LOS MEDANOS COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE______DRAFT Minutes for March 2, 2005 Room 409 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Present: Ken Alexander, Ed Bolds, Jonathan Driscoll (student rep), Don Kaiper, Kiran Kamath (Chairperson), Marie Karp, Veronica Knott, Richard Livingston, Delores McNair, Earl Ortiz, Betty Pearman, Madeline Puccioni, Georgette Pulos-Fulk (Secretary), Shannon Ramirez, Myra Snell, Eileen Valenzuela, Nancy Ybarra

Absent: J.J. Stewart

Guest: Scott Cabral

Announcements and Public Comments:

·  Welcome to Betty Pearman. She is the new representative on the Curriculum Committee representing the “Computer Field”.

·  Information regarding Math pre-requisites at DVC. Effective the '05-06 academic year, the pre-requisite for Math 110 (Elementary Algebra) will be Pre-Algebra or the assessment process (test scores). High school math courses will no longer be accepted to satisfy DVC math prerequisites.

Approve agenda and minutes:

·  Agenda: Approved.

(M/S; Ybarra/Puccioni Unanimous

·  Minutes from 2/16/05: Approved

(M/S; Ybarra/Bolds) Unanimous

Consent Agenda:

·  DRAMA 30S – Change title to DRAMA 30LS (2005-06 catalog year).

Approved with the following change: Modify the last GE criterion “Social Diversity and Global Perspective” to include information listed in the course outline of record in “Course Content” IIIB on the “image of the Chicano in Mexican, United States and Chicano cinema”.

·  SPAN 080 – Elementary Spanish Grammar

·  SPAN 081 - Intermediate Spanish Grammar I

·  SPAN 082 - Intermediate Spanish Grammar II

·  SPAN 045S - Conversational Spanish II

Change all four catalog descriptions to clarify levels of Spanish courses and improve accuracy of descriptions. (2005-06 catalog year) Approved

(M/S; Karp/Puccioni) Unanimous

·  There was a motion that we should give the Office of Instruction latitude to make such minor changes to the catalog description and to determine which catalog year it will become effective in.


(M/S; Ybarra/Kaiper) Unanimous

Proposed New Course Outlines of Record

None for today’s meeting.

Existing Course Outlines of Record

None for today’s meeting.

Proposed New 900 Courses

None for today’s meeting.

Non-Traditional (Online Courses)

None for today’s meeting.

Clarify actions on committee decisions re: course outlines – specifically when “approved with changes”.

The committee distinguished between approving “courses with minor or editorial changes” and approving “courses with more substantive changes”:

1.  When courses are approved with editorial changes, the Curriculum Committee Chair is authorized to signoff prior to changes being made if the delay will affect the schedule and the catalog deadlines. In this case, the Deans will follow up with the author so that the changes are made.

2.  When courses are approved with substantive changes, the Curriculum Committee Chair is not authorized to sign the course outlines until the changes are made.

All course outlines approved in future “with changes” will be categorized as one or the other.

The committee also determined that the appropriate rep. on the Curriculum Committee will notify the author regarding the decision of the Curriculum Committee after each meeting. The rep. will also inform the author of the changes requested by the committee and the deadline by which time the changes should be made and submitted to the Dean in the Office of Instruction.

Proposed Changes to “Discipline List” – (see attachment)

After discussion on proposals #2 and #16, the Curriculum Committee recommends that the Academic Senate vote FOR the new changes:

·  Proposal #2 proposed change: Master’s in social work, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, counseling, or human services, or the equivalent. (HUMAN SERVICES)

·  Proposal #16 from Current Minimum Qualification: Bachelor’s degree and two years of experience, or any associate degree and six years of experience TO the proposed change: An advanced or professional degree in urban planning, public administration, social work or law OR a Bachelor’s degree and two years of full-time experience in urban planning, public administration, sociology, social work, political science, environmental studies, community lending, affordable housing field and real estate development OR an Associate degree and six years of full-time experience in urban planning, public administration, sociology, social work, political science, environment studies, community lending, affordable housing field and real estate development, community lending or affordable housing.

Determining if a course is Baccalaureate level by the Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee has to determine if a course is Baccalaureate level and designate the course as baccalaureate level on all course outlines. The criteria to make this determination are listed in the Considerations Involved in Determining What Constitutes a Baccalaureate Level Course – Academic Senate of the California State University, November 7, 1986.

While, this determination will be quite straightforward for most courses, it will require more careful evaluation for occupational courses.

In order to facilitate this evaluation by the Curriculum Committee, it was suggested that Eileen make a check list of the criteria for inclusion in the Curriculum Handbook.

Preliminary Discussion on “S” and “L” designations added to LMC course numbers

Currently designations are as follows:

o  S = course meets CSU/GE Requirements

o  L = course meets LMC GE Requirements

o  SL = means course meets both the above requirements.

After some discussion as to how these designations may complicate the articulation process, but facilitate student selection of courses, it was decided to:

·  Check on the status of the Senate bills 1785 and 1415 on Common Course Numbering

·  Have a further discussion on renumbering courses at LMC so that the course numbers are more consistent and sequential where the higher the number, the more advanced the course.

·  To pursue this discussion in the Academic Senate. The college has time for this discussion since the next catalog deadline is not till November 1, 2005.

Update From Shared Governance Council

·  The Financial Planning Model Proposals were reviewed.

·  There is a proposal for an Environmental Science Program (transfer level environmental science courses) here at LMC.

Articulation Update

None for this meeting.

Determine Agenda For Wednesday, March 16, 2005 Meeting

·  Draft of the Curriculum Handbook (how to complete the new COOR and the 900 course outline forms). We hope to have the entire handbook ready by the end of April.

Future discussion items:

·  Course approval procedures when a course impacts more than one department

·  Discussion on grading policies and “extra credit”. Part of handbook discussion. (March 16 meeting)

·  Discussion on “Correspondence Courses” and on “Mode of Instruction”. – Child Development

·  Information on Senate Bills 1785 and 1415 re: “Common Course Numbering” and “Lower Division Transfer Preparation”. (Delay discussion.)

·  Review of Curriculum Committee Website and discussion re: electronic processing of Curriculum Committee forms.

·  Discussion on LMC credit for Advanced Placement Exams (April meeting based on research by Marie Karp and Eileen Valenzuela).

·  Incorporating the GE criteria into the regular COOR form (ASAP to include this information in the handbook).