive the reminders. You have the option to receive my messages via text, email or both.
To receive text messages: text @msvolpe1 to (858) 914-2035
To receive messages via email:send a blank email to
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Welcome to a new school year! My name is Amanda Volpe and I am very excited to have your child in Honors Social Studies this school year. As a parent of a ninth grader as well, I am committed to giving your child the best experience possible. We will certainly be working very hard to reach your student’s goals.
Please review the class syllabus and curriculum plan to get a feel for what we will be doing in class and familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures of the department and my classroom. Please take some time to go over this syllabus with your student and sign below to indicate that you are aware of my classroom expectations and procedures. Have your student return the signed slip for his/her first grade in our class.
This is my ninth year teaching the Ninth Grade Nation. I graduated from Morehead State University with a Bachelor of Arts in History and received my Master of Arts in Secondary Education History as well as a Master of Arts in Special Education from Georgetown College. It is my goal throughout the school year to help every student reach his/her potential!
Thank you so much for your time and I invite you to visit the classroom at your convenience. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns throughout the school year. You can reach me by email at by phone at (502) 863-4635 ext. 4658. Again, thank you and I look forward to meeting you and working with your student.
Amanda M. Volpe
9th grade Social Studies teacher
Scott County Ninth Grade School
Please sign and return to Ms. Volpe in room 523
I have read and reviewed Ms. Volpe’s classroom expectations and policies/procedures with my child. I also understand that throughout the school year, my student may be viewing film/documentary clips related directly to core content and classroom material that are rated PG-13 or R or may contain coarse language or sensitive subjects.
Student’s Name:______Student Signature:
Parent(s) Signature:______Date: ______
Contact Information
Parent work phone:______
Parent cell phone: ______
Parent home phone:______
Parent email: ______
*Please circle preferred method of contact.
If there is any additional information you would like to share regarding your child, please feel free to do so below or use the back of this signature sheet. Thanks.